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Trinity Killer un-ban request

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The Netherlands
I would really like to get unbanned. I got banned this evening for killing a streamer in perry's night club. TRA had put a hit on him and pT took it. The singer got a message that there was a hit on his head and that he would die soon. We got in the night club and I shot him. We roleplayed it all and recorded it.

I was not aware that this wasn't allowed on the server because it was all roleplay.

I understand it's against the police law. I apologize sincerely if this was against the rules. It won't happen again now I know this. I'm a dedicated roleplayer and really like the server. I really apologize, I wasn't aware this was bad for the server.


You killed a famous twitch streamer we have been communicating all week with via twitter to get back here.... and alot of members on this community went to his stream to get him here today to perform a gig. 

Hundreds was watching him on stream and you killed him to which he left and went on one of our rivals servers.

Well done!

Trinity were other members invovled in the hit, or just you ??? As if others were involved I will need to have a really serious chat with them.

whole TRA and pT online at that moment

it wasn't even my idea but since it was all roleplay I agreed to it. Apparently that doesn't matter

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Not the question I was asking who else was at the scene helping you commit this act

is contract killing allowed? I was under the impression it was a community suggestion and no admin had made it legal...

To be fair, to my knowladge it wasnt stated not to kill him, and he is just another player. how is it diffrent than killing anyone else? i doo realize he didnt like it, but thats not trinitys fault. He followed all roleplay and i doo belive he shouldnt be banned for it.

I have been talking on the stream, and have been told that he probably did not take it personally. I have offered him protection next time from armed contractors and ifrits, so hopefully he give us another chance. Panfritz the admins put a lot of effort into getting him here, and all that was screwed by a few bullets. 

Well I have spoken too my guys & the other person involved is not on-line at the moment.

I can understand Wilco's frustration & T.B.H as a founding member of pT if I had been on-line I would not of sanctioned this but I would like to know who did! I was watching the stream when it happened & had a mega facepalm when I heard a member of our gang had perpetrated the crime even if he had only been a member for a few hours. 

We have to have clarification of the whole hit thing is it allowed or not but I will tell my guys that we do not take contract killing now or ever.

As I said Wilco I understand your frustration especially as you had put so much work in to it & I can only offer my apologies for the actions of pT but in Trinity's defence he was not to know that & he thought he was following the rules.

I would also suggest in any future events at the club all weapons are banned & all attendees are searched especially if a celebrity is present.

Bullitt pT

Contracts are not aproved as far as i know, than it was a RDM.

Yes he is a normal guy, but we did work hard to get him back for you guys to have fun, and get some publicity.. and yet they spit on our faces.

Everyone knew what was going on, and they still done it so i feel no remorse whatsoever.

Althought i will had a convo with Wilco today, can't promise nothing since i didn't like it one bit. Asshole move.

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Maybe going forward if someone like this is on the server again an admin message in game and on the forum needs to go out let users know he/she is not fair game!

I have been away since Thursday so not sure if that had already happened.

My personal opinion is that Trinity should be given the chance to learn a lesson as he was RPing. He should be aloud back on the server, as stated by Bullitt, Thermo & myself the 3 founding members we would not have authorised this hit.

We respectfully ask for your consideration in allowing Trinity back in :)   

Contracts are not aproved as far as i know, than it was a RDM.

Yes he is a normal guy, but we did work hard to get him back for you guys to have fun, and get some publicity.. and yet they spit on our faces.

Everyone knew what was going on, and they still done it so i feel no remorse whatsoever.

Althought i will had a convo with Wilco today, can't promise nothing since i didn't like it one bit. Asshole move.
I can't help but feel this whole situation could of been avoided if the State's stance on Contract Killing was made clear from the beginning.

There have been many threads about contract killing, including rules and protocols, RDM tickets etc. But none have been closed/responded to by admins etc addressing contract killing legality. 

As such, I believe a majority of the server is under the impression they are legal. Which means by no intentional fault of his own, Trinity broke the rules. But in hindsight, if he was given 2min to prepare for the assassination, why didn't he contact the admins who invited him. Or get some protection? Not that I'm trying make it sound like any of it is his fault, he was an unlucky victim. Going forward, it might be an idea to get Kavala PD to guard the nightclub from RDM's and other unauthorised actions.

Now admins are free to discuss this, and I'm sure everyone has they're own beliefs on when to allow an unban. But for me, mis-interpretation of unclear rules, followed by an apology would make a very good case. And from what I heard, he still acted in RP and the victim was left with no hard feelings. So although own words hold no weight, I hope the voices of the various people here including my own, don't go unheard. 

Maybe going forward if someone like this is on the server again an admin message in game and on the forum needs to go out let users know he/she is not fair game!
We did, several times.

Check my stream footage, it was on the main page so everyone could see aswell.

We did, several times.

Check my stream footage, it was on the main page so everyone could see aswell.
Oh OK fair enough, as I said I haven't been on since Thursday and I did say that had the community been pre warned as you've said then I apologise in advance 

Oh OK fair enough, as I said I haven't been on since Thursday and I did say that had the community been pre warned as you've said then I apologise in advance 
You don't need to apologize.

Everyone knew what was going on, we try to bring everything good to the server and this happens. 

I can tell you know Wilco wasn't pleased since it was his idea and he is not sure anymore if he can keep doing this stuff because he doesn't feel that his server will behave the best way.

I'm a very peaceful guy you know me, but this was a very bad move. This is not about Trinity, it's about everyone incluiding who placed the call.

The idea we have is, try to keep doing events and funny stuff but this is what we receive.

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I talked to Trinity on skype and I think he should at least be unbanned from the teamspeak. He told me he would like to explain the situation and apologize. He is my friend and I think he should be left off with a warning because this isn't really fair. He didn't know it wasn't allowed and I think everyone should get a chance if they learn from their mistakes and regret them. 

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