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Tranberg's Ban

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You raise a very good point @DainMK

There are always calls for it to mimic real-life, i.e. with hancuffs falling off etc. But on the other hand there are game limitations. Unfortunately you can't encourage realism and then not expect to get some extreme RP like that. 

I 100% agree that there needs to be a line drawn, firmly in very bright paint as to things that are not allowed, for example Racism and homophobia is already in there, so i don't see why it wouldnt be a big deal to add something like Rape as it's very clear from this tread is disgusts the community - as it should - it's a disgusting act.

For the record, i have personal issues with the police and can no longer be arrested in game :) 

Edit: @DainMK you can always count me into any special club you got goin!

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If the dont go there line is drawn on any rape most of the NHS will get banned within days. I dont know how many times Ive had my arm or leg shot and had to get something put in my bum for one reason or another. Something I must say I had no problem with.

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We could agree that all RP is fine, unless asked OOC to stop as the individual has been affected by the issue IRL.

So raping babies would be OK with the 'pro-rape' crowd? Or do you draw the line at that?

Also, if this were a precedent, what's to stop me saying I was mugged IRL and so when being robbed in game use that to get out of the robbery. You cannot tell who has been affected by what, you're right, and individuals are always free to say if it is a problem. But I still feel there should be an official 'don't go there' line drawn.

This is turning into a valid conversation, however I have a feeling it may be in futility.
Raping babies in Altis Life? I mean, I wouldn't really know how to react to that. Most I'd say is that it's not cool or something but definitely wouldn't hop on the bandwagon of banning the guy. Maybe he has a twisted sense of humor.

If you were mugged IRL and are triggered by getting mugged in-game then why in the hell would you play a mod where that's like 60% of the events? True, then comes the "If I was raped, I shouldn't buy the game?" comment but I'll reply with - This is a life simulator doing best what life can serve and a lot of the times it goes easy on you. You'd have to be cautious about rape but, as it has been said countless times already - you can always tell the other person to stop. So I can't really take that as an actual point to argue about. If we start banning people for everything they're triggered about, let's just make this an apple farming simulator. Without the driving, some people may be triggered from road accidents as well.

I disagree with the last line though, still interested how to act when in a rape roleplay scenario at this point. Do I keep my mouth shut and report the person because I didn't like the scenario or do I just roll with it and take it as a total joke? The given rule is in absolutely fog right now.

Raping babies in Altis Life? I mean, I wouldn't really know how to react to that. Most I'd say is that it's not cool or something but definitely wouldn't hop on the bandwagon of banning the guy. Maybe he has a twisted sense of humor.


If the dont go there line is drawn on any rape most of the NHS will get banned within days. I dont know how many times Ive had my arm or leg shot and had to get something put in my bum for one reason or another. Soemthing I must say I had no problem with.
Exactly my point. I would say it should be allowed on the grounds of it's RP and you RP everything. But on the same hand, if it doesnt sit well with you then an OOC message is all it should take to stop it. and if it doesnt stop - it should be a straight up ban.

I'm not "pro-rape" as it was put, but similarly, you don't HAVE to RP that scenario if you dont want to, just like IRL if you don't want to rape someone on a dark nigh then you don't do it. It's a conscious choice.

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Well, as I wrote in my unban appeal, then he didn't tell me to stop after, and if he really felt that uncomfortable he could just have broken RP and told me to stop, and I would have stopped immediately, but he didn't tell me anything, so where from should I know about his issues and his paste.


had to get something put in my bum for one reason or another. Soemthing I must say I had no problem with.
Been at sea too long Vlad 

And Zeito, I come across homophobia all the time in game, and it's usually  in character insults. That doesn't bother me too much if it's just words thrown around, but yes, when people verbally attack a homosexual (RP'd gay or IRL gay), I take issue. 

Been at sea too long Vlad 

And Zeito, I come across homophobia all the time in game, and it's usually  in character insults. That doesn't bother me too much if it's just words thrown around, but yes, when people verbally attack a homosexual (RP'd gay or IRL gay), I take issue. 
That's the attitude i think it should be. IF people want to RP it between themselves - they should be free to do so, but if it's an extreme topic like this and it personally crosses a line for one of the parties, their feelings should be made known and it should stop.


I guess I should just leave this here...


I could write an essay as to why and how it all affected me... But it's not going to achieve or solve anything.

The RP was asked to be stopped or altered several times and it was ignored...

But I am just one person so whatever I say could be different from the beliefs of the community.

Tranberg did try to reach me on TS but I was AFK on the occasions.

Oh and the people who claimed in TS or "speculated' that I was making it all up... I'm sorry you think so...
There's no need for an essay and you shouldn't have to divulge your personal business. If you were emotionally effected and you asked it to stop and he did not and persisted on a topic like this, i support the ban.

I do think Tranberg should be able to talk it over either with yourself, or if you weren't comfortable, with a mentor as proxy as there is obviously a lesson to be learned on taking it too far. Like that poor kid in england who was murdered by that psycho in essex. RP/gaming is one thing, but taking it too far/past the limits of one party isn't on imho.

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I guess I should just leave this here...


I could write an essay as to why and how it all affected me... But it's not going to achieve or solve anything.

The RP was asked to be stopped or altered several times and it was ignored...

But I am just one person so whatever I say could be different from the beliefs of the community.

Tranberg did try to reach me on TS but I was AFK on the occasions.

Oh and the people who claimed in TS or "speculated' that I was making it all up... I'm sorry you think so...
You did ask to stop after the incident, you didn't ask to stop while, or before, you even had a few seconds to say no, stop or anything before it happen.

I got told you have a recording of it all? Could you please send it so I can see it?

The recording was sent to an admin, and it was acted upon, and there is a reason for that.

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You did ask to stop after the incident, you didn't ask to stop while, or before, you even had a few seconds to say no, stop or anything before it happen.

I got told you have a recording of it all? Could you please send it so I can see it?
Considering the personal nature of this - I dont think you should continuously make him go through it again and again. 

These are deep issues in some people and their first reaction might not be to tell you to quit it, as they might you know - actually be physically upset at your RP before they can stop it.

I agree with zeito here, it's time to leave it alone. If anything, you could apologize to Poseidon instead of asking for the vod...

Ok guys I have locked this as I feel its going to get into an argument about whos right or wrong now.

Its good to see the opening of dialogue between the players involved and it would be great if you guys could talk about it on TS with someone present. 

@Thesoldierwould be an ideal candidate as he has had dealings with this kind of thing IRL. #RPeverythingexceptsomethings

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