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Twitter Delete Function

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Well-known member
West Midlands
Recently, I accidentally posted a tweet on the wrong account for my character. I think that it would be nice for the future, just in case, if we could have a function where we can delete tweets we either dont want on anymore or tweets that we accidentally post. 

I think there's both pros and cons here, obviously it can be nice to be able to clean up any mistakes or misclicks. But it also means any criminal can delete evidence posted on twitter, any deals being set up can later be deleted etc. In my opinion twitter is balanced because it allows everyone to connect with eachother without needing to know anything about the person they're connect to, but also leaves a trail. Adding a delete function would remove this trail and could basically make twitter text messages without numbers, where you can have a quick convo, then delete it all.

Imo that trail is more important than a delete function.

What could be a useful side suggestion from this is having the account name on the ‘Tweet’ page / button

So the current “Tweet” button would read “Tweet as @ConstableFulton” for example, so you’re reminded of the account

So the current “Tweet” button would read “Tweet as @ConstableFulton” for example, so you’re reminded of the account
I also agree with this, I think this is a better solution


This was implemented by adding the username above the inputs.​
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