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TI big Mountain

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E.A. Leevi

Well-known member
Super man punching Wash
I have just threatened to be reported by [TI] thebig mountain, apparently due to 'RDM'.  However, this is not a report of him, yet I am unsure where to post this as I will not be around tomorrow, therefore unable to defend myself.  He initiated RP by telling me to get my friend back, to which I replied 'No, we're just leaving now' - I then walked away, and he fired at me, saying 'warning shots, next time they will hit you'.  A few minutes later, I was able to return fire and kill him, to which he was annoyed at and threatened to report me for RDM.
Again, this is not a report and I am sorry if this is in the wrong place, I'd just like to pre-emptively make my defence known.
Thank you very much.
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I was witness to this. TI are a bunch of jerks who bully people. They killed multiple people after terrible and incredibly short Roleplay which didn't give time for their victims to respond appropriately. 

I read the arguement about "warning shots" on the side chat and other witnesses said the warning shots were bullshit. 

If you have a problem with any members of TI please do not place it on the forums unless it is ban worthy bring it to me instead with a pm or contact me on ts so i can speak and punish the inderviduals.

Apologies Birch, just I had to get going so this was the fastest way to cover my ass really, I will do in future

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