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The State of RP


Well-known member
London, UK
I've seen this being brought up time and time again on the forums, but I felt the need to post it again.

I've not been playing Altis Life UK for very long, but the state of the RP is just depressing. Robbers just tell you to put your hands up or be shot giving absolutely no way to RP your way out of the situations. Cops ask you to validate stolen cars via telling them who is the owner of them, leaving me no room to RP my way out of it. It just feels like it ruins the fun of it.

I find the robberies worse. I'm fine with being robbed, I understand that it's part of RP. At the same time, don't fucking waste my time. In my latest example, I've spent an hour doing an Iron run in my brand new Tempest Covered. I get to the trader; instantly guys jump out and spike the tires. "Get out the car or be shot". I get out. "Put your hands up or be shot" I enquire as to why they want me to put my hands up three times and each time "Put your hands up or be shot". I put my hands up, instantly get robbed. "Give us your keys or die" try to explain three times that I lost the keys on the drive here "no you didn't, give us your keys or die".

This is from a gang none the less. 

It just makes me feel like I'm constantly wasting my time by playing on the server and getting nowhere for it because users don't like to RP.

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Have you thought about joining the police are medics buddy, might be worth looking into :)
Applied for Police to see if I could make a difference and be a positive RP force, but failed the interview due to a few faults - going to reinterview when I can. At the same time, me joining a different team doesn't really fix the overall bad RP experiences users are having on an hourly basis.

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I maintain RP even on the forums, I attend Oxford Law in real life so my real life is quite boring, RP is fun for me.

Applied for Police to see if I could make a difference and be a positive RP force, but failed the interview due to a few faults - going to reinterview when I can.
Im sure you will do just fine next time you have your interview, don't let it get you down RP varies from person to person, just because you had a bad experience today does not mean you won't have a good one tomorrow :)

Im sure you will do just fine next time you have your interview, don't let it get you down RP varies from person to person, just because you had a bad experience today does not mean you won't have a good one tomorrow :)
Unfortunately it's not just today, I've had maybe three good RP experiences. These have been with nobody but medics and the UMNC.

Applied for Police to see if I could make a difference and be a positive RP force, but failed the interview due to a few faults - going to reinterview when I can. At the same time, me joining a different team doesn't really fix the overall bad RP experiences users are having on an hourly basis.
I find that people are under the assumption that they can RP out of every single incident,while RP can get you out of a lot,trust me lol, sometimes it's not gonna help,maybe they are career robbers,and you losing the key is kinda a lame thing to say, how did you drive it without a key to start it,or how'd you lock it or etc,I've had so many things chopped or stolen,but the RP is there,I see it all the time,don't letnit get you down.

I find that people are under the assumption that they can RP out of every single incident,while RP can get you out of a lot,trust me lol, sometimes it's not gonna help,maybe they are career robbers,and you losing the key is kinda a lame thing to say, how did you drive it without a key to start it,or how'd you lock it or etc,I've had so many things chopped or stolen,but the RP is there,I see it all the time,don't letnit get you down.
No I totally understand that it's not a wildcard that can be used whenever, but it would nice for once if it was something other than "nah, you're wrong because".

I'm not saying that the RP was good in that situation on my part (the key) but the guy wasn't having any of it is what I mean.

I've seen this being brought up time and time again on the forums, but I felt the need to post it again.

I've not been playing Altis Life UK for very long, but the state of the RP is just depressing. Robbers just tell you to put your hands up or be shot giving absolutely no way to RP your way out of the situations. Cops ask you to validate stolen cars via telling them who is the owner of them, leaving me no room to RP my way out of it. It just feels like it ruins the fun of it.

I find the robberies worse. I'm fine with being robbed, I understand that it's part of RP. At the same time, don't fucking waste my time. In my latest example, I've spent an hour doing an Iron run in my brand new Tempest Covered. I get to the trader; instantly guys jump out and spike the tires. "Get out the car or be shot". I get out. "Put your hands up or be shot" I enquire as to why they want me to put my hands up three times and each time "Put your hands up or be shot". I put my hands up, instantly get robbed. "Give us your keys or die" try to explain three times that I lost the keys on the drive here "no you didn't, give us your keys or die".

This is from a gang none the less. 

It just makes me feel like I'm constantly wasting my time by playing on the server and getting nowhere for it because users don't like to RP.
Is this a guy called TCK Aulton by any chance buddy?

I think people need to take a minute to realize that they don't always need to force RP to their advantage 100% of the time. If you're gonna go up to someone and say "Give me your backpack." if the other person begins to question why you're taking his backpack then you shoot him in the face without any indication that you're gonna kill them, you're clearly only initiating the lowest RP possible to be at an obvious advantage. All that does is ruin the other person's time. Hell, I'm fine with being the losing party, as long as the winning party has decent RP. Although it's still not as bad as when people kill you for being in RP with someone else who they're buddies with or are gang members with when they've clearly only shown up to be in a gun fight.

It's often you get put in a robbery where the robber doesn't actually want your stuff and just wants to chat, or GIVES you stuff because you role played your way out. It's sad that people think that robbing someone with the only intention of getting ALL their money from their hours work and heir car keys, without explaining why the robbery is happening or having a chit chat at the same time.. 

Its just how it is sometimes to be honest mate, it's shit. However, wait until you come across people that roleplay robberies differently and with pure intention of roleplay and then you'll realise that it's what this server is purely about.

It's often you get put in a robbery where the robber doesn't actually want your stuff and just wants to chat, or GIVES you stuff because you role played your way out. It's sad that people think that robbing someone with the only intention of getting ALL their money from their hours work and heir car keys, without explaining why the robbery is happening or having a chit chat at the same time.. 

Its just how it is sometimes to be honest mate, it's shit. However, wait until you come across people that roleplay robberies differently and with pure intention of roleplay and then you'll realise that it's what this server is purely about.
I agree that some situations are done very well, in fact Kaostic here helped me kidnap a few people and bring them over the UNMC border just to hold surprise parties for them. However most of the encounters I've had are nothing short of "You have what I want, and if I don't get it I'm going to kill you."

As a previous rebel I also felt like many gangs lacked RP. Don't quote me but IMO, gangs care more about money than they do RP which is why in my eyes why the forces seem more willing to RP (free gear). 

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I didn't find much great RP with my time in the police..it was too repetitive and too many rules to follow for me to enjoy myself. Just my opinion but i'd recommend the medics, it's solely for the RP and you get some great RP from it :)

I am a rebel myself and everytime i hold up someone with my gang i feel sad for the person because i don't lack funds myself and always end up stealing nothing healing the guy and fixing their vehicle ... don't ask me why tho
