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Ubanned Request! (mrs Stixio)

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Well-known member
Hello there! i gonna explain why i killed him and why i sholdnt be banned! 

Ok so first, me and my mate was howering over Agios for finding some peopple to ge to rob. Then we went down! After that Espixio went out and told him to surrend! As fast i saw that this guy didnt do what we told him to i landed once again and ran into the house! About one minute gone and my bud crashhed into my heli with a acccident! He actually was about to go buy some food for me but he died in the explosion of the car! After he died and the explosion was in progress i just saw a random guy running to Espixio (DEAD) and looted him! I just found out that,, that was the guy we just told to surred! i just thiught over that he didnt do what we saied so i killed him! i dont think u can call that a actually RDM (random deathmatch) for being hoonest! 

Its pretty sad that i jacked money from my father for donatiing to Altislife.co.uk! So please unban or anything! it wasnt really a RDM! This is a server i've played allot on! I like to play and spent too much time on it to get banned! Iknow this is ur chooice but i would love come back play with you all! Probably theres comming some huge updates soon in the futhure that i dont wanna looose! 

Have a great time & a good day! 

I do not want chitchat in unban appeals, constructive criticism or be warned.

As for Sitxio, it's not 1 situation, it were several.

I never saw you role playing but i did saw you screwing around with people, plus all the reports you got tell me that you don't follow rules.

Didn't you find weird multiple guys claimed you rdm/vdmed them? Isn't that enough warnings?

If you do any more unban posts i will permanently ban you from the forums as well.

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all to your respect. you vdm'd me and there are multiple theads reporting you and i am as shure as hell there are people like the that havent reported you on forums.


Hello there! i gonna explain why i killed him and why i sholdnt be banned! 

Ok so first, me and my mate was howering over Agios for finding some peopple to ge to rob. Then we went down! After that Espixio went out and told him to surrend! As fast i saw that this guy didnt do what we told him to i landed once again and ran into the house! About one minute gone and my bud crashhed into my heli with a acccident! He actually was about to go buy some food for me but he died in the explosion of the car! After he died and the explosion was in progress i just saw a random guy running to Espixio (DEAD) and looted him! I just found out that,, that was the guy we just told to surred! i just thiught over that he didnt do what we saied so i killed him! i dont think u can call that a actually RDM (random deathmatch) for being hoonest! 

Its pretty sad that i jacked money from my father for donatiing to Altislife.co.uk! So please unban or anything! it wasnt really a RDM! This is a server i've played allot on! I like to play and spent too much time on it to get banned! Iknow this is ur chooice but i would love come back play with you all! Probably theres comming some huge updates soon in the futhure that i dont wanna looose! 

Have a great time & a good day! 
You saw a random guy that you just played a long side with at the crash site for over a minute and decided to kill him without saying a word or giving him an option because your mate told him to stop his car earlier?

You didn´t think that you had to say something as that random guy had been around you for quite some time and couldn´t possible know you were playing with your mate the way you acted with your weapon on your back and not saying or doing anything. And even if hed knew you still have to rp it. Not walk around as you had nothing to do with it and then just shoot with no warning after a minute.

Then a robber can tell someone to stop or get killed. If the person gets away then if a friend of the robber see the guy later on then he would be allowed just to go up to him and shoot him without any rp.

And your mate didn´t even give me an option he just told me to stop the car. I also wonder how your mate knew my name to be able to text me with you in the chopper above and why he did not risk to take the heat and confront me on the street?

The same mate that when asked if he know you answered that he don´t?

And people should warn us before posting! ill comp ppl who i rdmed!
Don´t complain about that ppl should warn you before posting, I clearly told you, as everyone can make mistakes, to compensate me for my loss or get reported if you are not willing to correct your wrong doing.

And your talk about donating makes me sick. Put this one down/away for good.

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