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TY police <3

sean boyd

i would like to just thank the police for the great job last night, my friend lewis was just new to the server when we dicided to use me as a hostage to rob the petrol station, lewis made up a story about ricky spanish threatening him to do it and asked to go into witness protection, and to my suprise use played along with that which ended up making it a double hostage situation.

it began with lewis taking me hostage at the fuel station he was robbing , police breached the back door and tazed him, and released me , lewis came up with this story about ricky whilst i was giving my statement, next thing i knew caitlin was taking him into witness protection as lewis feared for his life from this drug lord, a little while later i caught up with lewis and caitlin at a factory close by, i walked in and caitlin asked what i was doing there i replied, ricky spanish sent me, i then looked at lewis and said the job has to be done, caitlin looked at me and lewis from behind took his gun out ( i dont no why he wasnt restrained or why he still had his gun ) and took her hostage, the police arrived in force and completely locked down the area....

we asked for a negiotiator and one came, and then this other guy arrived who really shouldnt have been there he was asked to leave but didnt so we just got on with it , we asked for 500k and a getaway vechile and the negiotor then told us it was out of there budget and offered us 125k ( we were only here for the role play ) so we dropped it to 50k and a vechile, the weird guy who wouldnt leave then brought in a car but refused to give me the keys, time was running out, and the server was gona shut down so i wanted to end the situation and play out the senario,

the negiotor tried to stall us on time and the weird guy finally did give me the keys so when i got the last message saying server was going down in 5 minutes i told lewis to forget the money get in the car we were gona try get away,

the police did stop us as we tried to get away but id like to thank everyone who participated for sticking to the senario and not ruining it for us, as i was showing this guy how to rp and i think he done pretty well, i showed him alot yesterday, from taking 2 hostages and making them sing for there freedom, ( i gave both players 50k after there song as a thanks) we also played as arac, as there can be alot of rp involved there, and then this big situation . so thats for the cooperation guys and hopefully cvan do it again ^^

[SIZE=medium]3K) Own gang hostages[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]You are unable to take your own gang member/s hostage[/SIZE]
Glad you had fun, next time put this in the 'recommend a player' forum, as this is basically a recommendation for the police  :Cool:

[SIZE=medium]3K) Own gang hostages[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]You are unable to take your own gang member/s hostage[/SIZE]
He never stated they were in a gang together. He stated they were friends. I don't understand why people pick out any rule they can find to get people in trouble even on a positive thread like this.

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[SIZE=medium]3K) Own gang hostages[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]You are unable to take your own gang member/s hostage[/SIZE]
i do understand that and we werent in a gang, tbh it was ment to be a fuel station robbery n that was it, i do know the guy and i did tell the officers the situation, but lewis and caitlin took it to another level, we didnt do the robbery for money  it was pretty clear lewis wasnt getting out of the fuel station out of cuffs, the second hostage situation was the best part and thanks why im here thanking the police for showing the guy altislife.co.uk is a good place to play at, personally i wanted him to go to jail, 

thanks @WhoisDanill defo write it up in the recommend a player

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There where multiple police members in this hostage operation. We had you guys in overwatch from I-99. 
It was a shame that there was a server restart.... but it was a nice OP in our point of view:  lowering the demands, getting Caitlin out safely 
and most of all.... #tryingtoRPeverything 

Thumbs up to you for being a good friend and showing him the ropes :D I hope he enjoyed it too.

I've got to admit, I was very embarrassed for yet again letting my guard down. I did want to confiscate his pistol, but at the same time I didn't want to leave him without any means of self-defence from Ricky Spanish. He did seem genuinely scared of him, I couldn't help but just go along with it!

When he first mentioned Ricky Spanish, I couldn't help but giggle a little bit off-mic because it just made me think of that whisper in American Dad with Roger playing Ricky Spanish. Did I mention, Ricky Spanish?


Glad you had fun, next time put this in the 'recommend a player' forum, as this is basically a recommendation for the police  :Cool:

He never stated they were in a gang together. He stated they were friends. I don't understand why people pick out any rule they can find to get people in trouble even on a positive thread like this.
Well, I Don't personally see that big different that are you playing someone who is in your gang or who is your friend. if this is true that does make it easy just, say that your friend will leave the gang group and then you can take him as hostage

Well, I Don't personally see that big different that are you playing someone who is in your gang or who is your friend. if this is true that does make it easy just, say that your friend will leave the gang group and then you can take him as hostage
It's like saying on my rebel holiday I can't take you hostage if you was on holiday too because we are friends

It's like saying on my rebel holiday I can't take you hostage if you was on holiday too because we are friends
thats not exactly whats my point in this case, I want to know whats the big difference if im playing with my friend together on rebel side, and we decide that "oh jimmy let me take you as hostage and we can ask money or I will kill you, because that normal to take you hostage cause our name is not in any gang etc."
And if you're on your holiday and im on duty as police in a common sense that would be a difference as Friend/gang member to take as hostage ;)

thats not exactly whats my point in this case, I want to know whats the big difference if im playing with my friend together on rebel side, and we decide that "oh jimmy let me take you as hostage and we can ask money or I will kill you, because that normal to take you hostage cause our name is not in any gang etc."
And if you're on your holiday and im on duty as police in a common sense that would be a difference as Friend/gang member to take as hostage ;)
Stop fighting guys!

i would like to just thank the police for the great job last night, my friend lewis was just new to the server when we dicided to use me as a hostage to rob the petrol station, lewis made up a story about ricky spanish threatening him to do it and asked to go into witness protection, and to my suprise use played along with that which ended up making it a double hostage situation.

it began with lewis taking me hostage at the fuel station he was robbing , police breached the back door and tazed him, and released me , lewis came up with this story about ricky whilst i was giving my statement, next thing i knew caitlin was taking him into witness protection as lewis feared for his life from this drug lord, a little while later i caught up with lewis and caitlin at a factory close by, i walked in and caitlin asked what i was doing there i replied, ricky spanish sent me, i then looked at lewis and said the job has to be done, caitlin looked at me and lewis from behind took his gun out ( i dont no why he wasnt restrained or why he still had his gun ) and took her hostage, the police arrived in force and completely locked down the area....

we asked for a negiotiator and one came, and then this other guy arrived who really shouldnt have been there he was asked to leave but didnt so we just got on with it , we asked for 500k and a getaway vechile and the negiotor then told us it was out of there budget and offered us 125k ( we were only here for the role play ) so we dropped it to 50k and a vechile, the weird guy who wouldnt leave then brought in a car but refused to give me the keys, time was running out, and the server was gona shut down so i wanted to end the situation and play out the senario,

the negiotor tried to stall us on time and the weird guy finally did give me the keys so when i got the last message saying server was going down in 5 minutes i told lewis to forget the money get in the car we were gona try get away,

the police did stop us as we tried to get away but id like to thank everyone who participated for sticking to the senario and not ruining it for us, as i was showing this guy how to rp and i think he done pretty well, i showed him alot yesterday, from taking 2 hostages and making them sing for there freedom, ( i gave both players 50k after there song as a thanks) we also played as arac, as there can be alot of rp involved there, and then this big situation . so thats for the cooperation guys and hopefully cvan do it again ^^
Im glad you enjoyed it mate, it was fun on our part too! 

well done on trying to show your friend how to rp properly , if more people did this the island would be a better place , just a shame whenever there is a positive thread someone always has to steam in and derail it with negativity ffs get a grip and give the guys the pat on the back they deserve
