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Un-Authorised seige of Athira PD HQ - pT Gang

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Athira PD was under siege for hours, beginning with multiple rebels with air support (stolen hellcats) surrounding the base while APD held up in the tower.

Over the course of day, the tower was taken and ransomed back to APD. This was declined and removed from rebel hands by force. 

I am sick to death of rebels acting out large-scale attacks in cities without getting admin approval first. There were multiple bank robberies and hostage situations during this time, on top of a APD Training sessions. 

I spoke to pT members who claimed the seige happened by extention of trying to take a police officer hostage. But for it to last this long and result in them taking the base is a joke. They provided the following video from their steam: http://www.twitch.tv/lewisuk_/b/533734945

I can completely see the reasoning behind you lot being pissed off. It was complete chaos and wasn't really even meant but should police be prepared for these situations? I dunno but as you said its all just a rampage done my pissed off people and i think there should be an update to some of these rules as the server isn't small anymore, the admins cant handle anything.

Just have a thought, if we contacted the admins it would take a long time for them to respond and being there it would not have come before i died ( i was the first). Maybe the police should ask the admins before responding to a large scale rebel involvement, If there are no police there is nothing for a rebel to do so they will have to wait anyway (as long as the rebel knows that this is the case). Because in this at least an admin can contact the rebels before anything too big happens. If it is a spur of the moment decision just RP it until the no go is in place. you have coms so you are not stopped from telling admins. 

Just some thoughts to think about and would love to see your response

if you can't ask an admin, or don't get a response in time suitable to you, you don't do it. It's that simple.

In my eyes i don't see why you APD complain, Pc gill got over 1 mil for killing me and price + you don't even have to pay for gear... However over here on the rebel side we pay 120k each time we die to get new gear ETC. So seeing as this is the fact why is it so seemingly frustrating that this happens, respond and try your best not to break rules, i don't mean to be a piss pants but this is just blocking my view of all you guys 

haha i wish i made over a million, I didn't Sync my data  -_-  I thought it was a pretty decent fight.

Funny that you guys didn't record PAT taking it back over guys, i would of liked to watch to look at potential weak points in our plan.

So seeing as this is the fact why is it so seemingly frustrating that this happens, respond and try your best not to break rules, i don't mean to be a piss pants but this is just blocking my view of all you guys 
If you value your equipment don't bite off more than you can chew. Is your point that the police should buy our own stuff?

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Tbh, i didn't really agree in the 'RAPE AND PILAGE' thing that was going on, why i opted to be in the heli :p

We tried to take jake hostage, he ran back to his 'house' (cop base) so we burnt down his house to kill him and his friends for being a coward, pretty simple, and yes i had to log off (Parents would kill me if i stayed on later) so i did not get any more footage.

After the cops fired at us, i just thought 'Fuck it' and was air support the entire thing. I fired a shots randomly when i was logging out, I don't see why this is needed for complaints, it was good fun for all involved, sure it 'spread the cops thin' with all other stuff going on, but surely with the 'highly trained' officers you have, you can deal with 2 things at once, or maybe even 3 if you try! :)

One thing did come apperant though, officers really dislike the 15 minute rule. I don't know if they are alergic to the rule or what.

-Posted from mobile

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I loved the fight, I think my kill count was around 8-10. The only flaws with your plan was that a group in a suv went behind a house for cover, but had no where to move without going in the open. One of your PCSOs failed to find hard cover and was taken out quickly. Finally you didn't to lay down enough covering fire to support movement as I able to pick them off as they ran easily. As I said it was good fun and a brilliant fight the only poor point being jake disobeying 15m rule.

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Police HQ must be a safe zone,  I saw the attack through the stream  it maybe fun for the attackers but ruins the altis life game experience for the police.

It's a spawncamp and that's bs in all games.

For me it was a clear troll 

its not a spawn camp, if they didn't break the NLR. It makes perfect sense, what is the real difference with taking over a police HQ and a city (i know it wasn't authorized but...)

Trolling is being an absolute dick, but with this.. the cops should work together more effectively to take out the "troll" quicker.

I don't know what the hell i just typed but yeah, it splurged out.

its not a spawn camp, if they didn't break the NLR. It makes perfect sense, what is the real difference with taking over a police HQ and a city (i know it wasn't authorized but...)

Trolling is being an absolute dick, but with this.. the cops should work together more effectively to take out the "troll" quicker.

I don't know what the hell i just typed but yeah, it splurged out.
It is a spawn camp. No-one in APD can spawn there whilst under siege. I'm the CI of Athira, and I couldn't log in and spawn there. And police units, including those from other area's, cannot use that area to process criminals, re-stock equipment or get new vehicles. It should be a safe area for those reasons. If you want to attack it, get permission first. 

Whoever things is not a spawncamp must take a break from videogames, his brain is fried...

Consider also a cop joins the server without talking in ts. Spawns in Athira and dies instantly, is that considered RDM for him?

Whoever things is not a spawncamp must take a break from videogames, his brain is fried...

Consider also a cop joins the server without talking in ts. Spawns in Athira and dies instantly, is that considered RDM for him?
This did happen that's why Price had such a large kill count.

Sorry bro but it's true.

Also PAT is 70% CSO's they don't even carry weapon :)

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