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Twinkletoes Traditional Pub


New member

So to add some context first, I joined the server and created a character known as David Twinkletoes. The last name comes from an old FrankieOnPC video. Not so long later a friend of mine creates a character named Liam Twinkletoes, essentially the brother to my character. 

While doing some random driving about, I discovered a building which currently has no enterable space. The building has the name Twinkletoes written above it which is very convenient. So I was wondering if it would be at all possible to work something out to have an enterable space created and possibly come to an agreement on opening a business.

The business idea is as follows.

Twinkletoes Traditional Pub


The Twinkletoes name has been around for some time, it started from our grandfathers who opened a small pub on the corner of a Lancastrian Town. The business grew and the family moved on in the world and finally migrated over to lost santos.

The Twinkletoes Traditional Pub was founded in 1969 and has been supplying the locals with the finest lager, house ale and spirits at competitive prices. The main selling point of the business is to keep the tradional feel of a local corner pub, without all the fancy millenial decoration, but instead a place for people of any age and gender to mingle, make memories, friends and find opportunities. Come down to Twinkletoes, to open the gate to more opportunities.

We would like to restart the franchise created by our grandfathers, and would be happy to come to an agreement of a cash settlement/monthly rent to re-ignite a much needed spark on the Hawick Avenue community.

Please see below for images of the building, ID card to prove my name and location on the map. This opportunity would give us the chance to create events, host parties and create a fun roleplaying situation for people on weekends. Please take my proposal into consideration and I hope to hear from you soon.

Desktop Screenshot 2021.12.23 -

Desktop Screenshot 2021.12.23 -

Desktop Screenshot 2021.12.23 -

Nice idea, but as far as i'm aware new business proposals (which is basically what this is) are currently on hold due to other reasons

keep a eye on discord and elsewhere for updates on the matter though, besides, a few places are up for grabs currently if you want to start somewhere 😉
