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The World Famous Vladic Ka GIF/Image Post


The first time I was sharing an inside joke with @The Shadow , he can even back me up on that! It wasn't trolling, it was just having a laugh with him..

Also @Reverend , it was that viral video of the African man talking about homosexuals "eating da poo poo", hardly offensive, or trolling in anyway shape or form.

You never even spoke to me about it either Sovereign to even figure out why I would say it or tag Shadow in it, it was instant warning without any context whatsoever; yet I took it because I can't say anything without getting in trouble.
First one sure.

Second and third were in the same thread a ways back in a row a ways back maby two months ago. I don't exactly recall what it was about,but it was two in the same thread after saying something which is why I remember telling you to stop.

This one was a post made shortly after I hid the two posts. It featured anti-homosexuality and related referencing to literal shit in people's mouths which is offensive.

I classify the deliberate continuing of a hidden topic that has been openly said not to be brought up here even as a joke to be trolling. It holds no other purpose.

Can we please just let this incident fade away now?

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