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TheShadow [UNMC] (Rejected)

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Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
TheShadow [uNMC]
Time & Date this happened:
5/12/2015 around 11pm - 1am
Description of what happened:
During a mission last night that the Police Force embarked on into UNMC's zone, we had taken over a compound where we where holding up until we got our captured Police Officer back. After we finally got him back we where about to evacuate the area but someone spotted someone behind the area we where held up in. We sent out 2 Officers to check it out where SPC Ciaran came across TheShadow hiding where we suspected him to be. As he looked like a threat being only 500 - 1000 meters out and heavily armed he was engaged and killed by the Officer. After 5 minutes had passed Commander Maratek started taking heavy fire from someone in the base which just so happened to be TheShadow who ended up killing Maratek and then going on to kill SGT Voltz whilst he killed him aswell.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
I would have tried to but considering TheShadow has been on this server for so long he should definitely know the rules. Plus considering the time I am making this post he was not online.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
The main parts of the video are the first 10 seconds and around 4:35 onward.
Ok just to get this straight since I cant really see anything in the Video so I have to kinda guess :p

You killed TheShadow about 500m away from our Base and he then appeared 5 min later at the checkpoint in a strider and kills Maratek?

If thats the case then he would have been about 800m away from the location where he was killed and in my opinion that could be seen as a slight mistake.

BTW it did't really look like you were about to leave either ;D
I don't know why you cant see but yes we killed shadow about 500 meters away from the base but we where in the base and he then spawned back there knowing we still had it under control and killed maratek who at the time was in a tower that was inside the base.

1. The original poster and the person defending themselves may contribute to the post but keep it clean and act like adults.
2. Anyone who does not have any evidence who cannot provide value with evidence there post will be deleted, unless they are of a Admin rank.
Just throwing it out there before this becomes another shit storm
Ok i have tried to clean up so that only relevant  information is showing. I will have to state any more irreverent content whether that be 



3: Relations to other complaints

4: Moaning

Will be in risk of breaking the forum rules and will possibly result in consequences for the individuals who post them. No matter who you are

What i ask now is simple if any one has more relevant information about this case please post here. 

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I have nothing to say here, i guess im getting banned.

Sorry for any commotion this has caused. 

i see the shadow has apologised and admitted his mistake, much worse actions have been let off over the last few days with just warnings i dont see why this should be any different

Refusing this one, There was many mistakes that night from the police and the UNMC

If i was to issue this ban then i would be banning a number of people in the police for events i witnessed instead we went down the route of reform.

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