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TheAngryScotsman - Unban Appeal (Format not used)

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Apparently I was banned for this? As you see I checked to see if I was in a safe zone to which I wasn't. My voice was not recorded because shadowplay didn't pick it up.

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You were banned because you made no effort to roleplay, i was spectating you for around 15 mins or so. You had already attempted to rob one guy without saying anything so i carried on spectating you to see how you would continue. As you can see in the video you robbed yet another poor soul without saying a word then killed a man shortly after (also without saying a word). I notice you claim 'shadowplay did not pick up my voice', when you chat in game 'Direct Communication' pops up in the bottom left corner to show which channel you are speaking in, you will notice in the video that this does not happen. Please refrain from lying and admit your mistakes, it will reflect far better for you.  

If you are aware or have used shadowplay you will realise that if you record with voice enabled its barely audible over ingame chatter that its effectively pointless to have it enabled, And if you really did care enough about this issue I could post many of my older clips where my voice isn't recorded to prove that I wasn't "lying". Secondly this "Poor soul" Pulled a pistol on me so my reaction was to shoot him, So If he killed me it'd be fine but if I shoot him (Because he brought a gun and was intending to use it) I get banned? Personally doesn't make much sense.

EDIT : Also, if you're talking about the guy I killed who stole my car, I simply told him to get out, gave him a count down and killed him. 

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Template FTW: 

If you are aware or have used shadowplay you will realise that if you record with voice enabled its barely audible over ingame chatter that its effectively pointless to have it enabled, And if you really did care enough about this issue I could post many of my older clips where my voice isn't recorded to prove that I wasn't "lying". Secondly this "Poor soul" Pulled a pistol on me so my reaction was to shoot him, So If he killed me it'd be fine but if I shoot him (Because he brought a gun and was intending to use it) I get banned? Personally doesn't make much sense.
I have shadowplay and there is an option to record voice and sounds. But what Noz is saying is that you did not speak in game before robbing and killing... Even if we could not hear you, it would still say "Direct Communication" on the bottom left. 

Aye, Am aware of the feature, its hardly audible. Fullscreen, HD bottom left, You'll see direct communication 1 sec after I get out the car.
It's a moot point without the template anyway, my dear fellow. 

Not exactly sure what you mean by that.
Reverend is referring to the template required on all unban requests

here is the template for you

Your In-game name:

Your Steam Profile ID:

Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter):

Date & Time you was banned:

Please copy and paste the rule you broke:

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance:

If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and link the thread here:

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