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[UGN] Darren - Killing in Green Zone

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Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): [uGN] Darren
Time & Date this happened: 03/02/2015 23:50
Which Server did this happen on: server 1
Description of what happened: After a fellow officer restrained a person with an illegal firearm he placed him in the casino, which is the original place we found them with weapons out, I stepped outside the building and got shot by [uGN] Darren and was killed.
What Rule Was Broken ?:

Rule 4A: Safe Zones
Killing = Instant Ban, No killing in the safezone... no killing from outside the safezone if someone is inside it and no killing people outside the safezone from the safezone.

Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Yes, at the beggining he was abusive and arrogant, I said I would not report straight away in the hope they would improve and learn from their mistakes, after an attack on the training area and more abuse I received from him earlier in the day, I beleive improvement for him is not possible.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)

This was fully resolved 2 weeks ago, We spoke on Teamspeak with over 5 UGN members present.

The situation was complicated as you had pulled a restrained member of UGN into the green zone during the middle of a firefight. You realised you were getting shot and then you deliberately ran straight back out into the line of fire ( Not valuing your life ) purely to get the opportunity to report me.

I would like to see theese abusive messages you have, as I clearly haven't sent any. This morning we tried to resolve an issue on TS and you stormed off like a little child.

This is clearly just retaliation to the post I've just made for Maratek

Please post more evidence than a 10 second clip. showing the entire series of events.

Many thanks,


@CSI Fuel  this was discussed immediately with you at the time (two weeks ago) on teamspeak and was fully resolved from both sides. I'm upset to say ive lost much respect for you for posting this. 

I note how you failed to mention you arrested our gang members and then escorted us in handcuffs to the mystical safety of the casino green zone (i.e. combat started outside it and led into it). 

I also not the timing of this thread is beyond a joke as this clear retaliation to Darren just now reporting Maratek for a clear RDM. The fact that you have not reported this at the time is evident you posting two weeks later is retaliation for the genuine report on Maratek. 

Much respect lost for this.

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Description of what happened: After a fellow officer restrained a person with an illegal firearm he placed him in the casino, which is the original place we found them with weapons out, I stepped outside the building and got shot by [uGN] Darren and was killed.
This was far from fully sorted out, I said and I qoute "I will not put it up yet" this in in the hope you improved as Panda is actually a decent person, so no it was not fully resolved, it was me giving you a chance to improve, I even took time to take you guys out and show you how to RP a bank robbery, I have tried and tried to help you but to no avail, now we are here.

and panda yes I did state what happened I restrained nobody I arrested nobody, I was just their, and I stated yes he was in the casino green zone as that is where the crime happened

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"This was far from fully sorted out, I said and I qoute "I will not put it up yet" this in in the hope you improved as Panda is actually a decent person, so no it was not fully resolved, it was me giving you a chance to improve, I even took time to take you guys out and show you how to RP a bank robbery, I have tried and tried to help you but to no avail, now we are here."

So you deliberately held back a report so you can use it tactically at a later date?

Provide evidence of me being abusive towards you in any shape you can, Including any team speak logs you possess, as your fabricated lies won't hold up without solid evidence of any wrongdoing.

This is meant to be an adult community, not children going tit for tat as you quite clearly see it.

"This was far from fully sorted out, I said and I qoute "I will not put it up yet" this in in the hope you improved as Panda is actually a decent person, so no it was not fully resolved, it was me giving you a chance to improve, I even took time to take you guys out and show you how to RP a bank robbery, I have tried and tried to help you but to no avail, now we are here."

So you deliberately held back a report so you can use it tactically at a later date?

Provide evidence of me being abusive towards you in any shape you can, Including any team speak logs you possess, as your fabricated lies won't hold up without solid evidence of any wrongdoing.

This is meant to be an adult community, not children going tit for tat as you quite clearly see it.
I have provided solid evidence of you killing in a green zone, so please do not accuse me of lying at all

here is from my logs of Panda appologising for you, I do not record my teamspeak conversations but maybe from now on I shall

<13:12:49> "Panda": sorry dude i didnt mean for us to come here for ppl to get angry

This was far from fully sorted out, I said and I qoute "I will not put it up yet" this in in the hope you improved as Panda is actually a decent person, so no it was not fully resolved, it was me giving you a chance to improve, I even took time to take you guys out and show you how to RP a bank robbery, I have tried and tried to help you but to no avail, now we are here.

and panda yes I did state what happened I restrained nobody I arrested nobody, I was just their, and I stated yes he was in the casino green zone as that is where the crime happened

So you post this merely 50 minutes after the Maratek report... this appears more like a retaliation report than a concern for player improvement. 

Fuel you will remember our conversation on teamspeak, I said on TS with you that Darren asked me for permission to shoot. I explained to you that as combat had started outside the green zone and led into it, I thought it was acceptable to shoot as people arent allowed to use the mystical green zone to protect them from combat. So you know the responsibility of this lies with me.

We talked in length about this with you and we (as far as i thought) were good about this. Since you told us regardless if combat starts outside the greenzone you cant shoot inside the greenzone we have taken this onboard and learnt from this. This shooting was a misinterpretation of the rules and not a clear disregard for the rules. Thinking "its OK to shoot because it started outside the green zone" is totally different IMO from thinking, "i know i cant shoot here but im going to do it anyway". 

I gave Darren the permission to shoot for the reasons I already explained, as the gang leader I have the responsibility to put myself into the firing line here as I cannot allow Darren to get banned for my decision and my misinterpretation of the rules. 

I'm sad that it's come to this.

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I have provided solid evidence of you killing in a green zone, so please do not accuse me of lying at all

here is from my logs of Panda appologising for you, I do not record my teamspeak conversations but maybe from now on I shall

<13:12:49> "Panda": sorry dude i didnt mean for us to come here for ppl to get angry
I said ppl (people) to get angry, not Darren to get angry.

To be fair, the decisions made on breaking of rules is for admins, this should of been posted regardless of what was said.

To be fair, the decisions made on breaking of rules is for admins, this should of been posted regardless of what was said.
There was a misinterpretation of the rules, It was the understanding of myself and the group involved that if RP/ Combat was initiated before entering the green zone. The No shooting in the green zone policy was null and void. 

Since being corrected by CSI Fuel, there has been no further incidents. 

+1 for no ban. He was a well respected member. Idk what happened but I think he needs a ban to sort him out. Poor fuel

can someone please care to elaborate on the proceedings that occurred before the officer was in the green zone.

Had he fired first/at all?

We saw 2 armed men inside the Casino, we Issued compliance, they ran I could not find any of them but other officers did, I believe it was INS Gazalad that found one and brought him back to the casino, on the was back SPC Timmy was shot in the back which Wilco Issued a ban for due to poor RP, INS Gazalad proceeded to search for the other person and so did I, once I realised that he had left the person un-monitored restrained in the Casino I headed back which is when UGN Darren Shot me from across the road, no words was spoken to me, my life was never threatened.

I never tazed, fired my weapon, escorted or restrained anyone.

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We saw 2 armed men inside the Casino, we Issued compliance, they ran I could not find any of them but other officers did, I believe it was INS Gazalad that found one and brought him back to the casino, on the was back SPC Timmy was shot in the back which Wilco Issued a ban for due to poor RP, INS Gazalad proceeded to search for the other person and so did I, once I realised that he had left the person un-monitored restrained in the Casino I headed back which is when UGN Darren Shot me from across the road, no words was spoken to me, my life was never threatened.

I never tazed, fired my weapon, escorted or restrained anyone.
One of your officers was just shot and killed in an attempt to free me, and whilst combat was already initiated I was in handcuffs and being escorted to the green zone by the Police for God to protect you.

Dont you think arresting someone outside the green zone then dragging them into it to protect yourselves (as one of your officers had just been shot and killed) is abusing what the green zone is meant for?

Like I said that is where the crime was committed, I was not the officer that escorted you their, that is a different complaint if you have an issue with being taken to the casino then report a player section is where you need to file you complaint, the rules are black and white, not for personal interpretation, you was returned to the scene of the crime, nothing else, do you attack the police HQ when one of your guys have been arrested?

Full run down of events,

Panda was seen with a rahim on his back at the RBA bank in kavala. 

Officer approached Panda and restrained him on the road, next to the Garage as panda had fled.

Panda told the officers that armed men were in the area, and if he wasn't free'd they would be killed.

They started to move Panda and were imediately fired upon.

Csi Fuel turns Up at the casino,

UGN Kiddo killed an officer escorting Panda into the green zone (See his ban thread)

Panda was moved into the Casino

I asked permission to shoot the officers in the casino as combat had already been initiated

Permission was Given from panda (misinterpretation of the rules)

CSI Fuel died.


Link to the video from a different PoV showing the officers were in combat.

Where is the threat that we have supposedly re wives you can here him talking ingame no threat was ever issued. But again that video got kid banned, what you did was exactly the same but from a further distance and into the greenzone.

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