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[UGN] Robbert (Rejected)

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Well-known member
United Kingdom
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): [UGN] Robbert
Time & Date this happened: 25th Jan 2015 at approx 21.25
Which Server did this happen on: Server 2
Description of what happened: Me and my friends went to rob some people at Piers Kitchen, we rolled up and got into position, 1 of my friends hadnt even initiated the Robbery situation when i was shot in the head with no words spoken and no roleplay
What Rule Was Broken ?: Added: RDM = Ban if no role-play, Remember this is a serious roleplay community therefore shooting people on sight with no roleplay is RDM, engage in roleplay at all times.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: my other friend spoke to him and he said his friends had been robbed and shot at Piers, but we rolled up and there was no one being shot at, There was a body on the ground and no current robberies in progress, regardless of whether i had my firearm out he should not have simply shot without roleplay, and if he has his footage he should upload to show his justification.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after) 
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One of my gang mates asked for help at piers because he was getting robbed. I arrived at piers to see one of the armed men kill my gang mate and my other gang mate escaped. The one who escaped explained to me how the men were robbing them and had just killed one of my gang mates so I scanned the hill for snipers and saw at least 2 armed snipers on the hill, I dont use the mouse scroll wheel to meta-game peoples names so as far as I was concerned you were part of the same group. Due to them being very close and also being in the direction of where the shots were coming from I opened fire on them and killed them. I see now in this video they may not have been involved in the robbery but non the less they were in the vicinity of the fight and had fully modded guns. If they had no intention of being involved in a gun fight the best option would have been to have holstered weapons. Sadly they rolled in to an active fight.

thats rubbish, there was a body down there which can be seen in the video but there was no active firefight when we turned up. people were running around the area, the whole video there isnt a single gun shot until you take the 2 shots that killed me. it is rdm, plain and simple.

what counts here is that we rolled up and if needed i can upload a longer version, that shows that there are no gun shots what so ever as we drove up to the top of the hill which if you were scouting shouldnt have gone un noticed. and no gun shots when i moved the truck behind a bush and moved into position before i was killed by Robbert

unless your video @Popadopalous is from the view of @UGN Robbert then it will make no difference to the events of my death, because he is the one that needs to justify his kill, not you.

@Lucas :) there may very well have been a firefight before i turned up, but never the less, the whole 2 minutes and 18 seconds the only shots heard are the 2 that killed me, i can upload a longer video showing my drive all the way from athira which will also show no gun shots from the kitchen all the way up to where i was killed.

I would just like to point out that at 1:40 in chat it shows my gang mate who was at piers being killed. Also at 1:30 you can clearly hear one of your gang members say "Don't shoot fucking hell". 

Above post will be an example of breaking the rules.

Report A Player Rules
1. Reports are not up for discussion, Anyone posting in a report who is not the reporter or the person they have reported then your post will be deleted and a warning point given (Restricts you posting for 7 days)
2. You may only comment on a report about you if you have evidence that shows otherwise or if the person has failed to contact you on Teamspeak.
3. Do not lie on reports or edit videos to get people banned, this will lead to a ban against you.
4. Failure to follow the title and the template given above will lead to the report being rejected.
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I would just like to point out that at 1:40 in chat it shows my gang mate who was at piers being killed. Also at 1:30 you can clearly hear one of your gang members say "Don't shoot fucking hell".
Id just like to point out that i jave already said there was a body there. Doesnt chamge the fact therr wasn a single shot firrd until you killed me without roleplay.
One of our members was killed, we then immediately notice snipers on the hill, we then proceed to kill the snipers. Theres nothing wrong with the kill. If you had no intentions of killing us, then don't be in a Snipers LUP with your rifle aimed at our position. Think whether your actions can be perceived as hostile before you advance on a gangs position when their members are being killed. Advancing on us with your sniper ready and your weapons aimed at our position can only mean you are hostile.

If all you wanted was to come down for a cup of tea, then come down unarmed and we'll be happy to interact with you. However in your own gangs video your gang is heard stating your intentions are to rob us, so you cannot claim your intentions were anything but hostile.

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One of our members was killed, we then immediately notice snipers on the hill, we then proceed to kill the snipers. Theres nothing wrong with the kill. If you had no intentions of killing us, then don't be in a Snipers LUP with your rifle aimed at our position. Think before you advance on a gangs position whos members are being killed. Advancing on us with your sniper ready and your weapons aimed at our position can only mean you are hostile.

If all you wanted was to come down for a cup of tea, then holster your weapons and we'll be happy to interact with you. However in your own gangs video your gang is heard stating your intentions are to rob us, so you cannot claim your intentions were anything but hostile.
Seeing as you aren't the one being reported your comment should be deleted and I would recommend a warning point issued as you are not a part of this report. And unless Robbert can provide evidence supporting what he claims I don't see why this isn't an open and shut case of rdm.

If all you wanted was to come down for a cup of tea, then holster your weapons and we'll be happy to interact with you. However in your own gangs video your gang is heard stating your intentions are to rob us, so you cannot claim your intentions were anything but hostile.
And just to say, doesn't matter that we intended to rob you, the point is that we had not done up to the point I was killed, what we said was over mic and not in game so I don't see how your last part of your statement would even be valid

Seeing as you aren't the one being reported your comment should be deleted and I would recommend a warning point issued as you are not a part of this report. And unless Robbert can provide evidence supporting what he claims I don't see why this isn't an open and shut case of rdm.
Quite simply because I was there.
Your video shows our member being killed, your video shows you in a sniper position with your weapon aimed at us, you, a sniper, are then killed. This is not RDM, this is you being careless and not thinking if your actions could be perceived as hostile.

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Quite simply because I was there.

Your video shows our member being killed, your video shows you in a sniper position with your weapon aimed at us, you, a sniper, are then killed. This is not RDM, this is you being careless and not thinking if your actions could be perceived as hostile.
Then maybe you should read the rules @Neo was kind enough to post above, you are not the poster or the accused and you are not providing evidence to support him which in this case would only be s video from his point of view so your comments are irrelevant.

I'd like to see Robberts PoV showing his side of things, as you can say whatever you like to support your friend but what my video shows is his shooting me without any prior engagement of rp, and I'd like to know where he was when he killed me as when my friend got to him he was in a bush behind us where my friend believes he moved to from the compound up the hill so he should have heard and seen my off-road coming and known I was not part of that scenario.

Your comments are still against the rules as shown in the rules

Report A Player Rules

1. Reports are not up for discussion, Anyone posting in a report who is not the reporter or the person they have reported then your post will be deleted and a warning point given (Restricts you posting for 7 days)

2. You may only comment on a report about you if you have evidence that shows otherwise or if the person has failed to contact you on Teamspeak.

3. Do not lie on reports or edit videos to get people banned, this will lead to a ban against you.

4. Failure to follow the title and the template given above will lead to the report being rejected.

So unless the next comment is from robbert showing evidence supporting his side of events I hope the admins will deal with your clans wasteful comments appropriately.

Then maybe you should read the rules @Neo was kind enough to post above, you are not the poster or the accused and you are not providing evidence to support him which in this case would only be s video from his point of view so your comments are irrelevant.

I'd like to see Robberts PoV showing his side of things, as you can say whatever you like to support your friend but what my video shows is his shooting me without any prior engagement of rp, and I'd like to know where he was when he killed me as when my friend got to him he was in a bush behind us where my friend believes he moved to from the compound up the hill so he should have heard and seen my off-road coming and known I was not part of that scenario.

Your comments are still against the rules as shown in the rules

Report A Player Rules

1. Reports are not up for discussion, Anyone posting in a report who is not the reporter or the person they have reported then your post will be deleted and a warning point given (Restricts you posting for 7 days)

2. You may only comment on a report about you if you have evidence that shows otherwise or if the person has failed to contact you on Teamspeak.

3. Do not lie on reports or edit videos to get people banned, this will lead to a ban against you.

4. Failure to follow the title and the template given above will lead to the report being rejected.

So unless the next comment is from robbert showing evidence supporting his side of events I hope the admins will deal with your clans wasteful comments appropriately.
I was the gang leader in charge of our UGN operation at Piers, Robbert has explained to you, as have I, but you dont seem to be paying attention to what is being explained.

Your video shows all that needs to be shown. Its already been explained multiple times. Next time think how your actions can be perceived as hostile before you enter an area where our members are being killed.

ive read what you say, and still believe it was RDM under the pretence of his shooting with no rp as I suspect he saw our off-road coming from his position

All your doing is disregarding forum rules and trying to turn the blame around as if it is our fault like I see your clan do on an almost daily basis.

You are paying no attention to the fact you should not be posting here, and regardless of what you say, unless robbert can show his point of view all that shows is he killed me with no rp, especially if he was at the compound where he would have seen us coming in our truck.

On our approach there could have been warning shots, suspicious seeing as for a whole minute my team walked down that hill to get into positions without any shots being fired, maybe your friend was killed, from the look of it he was killed by a guy in the kitchen and not by a sniper as claimed by you lot, as it would have been heard from me as well as your clan members.

You are simply throwing up a lousy excuse to justify killing with no RP.

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This same claim has been made before on countless times agaisnt other gangs and UGN, and the admins words have always been;

If you enter a hostile area, that you know or suspect is hostile, then you should expect to be treated with hostility.

And for the case of my gang member being killed by a sniper, and his team mates on the look out for other snipers, and you unfortunately turning up at the wrong place at the wrong time. You will always be considered a threat.

I have had extensive chats with other gang leaders and police about these situations, and it is about applying the common sense of, do I fully accept the responsibilty of my actions by entering a hostile area with a weapon out.

It is unfortunate timing for yourself and any others that entered the area to be caught in a gun fight, but no one but yourself made you approach and assume a hostile sniping position above the dealer. You could of left at any time and come back when the situation was out of your hands.

This same claim has been made before on countless times agaisnt other gangs and UGN, and the admins words have always been;

If you enter a hostile area, that you know or suspect is hostile, then you should expect to be treated with hostility.

And for the case of my gang member being killed by a sniper, and his team mates on the look out for other snipers, and you unfortunately turning up at the wrong place at the wrong time. You will always be considered a threat.

I have had extensive chats with other gang leaders and police about these situations, and it is about applying the common sense of, do I fully accept the responsibilty of my actions by entering a hostile area with a weapon out.

It is unfortunate timing for yourself and any others that entered the area to be caught in a gun fight, but no one but yourself made you approach and assume a hostile sniping position above the dealer. You could of left at any time and come back when the situation was out of your hands.
It's so nice to see so many ugn members who have such blaitent disregard for the forum rules. As far as myself and my clan were concerned it was not a hostile situation as much as you want to throw that at me, I wasn't shooting at anyone and you lot keep commenting when you shouldn't. If robberts PoV shows his not knowing we weren't part of the situation you speak of which I can't really see then it's fine I'll leave it there, if his PoV shows our arrival in the off road which I suspect it will then it is rdm.
so you have all the conversations you want with other clans and police you like, don't comment on here as you are not the accused, the accuser or a member of the admin team.

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