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Tom[2] - Unban request (Unban approved 24/11/14)

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hey, in regards to this post  , yes this is me, i think i should be allowed to just say my side of the story for a start i am definitely not a hacker and personally i would blame this on desync i do not have video evidence as i do not record at all. this video evidence that was provided against me is pretty stupid as things like desync do kick in. i actually approached the hand gun dealer and they robbed me, straight away i jumped in the back of their truck without them noticing a few minutes later they robbed more people down the road and shot them for no apparent reason. the paramedic then came  i ran to try get a gun off a body of the guys that they rdmed or shot not fully knowing if there was reason behind this. i picked up a pistol off the floor and got knocked out again they then got in my car ( the SUV in the video) and on my screen and in game i was telling them to get out of the car trying to rp for around 15 seconds they didnt so i killed them, im not sure why this video looks so much like i hacked to kill them.

also just to add i was saying muliple times rping with them telling them i will get them.

i play with tom he will change his in game name anyway, also many gangs will have seen that he is not a hacker he either dies at the start of fights or kills team mates usually me. 

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and you are saying, we rdmed people right there right? Do you want me to upload 1 hour record? He is absolutelyy lying, and no one said that we were gonna report you to us. If we rdmed ppl there how would you stay alive there? just stop lying lol

Going to look into the logs on this one to ensure there is nothing going on here.

Upload the "hour"... was around 15mins-20mins tops. The point I have to make is if you robbed me and I had no money or a gun... If you didn't RDM or kill the randomers that turned up within 2-3 secs of rp time how did i pick a gun off a body? 

3-4 randomers showed up whilst you was rping with me, you completely ditched me... then ran over and instantly gunwared the randoms who were trying to buy guns... The reason i feel you shot is because they actually bought guns and told you to fuck off. 

Look whatever way you look at it i'm passionate about the server and always roleplay...

Apologies it has been perceived as hacking >.<


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Im sorry but you could ask most people in this server but tbh you are a known troll ilkeroo...

Ask any big clan in this server we have had many fights and im pretty sure it was desync on your side, this server is the best and all of his mates play on it i can 100% garentee he doesnt hack... and checking logs and everything will just prove he doesnt. When weare in  gun fights he barely kills anyone and if he does get a kill its usually on one of his gang

That video shows 20 secs when we actually spoke for 10-15mins. Show them from when I drove in to the weapon dealer in my red SUV. Your just cutting and pasting and making out im some villain.

I was with a guy near your truck on the hill away from the weapons rping about 10 meters from weapon dealer, he ran down and started shooting, the guy in the tower wasn't rdm because he was role playing but your friend who didnt rp once LOL he rdm and it was actually him who slayed them all out...

You in the video sir didn't rdm, but your friend who did the slaying who didnt rp..

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lol I told him to open fire on  them cos I gave them 5 secs bla bla bla.. We were speaking turkish each other. You are still trying to tell lies instead of apologising lol.. And the man who killed me in the video did he rdm me? why didnt I report him then?

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Well this escalated quickly. 

The moment you realised that i did not actually hack and it was all fucking dsync or lag or whatever you call it, you've spent time and effort trying to find other shit to get me banned for. Not really fair imo. 

I feel i'm being targeted and that I must defend my honor as this guy has none stop tried to get me banned for the past 2-3 days.

Tired of posting on here because either way I know its pissing admins off. 

Carry on if you must.

Lets just check the logs fellas. This argument is done for now.

Awaiting investigation.

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Ok I have spoken to the guy involved and I am satisfied that this was a lag death.

Unban approved.

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