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nah nothing mate
Los Santos Police
East Midlands
Simple suggestion really, given that in the real world, each person is unique. Not everyone can be as fast as Usain Bolt, have the stamina of Mo Farah and the strength of AJ.

I think it would be interesting for each character to have a trait randomly assigned to them to make them good at a specific skill, thus adding variety to each character and with that differentiating scenarios.

Traits could be things like - 

  • Second Wind - Increased Stamina
  • Iron Skull - Increased resistance to blunt weapons
  • Steve McQueen - Increased handling of vehicles
  • Hayemaker - Increased Strength
  • Lightweight - Faster sprint speed

The idea would be that one trait would be randomly assigned upon character creation, adding variation to individual scenarios like police chases, fight clubs and more. Allowing for character development to expand

Would prefer for them to be earned. Similar to GTA online where stamina is gained from running a lot, strength from punching things and driving from driving more, also similar to the new gym system.

My point was that people would be randomly assigned something they will naturally be better at, and can then use them for character development or unique stories.

My point was that people would be randomly assigned something they will naturally be better at, and can then use them for character development or unique stories.
Maybe not a permanent additional trait, where even if you worked at it you couldn't get to the same level as others. Instead I do see possibly a boost at the start could be cool.

I worked hard for my gains! and now you want to take them from me! seems pretty fun if you win the genetic lottery and shit if you lose.

What’s to stop you from just recreating characters till you get the good stuff?

They should have the stats build up based on what you do just like in single player/online. If I spend hours running, I want running stamina to increase. Nothing increases apart from the strength bar from going gym.

@Stealtheehas made a start on stats on the server, im sure more will come in the future 🙂 
