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TS And in game server crash?

Good you know that you were having A Ddos attack 

will you remember this  ? or maybe not you but Valdic Does   :)

i gave valdic warning i said he will be the reason for having a ddos attack for a very very long time :)

That you will be pissed ! 

anyway check why you gave me a banned in Ts3 and the site :)

and you will know why you are having the ddos now :)

Anyway , That is just small amount , 

Promisses you the longer the Bigger 

and go to your OVH SAS Company and kiss them for me 

Chow chow big boy

oh snap ! i almost forgot , 

it wont be just ddos ! 

chow chow big boy 


Hello Omar, I know you are ddosing the server, the attacks started when you PM'ed vladic ka the other day....

Keep wasting your own time and your own money, shows how old mentally and psychically you are by your post today, You got banned deal with it rather than act like a child.

As for your wont just be a ddos line.. I will contact the Police as we will take that as a threat.

Afterall i ve already done my homework and have your details...


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Don't they do public executions in Saudi Arabia? With swords? (Hint hint)

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Don't they do public executions in Saudi Arabia? With swords? (Hint hint)
Woah steady on!! this is just some angry kid behind a PC who has purchased a stress tester... lol

No need to chop his limbs off, i am sure he will see sense and how much of a idiot he is being soon :)

Hello Omar, I know you are ddosing the server, the attacks started when you PM'ed vladic ka the other day....

Keep wasting your own time and your own money, shows how old mentally and psychically you are by your post today, You got banned deal with it rather than act like a child.

As for your wont just be a ddos line.. I will contact the Police as we will take that as a threat.

Afterall i ve already done my homework and have your details...


Well i have an answer to that (sharing his details)

Nope, hes outside the EU.... hes also admitted twice in two posts that he is breaking the law and ddosing us and three his details are publicly available online and from his other account without using his personal details it took seconds to find them and four... this isnt a company

However please note i do not share anyones details or even access them unless they are breaking the law.

Well i have an answer to that (sharing his details)

Nope, hes outside the EU.... hes also admitted twice in two posts that he is breaking the law and ddosing us and three his details are publicly available online and from his other account without using his personal details it took seconds to find them and four... this isnt a company

However please note i do not share anyones details or even access them unless they are breaking the law.
Fair enough man...

Dear Mr DDOS'er,

                             What are you achieving here? 

No matter how hard you hit us, we are a community. We are hand in hand. And no matter how hard you attack us we will always stand strong and come back. We don't retaliate, we know better than that. So on behalf of the community. Why don't you just stop. 

We will not fall. We will not do anything to you. But just stop. 

Many thanks - Summers 

Hello Omar, I know you are ddosing the server, the attacks started when you PM'ed vladic ka the other day....

Keep wasting your own time and your own money, shows how old mentally and psychically you are by your post today, You got banned deal with it rather than act like a child.

As for your wont just be a ddos line.. I will contact the Police as we will take that as a threat.

Afterall i ve already done my homework and have your details...


you really think this gonna hurt me or make me cry ? 

Call me Kid , Call me man , Call me girl , call me child , call me whatever you like 

your words will not wave a single peace of my head hair Mr :)  

But i will Call you a man a big grown man with a lot of resposbilty 

i respect that 

but i get banned because i was lagging and i was a donator here 

but the main reason i got banned because Valdic decided that i will do it again ! 

but in months i have never broke the rule ! in months ! 

only when i had lagg and you saw the video i guess 

i got ! banned !  no chance ? maybe yea i was really lagging ? or no let just kick him others will come anyway ? .

you have the perfect Server i admit it :)  

but dont Fucking ban me with a very unresptected way ! 

look at valdic what have he said to me

just get back to the thread where he decided to ban me forever 

just look what he said and what i have said 

you will understand that was not from a big man

not your fault ! 

but valdic fault 

And about sharing the info 

i give you Full rights in doing so :)  

and i dont Care about 

i really Do not care call the police here

its 999 :)  

Go ahead 

and yes the information you have seen is very true !  

Note : you get what you give !

And this DDos was because of Valdic action 

and as i said the longer the bigger and yet its not just ddos ! 


you really think this gonna hurt me or make me cry ? 

Call me Kid , Call me man , Call me girl , call me child , call me whatever you like 

your words will not wave a single peace of my head hair Mr :)

But i will Call you a man a big grown man with a lot of resposbilty 

i respect that 

but i get banned because i was lagging and i was a donator here 

but the main reason i got banned because Valdic decided that i will do it again ! 

but in months i have never broke the rule ! in months ! 

only when i had lagg and you saw the video i guess 

i got ! banned !  no chance ? maybe yea i was really lagging ? or no let just kick him others will come anyway ? .

you have the perfect Server i admit it :)

but dont Fucking ban me with a very unresptected way ! 

look at valdic what have he said to me

just get back to the thread where he decided to ban me forever 

just look what he said and what i have said 

you will understand that was not from a big man

not your fault ! 

but valdic fault 

And about sharing the info 

i give you Full rights in doing so :)

and i dont Care about 

i really Do not care call the police here

its 999 :)

Go ahead 

and yes the information you have seen is very true !  

Note : you get what you give !

And this DDos was because of Valdic action 

and as i said the longer the bigger and yet its not just ddos ! 

Does your DDOS'ing skills make you popular among the ladies?

you really think this gonna hurt me or make me cry ? 

Call me Kid , Call me man , Call me girl , call me child , call me whatever you like 

your words will not wave a single peace of my head hair Mr :)  

But i will Call you a man a big grown man with a lot of resposbilty 

i respect that 

but i get banned because i was lagging and i was a donator here 

but the main reason i got banned because Valdic decided that i will do it again ! 

but in months i have never broke the rule ! in months ! 

only when i had lagg and you saw the video i guess 

i got ! banned !  no chance ? maybe yea i was really lagging ? or no let just kick him others will come anyway ? .

you have the perfect Server i admit it :)  

but dont Fucking ban me with a very unresptected way ! 

look at valdic what have he said to me

just get back to the thread where he decided to ban me forever 

just look what he said and what i have said 

you will understand that was not from a big man

not your fault ! 

but valdic fault 

And about sharing the info 

i give you Full rights in doing so :)  

and i dont Care about 

i really Do not care call the police here

its 999 :)  

Go ahead 

and yes the information you have seen is very true !  

Note : you get what you give !

And this DDos was because of Valdic action 

and as i said the longer the bigger and yet its not just ddos !
Does this guy make love to his enter key? He seems to be slapping around like mad.
