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[UGN] Robbert (Rejected)

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One of my gang mates asked for help at piers because he was getting robbed. I arrived at piers to see one of the armed men kill my gang mate and my other gang mate escaped. The one who escaped explained to me how the men were robbing them and had just killed one of my gang mates so I scanned the hill for snipers and saw at least 2 armed snipers on the hill, I dont use the mouse scroll wheel to meta-game peoples names so as far as I was concerned you were part of the same group. Due to them being very close and also being in the direction of where the shots were coming from I opened fire on them and killed them. I see now in this video they may not have been involved in the robbery but non the less they were in the vicinity of the fight and had fully modded guns. If they had no intention of being involved in a gun fight the best option would have been to have holstered weapons. Sadly they rolled in to an active fight.
Well there you go incase you missed it he already explained to you ages ago.

We were there 2 minutes and there were no shots on that or from that hill, they would have been picked up from me and my members and there would have been reaction. There was none, because there were no shots, my off road pulled up on the hill which would have been visible from someone "scanning for snipers" and then I got in it again and moved it into cover which again would have been seen and heard.

If it wasn't RDM then robbert will have no issue showing the minutes leading up to his shooting me which I think came from the compound or close to it, in which case he would have heard at the very least my vehicle approach,

You keep spewing it was a hostile zone but not once until my friend got to the 2 individuals at the trader and they killed your guy did it look like that at all.

@Vladic Ka . Sorry to tag you in but any chance you could clean up the thread and lock it until admin review as UGN have a real problem following rules even when told multiple times.

Locking until we can review this report. If anyone has any further EVIDENCE to provide please send me it via PM and Ill add it to the thread.

Its shitty... and in this situation what do we do

While reviewing the video you was taking aim at them with a MK18... so already you have shown your hostile towards them and they have took the decision to shoot you based on that considering the area they area in.

Its a hard one and usually in these sorts of events little or no RP comes out but it would be unfair to ban, its not clearcut RDM.

Unable to issue a ban

Things to note, you are using the Arma system to metagame, please refrain from doing so in future.

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