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The Rules - FYI


The King
Legendary Donator
Just a quick head-up later this evening/early hours of the morning i will be rewriting the rules so do not be surprised if there are some changes to read next time you are on.

With that being said the changes will not be massive!... Our rules work well ensuring that we keep the server clean and a fun RP experience for all, This is all about making things clearer and cleaning up the temp rule threads dotted around.

A few changes i have in my head right now are:

  • VDM allowed between Hunter vs Strider vs Ifrit (Armed Vehicles) to immobilize vehicles only.

  • Metagaming rules to be added / Bounty hunter rules to be more clear.

  • Putting the rules in one place (removing temp rules)

  • Common sense & poor RP rules to be made more clearer.

If you have any "SERIOUS" suggestions please feel free to comment below and ill have a little think if its something we would consider adding.

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Something I have come across quite a lot is gangs taking their own gang members hostage to gain an advantage over the police, I believe it should be against server rules.

Not to be allowed to land on buildings/places people can't get/climb to.

I say this should be a rule due to it's very hard to RP(when someone is sat on a roof "i can't get down my heli is out of fuel then your unable to really do anything.) and people seem to just sit on top of buildings and police/anyone else is unable to get to them. (It's pretty much trolling).

I think it would be a good idea if vdm was allowed if someone is aiming a gun at you with intent/shooting at you/ attempting to rob you as they no longer die from it. Of course people could bend this and just run over everyone with an iftrit in a firefight. It would definitely need some tweaking though.

Time to implement the rule where you must have a mic on server 2. This is on server 1 and is a great rule. I'm not going to roleplay with some text.

Poor roleplay needs to be a temp ban?

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Time to implement the rule where you must have a mic on server 2. This is on server 1 and is a great rule. I'm not going to roleplay with some text.

Poor roleplay needs to be a temp ban?
Yea, it's very hard to roleplay with someone that needs 50 seconds to respond in chat.

Also makes up for some very awkward silence.

- Make a rule against fake 999 calls that leads to a trap for other gangs to take you hostage/rob you. I.E: "I'm being robbed at the Oil Trader!" - as an unit shows up they find themself surrounded by 8 people that robs them and takes them hostage. It is OP.

- Let people be allowed to play music in direct chat at following locations: In vehicles (rp for a radio), at the katy perry club, at the open stage at kavala and at private property (your house)

- Let jets fly over the whole map, but must stay at least 5km away from each city and over 400 m at all times. Honestly, I have always wanted to go and fly between the mountains on the west of Altis..

Allow VDM if life in danger, to disable vehicles (any type armoured or not) but if you kill the other player in the process you HAVE to comp them and allow it if roleplayed e.g "stop running or i am going to run you over" 

I think we need to start adding set punishments for certain rules being broken rather than just straight up banning people permanently unless they appeal.

For example, breaking RP to ask a quick question like "How do I put my hands up?" some people make these mistakes, I think we can let that one slide, or at the most just a temporary one day ban and have them brush up on game mechanics and look over the rules of the server, repeat offences can be harsher.

Are there ARAC rules? If there are, they need to be clear. Can we rob people in ARAC uniform, or do illegal work? Can you rob ARAC? Who knows. 

People are asking to allow VDM and I think that is always a bad idea... Crashing vehicles into each other is always a hit or miss, you never know if you're both going to blow sky high and kill everyone or just break a few wheels, the latter would be acceptable.. But seeing as it's not a given it should not be allowed.

As for running people over if they are trying to shoot you, or rob you? No way.. The VDM script disables you for a good 3 seconds so you could just have gang mates run around in an ifrit running enemies over so they are disabled and easy targets, it's too easily exploitable.

Thanks for listening Wilco!

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Allow VDM if life in danger, to disable vehicles (any type armoured or not) but if you kill the other player in the process you HAVE to comp them and allow it if roleplayed e.g "stop running or i am going to run you over" 
That's never going to end well... Due to vehicles being like glass.... cannot ever allow this.

I think we need to start adding set punishments for certain rules being broken rather than just straight up banning people permanently unless they appeal.

For example, breaking RP to ask a quick question like "How do I put my hands up?" some people make these mistakes, I think we can let that one slide, or at the most just a temporary one day ban and have them brush up on game mechanics and look over the rules of the server, repeat offences can be harsher.

Are there ARAC rules? If there are, they need to be clear. Can we rob people in ARAC uniform, or do illegal work? Can you rob ARAC? Who knows. 

People are asking to allow VDM and I think that is always a bad idea... Crashing vehicles into each other is always a hit or miss, you never know if you're both going to blow sky high and kill everyone or just break a few wheels, the latter would be acceptable.. But seeing as it's not a given it should not be allowed.

As for running people over if they are trying to shoot you, or rob you? No way.. The VDM script disables you for a good 3 seconds so you could just have gang mates run around in an ifrit running enemies over so they are disabled and easy targets, it's too easily exploitable.

Thanks for listening Wilco!
Thanks for the ARAC suggestions with taxis its something ill think up some rules for.

i agree with VDM but armed vechiles can take it from another armed vechile this has been tested in depth... other vehicles are like glass so i am with you on that one.

In terms of the straight up banning... give me 50+ admins who are available 24 hours and we will start doing this (well i wont personally its a waste of my time) but I would require a army to do this... unfortunately the 6000+ people we have already banned have been nothing but trolls/idiots who don't care about being banned/ don't care about this server or the people in it.

The admin team are very closely tied, and all have good quality s... in the past people have abused trust, at the moment i am in a unique position where i trust everyone in the admin team... they get it... 

We will never be able to please everyone that's the nature of being an admin and running a community with a mass audience.. i feel the current ban system everyone knows whats coming should they break the rules... many will disagree but its the fairer system.

Thanks for your suggestions :)

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NLR tidied up when dealing with combat situations?

If Mr. X is scouting a battle in a heli, has his rotor shot out, and glides to his death 3km away, technically he can immediately re-enter combat as he died more than 1km away (subject to his gang calling him once he 'wakes up').

If this does change it should also clearly express how to deal with a moving combat zone (fight moving from area of death to a new area e.g. Treasury/Gold trader).

Just a concern about the VDM for armored veichles, please do be as specific as possible about it being only allowed on armored vs armored, it should be common sense but i can already forsee idiots running people/car over with ifrits and then sayng "oh I tough it was allowed...."

Apart from that the other changes seem good..


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NLR tidied up when dealing with combat situations?

If Mr. X is scouting a battle in a heli, has his rotor shot out, and glides to his death 3km away, technically he can immediately re-enter combat as he died more than 1km away (subject to his gang calling him once he 'wakes up').

If this does change it should also clearly express how to deal with a moving combat zone (fight moving from area of death to a new area e.g. Treasury/Gold trader).
Interesting one... do people do this to get around the NLR rule ?

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Just a concern about the VDM for armored veichles, please do be as specific as possible about it being only allowed on armored vs armored, it should be common sense but i can already forsee idiots running people/car over with ifrits and then sayng "oh I tough it was allowed...."

Apart from that the other changes seem good..

Thanks, I will make sure i make it clear as possible... its the only allowed form of vehicle to vehicle combat (thanks to @Sovereign for carrying out a number of tests) and it will only be to disable the other armed vehicle... can see some exciting police chases ahead.

Interesting one... do people do this to get around the NLR rule ?
People seem to think that if they are killed, the wait out the 15 mins. They can return to the combat. Which in my opinion is wrong due to it being a NEW life. This new life would have no involvement in the incident.

The police however if are killed at a bank operation, would be killed. They would leave the hostage channel and return to normal patrol until that NEW officer was called to the scene of the operation, which is after the 15 minutes. 

People seem to think that if they are killed, the wait out the 15 mins. They can return to the combat. Which in my opinion is wrong due to it being a NEW life. This new life would have no involvement in the incident.

The police however if are killed at a bank operation, would be killed. They would leave the hostage channel and return to normal patrol until that NEW officer was called to the scene of the operation, which is after the 15 minutes. 

Well isn't this similar to a shootout with gangs on gangs, or gangs and cops?

Let's say I was killed in Kavala and 15 minutes later the shootout is ongoing, my gang could always call for reinforcements and being a 'new' person I would be able to respond to that call?

Change NLR, so it's not only considered 1000 meters away from where you died, but so you aren't allowed to take part in a situation where you died in.

currently it would be like: gang vs police at the bank, if someone dies, they will sit standby and wait for their 15 minutes to pass

my suggestion would be like: gang vs police at the bank, if someone dies, they cant take part in the bank robbery at all, and cant take part in selling the gold either. have to wait for the situation to end entirely.
