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Thoughts on the toilet.

Vladic Ka

Angry Jock
Inside something moist.
[SIZE=10.5pt]So I was sitting on the toilet today doing my business as you do and I was thinking about all of the profound things that you think about when you are on the throne. I also tend to take some selfies and send them to the various groups I am part of on whatsapp but that’s another thread entirely![/SIZE]

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[SIZE=10.5pt]This thread is for you guys to post your thoughts on the toilet.[/SIZE]

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[SIZE=10.5pt]What I was thinking today apart from the above:[/SIZE]

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[SIZE=10.5pt]If something that big came out of me easily does that mean it would go in as easy?[/SIZE]

disgusting lol

only thoughts I have is I hope I have enough roll.

The only thought I really have is that I hope I don't get splash back, it's even worse when you have to empty your bladder before hand.

I wonder if I've been kidnapped on ALUK in the 3 minutes that I've been away from the computer clearing my bowels.

That moment when you hear someone walk in, sees the toilet is occupied, then walks straight back out again. Priceless.

I play flappy bird or forum whore it but I do have some really deep thoughts.

I play flappy bird or forum whore it but I do have some really deep thoughts.
I can't think deep things while on the porcelain throne all i can do is keep myself occupied playing games on my phone or maybe think about how annoyed my brother is waiting outside the door for me to get out :D

I just hope the toilet paper doesn't break when I wipe my arse ;)

My precious bottom requires wetwipes and not just regular toilet paper.

I always think in the shower rather than while pushing something out.

My biggest annoyance while trying to have a poo is noise... I like to put my earphones in because quite frankly I can't stand listening to other people talk etc while I'm doing my business...

I like to listen to rainymood, or just put on a 10 hour white noise track from youtube.

I make my own music. Imagine me singing "shake it off" with intermittent forcing out of some of the lyrics.
