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this is goodbye

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CSI Daniel Snow

Well-known member
south west uk bath
going to keep it short i have had a good run on the server made lots of friends had a good time in academy but with my removal i just cant find the motivation to play as rebel/civ so im just going to call it a day going to miss some of u guys ill still be on TS from time to time 

@Fluqi legend one of the best guys i know

@mryan19 one of my first friends 

@DSGT Gray your welsh 

@JackMinty academy try hard

@TikTak keep collecting them tags

 @Shuttle my partner in crime and best friend on the saver

@DemonPuppy your just inactive

that all im tagging sorry if i missed anyone 

see u guys on TS for a chat every now and then  

Saw this coming :/. Ya gotta stick around on TS, you were one of my first friends on this community and one of the best, sad to see you go.

Didn't really know you Dan but here to pay respects see you around mate don't be gone to long :)

Aww Dan :(

Was just about to give you NPAS aswell ;)

See ya around

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Take care mate! Used to be old NCA mates :p - 50 Strains of Weed

Peace out dude

  ~Your Welsh Friend 

Ssssssssssnakes gets whats coming dont you worry

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