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Tranberg's Ban

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"You should unban me because I didn't know about this "Rape" RP, since both the Police, NHS and other Rebels have done it to me and my friends more than 1 time, so I thought it wasn't against the rules to do it in fun. I didn't know about Poseidon's illness and what he has been though, but if he felt that bad, they could have broke RP and told us: "STOP!, and we could then have went on to TS and talked about it"

Now don't get me wrong, I know that I am sticking up for my friend before anyone says oh, you're just saying that because you're his friend, but I haven't even been playing the game or talking as much in the last couple of weeks and when I got told that he got banned because of this situation I couldn't help but think to myself that that is ridiculous and had to come and post this. I have been playing on this server for well more than a year and situations like this happen ALL OF THE TIME. I remember countless times where this has happened to me, people have told me about it happening or have been with people that have done it as a joke. Hell, I don't know if this will get me banned, hopefully not, but I've done it and I never hurt anyone's feelings as the person I did it to found it funny as well, even joined in as it was just a laugh. No where in the rules, I have looked, states that you cannot do this. I haven't seen anything about "Rape RP" at all. Sure, we all know that rape in real life isn't funny, it's disgusting but come on guys, this is a GAME where people come to chill and have a laugh, unfortunately a person on the other end of this has obviously had some dealings in the matter and didn't find it funny, but that's one person out of the whole community, I'm 100% sure that Tranberg never knew about the situation with Poseidon at all and was just trying to have a bit of a laugh. Does this mean that we cannot talk about ANYTHING without thinking about repercussions? Oh, my friend told me that his mum died from getting flattened by a car, let's never talk about VDM ever again, oh I got shot when I was younger, let's never talk about getting shot in this FPS again. Do you see what I mean? I am posting this because I feel like his appeal should be looked at again, by someone that doesn't work with abuse victims in real life because that is REAL LIFE, not a game. He never meant any harm at all, nor would he continue to do stuff like that if he knew the situation. Now before you say, he hurt the person in real life as he was traumatised in real life well yeah, that sucks, but he didn't know. People get worked up about things all the time, other people take it as a joke. That is all I wanted to say, because tbh, I think that it was an unfair decision.

Poseidon tried to tell them to stop in direct, more than once i believe, they kept going.

We tried to talk some of the guys involved ts, that did not work either.

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Well said and true but i think tranberg deserves a chance to be unbanned like everyone makes mistakes i know this is a serious community but still he deserves a chance.

What and roleplaying killing people, mugging people, kidnapping people and all the rest of it is?

I don't really think this is up for discussion until we can confirm if Poseidon actually Did or Didn't send any chat messages.

But I'll comment in the case that he didn't - RP Roleplay is a thing that's done so often that I didn't understand if anybody could take it seriously up until this point. I've been roleplayed upon like that by cops and it was all having a great laugh and some quality roleplay and, sure I can't be always 100% serious so I just took it as a joke and rolled with it. This is exactly how I imagine every 'rape rp' scenario, including this one, going on here. A ban without a dispute for something like this? Way too harsh. He didn't know, he apologized afterwards. I really don't know what else to say, this ban is just beyond me and I can't understand how it was handed out and handled.

In the end, I hope all of this gets resolved. It would truly be a scummy move and the ban might have been more than deserved in that case.

What and roleplaying killing people, mugging people, kidnapping people and all the rest of it is?
If you can name me one game where rape is all good and okay roleplaying wise I'll be utterly shocked. I can name over 20 on the top of my head where shooting, killing & mugging is allowed. FPS is a category for gaming and has been for years. And are you trying to say roleplaying rape is ok? It's an adult community as Giles said, I'm not going to continue as you wont see my point. Enjoy your day.

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I've seen terrorism role play, which was completely unacceptable and not funny.

Now people are saying Rape can be seen as a laugh? ... Oh my days.

Role playing a racist or someone that discriminates against religions/sexuality also isn't allowed here. Why would it be different from rape? People get banned for having 'ISIS' and 'KKK' in their gang names. Why would anything remotely acceptable?

We play a military simulator game that involves killing. Mugging and killing are all part of it to be honest, the extra parts are what make the difference.

This probably falls under the 'common sense' rule. 

As always these kind of things are subjective. Something that one person finds funny another person will be disgusted with.

I would suggest that if you are uncomfortable with ANYTHING on the server you speak to the other player offline and resolve it like adults. If you still feel that what they did was out of order THEN you go down the reporting route and you leave the outcome to another person who is going to subjective about the whole thing.

First i did try to come in contact with Poseidon, i wrote to him several times that i wanted to speak with him and apologize, i didn't get any answer. I even wrote to Goose if he could tell to Poeseidon when he comes on that i wanted to speak with him and apologize..

You say that, but things like ISIS and KKK are a whole different subject, even though I think that you SHOULD be allowed to RP as them. It's ROLEPLAY, just because you are roleplaying as someone from ISIS doesn't mean you are going to go out and blow people up! Meant to be a "Serious RP Community," what does that even mean if you can't RP as anything you want? Now, I don't condone RPing as the KKK because it's just going about being racist and you couldnt really do anything else with it but it is still RP, if someone gets hurt or annoyed SAY SOMETHING! The world is way too PC these days, as soon as someones feelings are hurt, the ban hammer comes raging through, and I don't mean in the game, I mean in generally all over the world. Some people take things as a joke, others a bit more seriously like I said earlier.

"Adult community is all im going to say" ..... what does that even mean? Because I am 100% sure that we both know what you are talking about but saying that it is an Adult Community, you can argue BOTH sides. One being that sure, it's insensitive don't say it, the other is people on the other end can just ignore it. This argument could go on for days so please dont keep bringing up the "Adult community."

This argument could go on for days so please dont keep bringing up the "Adult community."
Your post could go on for days so how about you stop and everyone else stops and just stop doing it. Admins dont like it so respect that.

Your post could go on for days so how about you stop and everyone else stops and just stop doing it. Admins dont like it so respect that.
No, we are talking about an unban, not about being politically correct about "Rape Culture"

Yeah but were talking about rape here... How can that even be role played in a funny way?Do you know what rape consists of and the definition?

if anyone finds  they want to RP that, its just sick..

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