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[UGN] - Pandagasm [GL]

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Well-known member
United Kingdom
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): [uGN] - Pandagasm [GL]
Time & Date this happened: approx 2pm gmt 14th Dec 2014
Description of what happened: i was off duty with a friend, i had just been robbed by a gentleman who used no rp but im not to worried about that as i had little money anyway, i followed the guy and lost him around the drug dealer area and i saw trucks there so i went to ask if they had seen a box truck. you will see in the video when i say hi i am clicking in and out of aim, this is my pressing wrong buttons, but as i approach you will see i put the gun down, and was about to put it away when i am shot with no roleplay what so ever. i know it is the drug dealer area but surely thats no exception to the RDM rule.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: i messaged him asking him for an explination as to why he RDM'd me before i reported him for it to hopefully sort it out in game without a report and i got a sarcastic "see you on forum" message as a response.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
here is the video of the rdm.
here is a screenshot of his sarcastic response to my message

Dude, the same thing has happen to me before by a police officer.

He was behinde me and told me to put my gun away, and when i turned arround to se who it was, saying it(i did not know it was a officer), he shot me dead... 

Shit like this just happens sometimes man, and to be honest, I rather shot one to many times, than risk getting shot by another player.

You just came into the drug dealer area where there is clearly an operation in progress with multiple trucks and armed men, you come in with your gun pointed in our faces, on my screen you never put your gun away. A few moments before that there was an attempted robbery and I thought you were still part of the other gang who were shooting us, therefore as far as I was concerned RP was already initiated and you were there to kill us. 

Next time it might be wise not to approach an armed group of people who are in the midst of a drug deal with your gun pointed at them. If all you approached our group for was to ask a question, then perhaps it would have been more sensible not to approach us at gun point. If you already got robbed then you had nothing further to lose and no reason to have your gun in our faces. 

As for replying to your message "sarcastically" as you claim, my reply was not meant sarcastically, but genuinely. As far as I'm aware the in game Mobile Phone messaging system is not supposed to be for discussing a potential out of role play RDM. So, we discuss on the forum.

Also i find it a bit strange that you had "just been robbed by a gentleman who used no rp" and you're "not to worried about that as i [YOU] had little money anyway"... yet in this instance you consider no RP was used either, but you're making a formal complaint about this event because you lost your gun as opposed to your "little money". What makes this instance more important or more significant that the previous? I am of the opinion that you are remembering events from your time as a Cop in which you may have an ill feeling towards me, and that it is the fact that I killed you, that is making this event more important to you than the previous event which you consider to also have been in non-RP.

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im sorry but that's a load of crap, considering I said hey and went to ask you a question there was no reason for you to shoot without saying a word, regardless of your being in the middle of a drug deal or what not, if what you say is true then why would I have said hey and went to talk to you instead of shooting you in the face instantly as I had the drop on you?

you can see in the video I lowered the gun, and it comes up when running but drops straight back down again when you stop. you plain and simply shot me with no rp and without saying a single word when you had 5 to 10 seconds to do so after I said hey. you didn't say anything and just pulled the trigger.

Nah man, this is an RDM straight up. You said nothing before you shot him, I highly doubt that Dan would of RP'd a robbery of you guys because he was out manned and outgunned, he tried to contact you by saying hello and then you shot him without saying a word.

Its not looking good for you Panda.

you are twisting things which I do not find amusing or appreciate

I have never dealt with you as a cop so I have no ill feelings towards you at all, the reason I find what you did more significant is that you killed me and I got your name straight away, the guy that knocked me out and took no money from me ran off into his box truck and drove off, to which I gave chase to at least get his name, but when I followed him past the drug dealer I came across you. said hey. came towards you to ask a question and you just shot me, there was plenty of time for you to respond and realise that is was rp initiation and nothing to do with your illegal activities.

where you say on your screen you didn't see me put my gun away, that's because I didn't have the chance to. but it was lowered.

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Well i've already explained I considered RP to still be active due to the events with the previous gang. Now its all said and done its clear you're not part of them, however in the heat of the action a person with a gun in my face is easy to perceive as being the same threat. 

I know the rules about RP and would not have shot you if I thought RP was not active.

I'll let the admins decide now.

I was there when this went down and on my screen your gun was still out we had just been having a shoot up with police and other gangs and you decide ill approach them from behind with a gun whilst we are in the middle of it as far as im concerned it was plain stupid from Dan and he shouldn't approach people from behind with guns.  

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oh you were having a shootout with police when the police weren't even on the server at the time lol. that makes sense.

I will say again, it was lowered, I initiated roleplay when I said hey, which is a clear indication of something new, if I was part of the prior shootout you had I could have killed at least 2 of you which I didn't because I went to ask a question.

panda, I wasn't in your face with the gun as I was to your left which is shown in the video, plus the fact I spoke and said hey doesn't show me to be a threat really, I think your trying to cover your own back with your friends help for a simple case of RDM

indeed the admin can decide.

This is funny how the recording is after you shot 2 of our people at the back off the building and then ran to the front and was expecting to not be shot. The only problem is that we didn't have that recorded and I would say that the video is not long enough evidence considering why were you lurking around that back with a gun?

This baffles me slightly. Looking at this from purely a RP point of view. 

In a RP situation, why on earth would you go to a heavily armed group of people that are clearly doing an illegal activity whilst in possession of a weapon which is semi pointed at them, at night, from their blind spot asking them a question about a missing truck? Think about it. If you did that in real life what do you recon would happen? These guys are carrying illegal firearms, carrying out an illegal activity, so obviously mean business.

If you saw a drug deal going down of that magnitude, I doubt you would go up to all these scary men and go. 

"Hey mate, you seen my truck, i seem to have lost it..." (whilst pointing a gun at these blokes, and approaching from a blind spot)

If you were that worried about your truck would you not approach from the front of the complex with your gun holstered stating clearly "Guys I i don't want any trouble.... etc etc" not "Heeeeyyyyy".

I would expect more sense from an off duty police officer, its not as if you are a random civilian. 

Also, from a RP point of view, and I am curious.

If you had just lost a box truck why would said box truck go to the Drug Dealer if you are an off duty cop? 

I am not trying to have a go or anything like that, I am genuinely curiously what you process of thought was in this situation and what made you choose the option you did, especially if its all about RP.

1) oh you were having a shootout with police when the police weren't even on the server at the time lol. that makes sense.

2) I will say again, it was lowered, I initiated roleplay when I said hey, which is a clear indication of something new, if I was part of the prior shootout you had I could have killed at least 2 of you which I didn't because I went to ask a question.

3) panda, I wasn't in your face with the gun as I was to your left which is shown in the video, plus the fact I spoke and said hey doesn't show me to be a threat really, I think your trying to cover your own back with your friends help for a simple case of RDM

indeed the admin can decide.
1) You provided no evidence to back up that claim.

2) And I will say again that on my screen you always had your gun out, at no point did you ever put it away. Lesson for everyone, GUN OUT = THREAT, being lowered is only 1 extra click away from killing, it means nothing. It just doesnt make sense that you approach us at gun point just to ask a question when you see we're in the middle of a drug deal where there had previously been shootings. 

3) At 15 seconds you raise your gun and run towards us. Then you are killed. I already explained I thought you to be part of the people we were shooting with. I dont need to cover my back, if I had any shadow of a doubt that RP was initiated I would not have told you to report it on the forum, I would have apologised in game and offered some sort of compensation. 

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This is funny how the recording is after you shot 2 of our people at the back off the building and then ran to the front and was expecting to not be shot. The only problem is that we didn't have that recorded and I would say that the video is not long enough evidence considering why were you lurking around that back with a gun?
to what you said @Boris_Johnson, ill post an extented version of the video and you can explain to me where it is i shot 2 of your people if you like. id love to have you show where that happened.


1) You provided no evidence to back up that claim.

2) And I will say again that on my screen you always had your gun out, at no point did you ever put it away. Lesson for everyone, GUN OUT = THREAT, being lowered is only 1 extra click away from killing, it means nothing. It just doesnt make sense that you approach us at gun point just to ask a question when you see we're in the middle of a drug deal where there had previously been shootings. 

3) At 15 seconds you raise your gun and run towards us. Then you are killed. I already explained I thought you to be part of the people we were shooting with. I dont need to cover my back, if I had any shadow of a doubt that RP was initiated I would not have told you to report it on the forum, I would have apologised in game and offered some sort of compensation. 
the gun raised as i ran like they always do but the video shows how the gun is lowered before i get to you, and your statement of "Gun out = Threat" does not mean you shoot without a word especially when i engage with you, if i had been part of your other shootout i would have shot first and you know it especially seeing as i was out gunned majorly and had the upper hand of suprise, thats what already in rp with you would have done, my saying hello was initiating different rp.

i dont need to provide proof that there were not police on because the admin can look at the time and see that no police were online which will colaborate what i said, 

as i said in a previous comment, i came towards you, gun lowered after i said hey, and as i went to talk to you in you know "roleplay" fashion, and at the same time just about to put my weapon in my back pack you shot me so i didnt have chance to.

finally you didnt tell me to report on the forum at all as shown in your response to me, i asked you why you rdm'd me before i report you to which you gave me your response.

ADDED: im going to leave it to the admin now, no need to bulk this thread out into to much of a read for them to make their decision

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Ok sorry there was a miss understanding you came after the fight were 2 of our guys had been shot so I apologise for accusing you of that.

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People will be highly strung around drug dealers, to even approach them with a gun will almost always result in some sort of hostile response, situational awarness dear chap!


as i said in a previous comment, i came towards you, gun lowered after i said hey, and as i went to talk to you in you know "roleplay" fashion, and at the same time just about to put my weapon in my back pack you shot me so i didnt have chance to.

finally you didnt tell me to report on the forum at all as shown in your response to me, i asked you why you rdm'd me before i report you to which you gave me your response.

Ok so it all boils down to; you approached my group with your gun out when we we're in the middle of a drug deal, there had previously been shootings so tensions were high, you then said "hey..." to us with your gun out, I then shot and killed you as I felt you were an immediate threat and that RP was still active from the previous group.
Obviously its a misunderstanding as we now know you're not part of the previous group, so from your POV there was no RP. And we now know you believe having you gun out but lowered somehow doesnt make you a threat, yet to others it is still seen as a threat. Perhaps if you have no intention of using your gun, dont have it out.  :ph34r:
Its a trivial point but my reply to your in game phone message with "see you on the forum" is the same as "take it to the forum", its interchangeable. How you can perceive this differently is a story for another day.
I wish you a nice evening.  :)
I'll leave this one for a server admin, unfortunately running towards a group of heavily armed men, pistol aimed and saying "yo" is never a start of a good conversation, the call is not mine to make however.

Denied - 17/12/14

This seems more like a reaction than planned RDM.

"Sneaking up" on someone with ur gun in ur hands while it's dark is not the best thing to do.

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