The last thing I'll say on this... if it gets to the point where you're going to pull the plug on Altis, would you be willing to do a wipe of the server first and then letting it run for a few weeks/month to see how it does? I do agree that a wipe probably won't help and would drive long-standing players away if it was done now, but if the server is going to be closed anyway then I guess it won't really matter if it's wiped because either way they are going to lose years worth of stuff. At least if it's wiped and stays up for a little while we get to have one last chance at reviving it, even if it's a long shot.I have considered a wipe many times over the years but always came to the same conclusion, It will end up with half the playerbase leaving as they have lost what they have spent 1 month to 7 years on.
Hence why I'm suggesting it as an absolute last ditch attempt. It may attract new players who would otherwise be intimidated by how far behind they are by players who have been here for years. It still probably wouldn't work, I fully agree with that, but I just think that when it gets to the point where the decision has already been made to pull the plug then what's the harm in trying?A wipe without a full map rework never works as no one wants to lose their progress just to have to return to doing the same runs and go to the same old previous locations, what would keep people playing after a wipe would be a full on new fresh experience which would require new unique features and a lot of map work. Simply don’t see how a wipe would ever work in favor of the server, just keep making these changes that have been implemented recently and the server might regain attraction like it used to.
I really like the idea of an in game mentor call button for the new players that don't understand how things work, its a personalised touch, allows new players to integrate into the community more seamlessly and make allies / friends, I think is a lot of effort these days to join a specific TS with all your friends when you have to be in a public room to play, most people have their own discord ect and tend to play there. so having mentors that are present on TS seems a bit moot.. Bring back the Mentors. So you’re new, you’re confused, and you’ve just arrived at our sparkling new and overpopulated capital city. You glance at the map and you see all these gang bases marked and all these weird markers like ‘tree farm’ and ‘cider factory.’ You’re more nervous and confused than Drex and Samantha at a wedding. Where do you go, who do you call? You wander down Kavala high street and find the Tour Guide booth, conveniently located in a very easy-to-find spot and call for a Mentor! The Mentors were experienced players designated to helping newbies find their feet, with no in-game powers. I think they were underutilised back in the day and used more as TS moderators than anything else. This time, the new player will be able to call for one directly in game (similar to police dispatches or admin messages) and a Mentor will promptly make their way to them. Bring them back and focus them towards helping new players, and there’s no doubt that it will help convince a few newbies to stick around. And as a bonus point, staff members should only be chosen from an existing pool of Mentors. Ease staff into power, otherwise they turn out powermad and egotistical, just like Gordon (just joking Big G, love you hahahaunblacklistmehahahah).
all these ideas are great but it all comes down to commonsense rob new players target new players treat them like shit this just sets the standards that they may go on to carry out them selves or they may just get fed up and leave so if no one has the commonsense themselves what hope is there.....Disclamer............. Only read this if you give a fuck about your server and can or are friends with someone who can make changes on the server.
Get your character wiped or if this is to difficult or not possible just join the server and role play as a "New player" with a diffrent name. You have a starting money budget, no licences, no gear, no cars, and so on. Play for as long as you can or as many restarts as you have time for. Then type out some sort of conclusion as to how your time was. Send it to someone who can do something.
To fix a problem you must understand a problem. If the people who do have power and can change things joined the server for a couple of restarts the server might have some numbers and people browsing the serverlist might join. The police that dont want to play because there is nobody to police might join.
An idea for people for the 90% of people who cant change anything. Insted of robbing a player with New above them, try giving them and few hours to rember or 100K. Take them to action situation or let them in your police car to a gas station robbery. Just try not swinging you massive ARMA Elite player dick about for atleast untill the server has enough people on it for your super cock to be relevent.
Thanks for reading please give feedback in the form of Direct messages to @WhoisDanXD
So you want to remove predictability but also remove dyanmic locations and let the police know where they are?
- Dynamic drug locations are nice in terms of realism, but just more annoyance when you actually want to make some money. Similar to the problem with Poseidon drug locations, it means I have no idea how long my run is going to take. The locations are also often quite inaccessible as well, for both rebels doing the runs and police checking them.
And then as far as balance/interaction goes:
- Police now have no idea where either regular or high grade drugs are. If they want accurate information without metagaming, they would have to find someone who is willing to tell them, and then they would need to travel to each location to verify it (which you can't even really do, apart from checking if there is a signpost at the processor). And as for Posiedon, good luck finding someone with a trade pass who is willing to give up where the locations are. At least when the Poseidon locations were only in Poseidon lands, you could generally spot where they were in a heli since there would normally be a few trucks around them. But now? No chance.
- Even with an I-99 patrol if you spot a truck that isn't at a known location (which is very unlikely given the huge size of the island, and the lack of people currently doing drugs) you have no idea if they are doing regular drugs, high grade drugs, or something completely unrelated. But lets say the person is doing drugs, and you send a unit over to check it out. Now what? They aren't in a known drug location, so if they play it smart and aren't already wanted how are police supposed to search them?
- If the police stop someone doing high grade drugs, and that person calls for help from Poseidon, you are basically guaranteed to end up in a gunfight because there is no reasonable middle ground. It is the police's job to stop the person doing drugs, and Poseidon's job to protect that person.
So basically now, it is now almost impossible to find and catch people doing drugs as police, so they don't bother. Doing drugs is way more tedious than it used to be, and the reward is not as good, so rebels don't bother. And since no one does drugs, Poseidon have no one to protect.
This also brings me onto one of my other main gripes: I have never truly understood the point of Poseidon. They are a drug cartel who have now completely invaded Altis, setting up drug locations wherever they please. And yet police are still forced to tiptoe around them. They walk around with high caliber rifles which cost them pennies, and any attempt to confiscate them inevitably ends in conflict, so why bother? They have basically just become an untouchable rebel group.
Basically you just need to remove lots of the predictability of what is going to happen. Provide some building blocks of how to start a situation, then let the players decide how to handle it. No matter how much you try, if most of the situations end up in the same few places, they get boring.
Well, first I didn't say dynamic locations should be removed. I just pointed out they are problematic. But yes, I think police should either know where they are, or have a way to find out where they are, and more importantly save that information until the location moves, including between restarts. Right now police basically have to start from scratch every 4 hours, which is unrealistic for regular patrols just wanting to scout the island for illegal activity. And frankly, I think drug runs should have that constant risk of police showing up. Otherwise they are no different than legal runs.So you want to remove predictability but also remove dyanmic locations and let the police know where they are?
NCA were crying out for things to do because no one did drugs and now they have to search for them its too much work? Surely it would make sense to keep drug locations dynamic but just make drugs more viable? if it's worth while people will do them, in terms of stopping and searching that was the whole point of UC assests to be able to confirm that illegal actvities are going on and then call in units to come pull them over? then there is a reason to stop and search?
Costing pennies is a bit over exaggerating! i mean the only way for me to really make money currently is to pay 300k for a loadout and do a redzone to get what 6-12k per zone which is usally castle and maybe research? I'm loosing money hand over fist here! Drugs are worth nothing and i have to pay to process anything else as poseidon aren't allowed licenses to do salt or diamounds so i have to pay 200k to process a hemmt truck?
I agree poseidon needs a rework but as far as i'm aware this was discussed back in 2019 and is alot of dev work to do, so i'm not sure if anything is being worked on or not but as it currently stands the only options are do drugs runs which pay very little for time and effort (usually half way through a run i'm being called to help out with something going on) Do a salt run and pay £200k to process to only then have to respond to something or sit in a zone and usually lose money to that.
Remove Poseidon? This is honestly one of the worst things which could happen to the server. Poseidon currently provides around 10+ active players a day, and I doubt this sort of activity would carry across to Rebel Life if Poseidon was to be removed. I can tell you now, there is a signficant number of players in the faction who do play on other servers anyway, and many of which are actually in factions on these servers. If Poseidon was to be removed, I can almost guarantee that these players would move elsewhere for the most part, and then there would also be other friends who move over with them.
- Remove Posiedon, or heavily revamp them, perhaps so they are focused on distributing firearms instead dealing drugs.
I agree with this, but needs to be more generic for all runs for faster gathering and processing times. As for a 2x illegal run, I support this, but I think it would make sense for it to be even more lucrative, maybe 3x instead, due to the greater risk involved. Just today 3 Hurons were scrapped by Police doing High Grade Weed, that is a lot of money to lose, and shows how high the stakes can be.
- Incentivise drug runs by reducing the gathering and processing time (especially when you have a high profession level), and add a 2x illegal run.
This is a good idea. I have been cought out a few times due to starting runs when there are 8 or 9 cops on, and finishing when there are only 4, and being completely screwed over due to this. Especially currently, with very few cops seeming to be on, this is a smart way to help encourage runs.
- Scale illegal runs better when there are low numbers of cops on, and have that scale reduce gradually if cops log off.
Queensland drugs remain in the same location for the entire 24 hour day I believe, and can be gained off of any player - have some UC RP in kavala... "Hiya bud, I wanna do a coke run but can't find the coke field on my map, could you tell me the grid ref so I can find it..." - there are many other things you could do like this to find it. As for Poseidon drugs, ours stay at the same locations often for weeks until Police shut it down, so they aren't too hard to find really if you play your cards right.
- Show police where the drug locations are.
I like the static redzones. They mean there is always something to do. I think that alongside them there needs to be more SAF drops and dynamic zones which pay better and change the fighting locations (as continously fighting in the same locations does get boring after a while), however these need to be in addition too rather than in replace of IMO.Remove static redzones, and replace them with randomly spawned redzone-style objectives. Some possibilities:
- Random zones similar to the SAF where you have to capture them for money.
- Moving objectives such as driving spawned in trucks to some place, such as a drug dealer or gold buyer.
- Scavenger hunts where you can find rare weapons/attachments/items.
As a rebel my loadout can vary between 200k and 450k depending on what I buy. My go to rebel laodout is Type 115 or MK18 for the most part, which is around 200-300k depending on attachments. If I buy a MK1 it costs around 450, and can go higher if I buy a roach scope. As Poseidon we do not have as wide an arsenal as rebels, and I will generally buy a Promet MR, which will cost 200k for a loadout, or a MK1 which will cost 300-350k depending on the scopes and clothing etc, we wear. Whilst these prices are cheaper as Poseidon, we get payed a lot less from the zones, and the only true source of income from them are from the kills (which you do not get payed for if they are outside the cap point). We get 40k per kill, and if we have the zone capped we generally get around 11k each every time it pays out, which is nothing.I dunno what gear you are buying as Poseidon, but I rarely pay more than 200k for my rebel loadout.
I probably should've worded it better, but I agree there should always be some sort of zones available, whether static or dynamic. I certainly wouldn't mind the static zones staying if the dynamic zones were encouraged (better paying as you say).I like the static redzones. They mean there is always something to do. I think that alongside them there needs to be more SAF drops and dynamic zones which pay better and change the fighting locations (as continously fighting in the same locations does get boring after a while), however these need to be in addition too rather than in replace of IMO.
The question is, if poseidon isn't removed, how can it be balanced to provide an enjoyable experience for everyone? Removing may very well be a bad idea, but I'm not sure what alternatives are left.Remove Poseidon? This is honestly one of the worst things which could happen to the server. Poseidon currently provides around 10+ active players a day, and I doubt this sort of activity would carry across to Rebel Life if Poseidon was to be removed. I can tell you now, there is a signficant number of players in the faction who do play on other servers anyway, and many of which are actually in factions on these servers. If Poseidon was to be removed, I can almost guarantee that these players would move elsewhere for the most part, and then there would also be other friends who move over with them.
Since I'm not in poseidon I can't judge your loadout costs as poseidon, but I don't think zones should really be expected to pay for the loadouts of poseidon or rebels, especially if you keep buying MK1's. Similar to the point above, if poseidon do stay, I think they need to have some new or improved methods of earning money that don't involve gunfights (at least directly).As a rebel my loadout can vary between 200k and 450k depending on what I buy. My go to rebel laodout is Type 115 or MK18 for the most part, which is around 200-300k depending on attachments. If I buy a MK1 it costs around 450, and can go higher if I buy a roach scope. As Poseidon we do not have as wide an arsenal as rebels, and I will generally buy a Promet MR, which will cost 200k for a loadout, or a MK1 which will cost 300-350k depending on the scopes and clothing etc, we wear. Whilst these prices are cheaper as Poseidon, we get payed a lot less from the zones, and the only true source of income from them are from the kills (which you do not get payed for if they are outside the cap point). We get 40k per kill, and if we have the zone capped we generally get around 11k each every time it pays out, which is nothing.
lets hope soI just want to make clear that I don't mean any disrespect to anyone who is posting on this topic. But what is the end goal of it are staff/management monitoring it to see what players want or is this just a place for people to repeat the same things over and over again about how the economy is broken and too hard for new players and the server is being dominated by people who want gunfights?
I don't want to be one of those people but will this post bring any change or is it just an area for people to vent about their issues on the server. Again I want to make it clear that I mean NO disrespect to anyone who has posted anything here all of it is very good constructive criticism but I don't want this just to be what Dan said where it will be forgotten in a week.
Basically, will anything come out of this (server change wise ?)
Predictably, that is exactly what this has become, people ranting about the same stuff as we have done for years and all these issues getting ignored. I wasn't really expecting much to happen from this anyway. It appears to me that Altis is being pushed to the side to focus on FiveM- which is fine, if they want to prioritise GTA that is their right- but if that's the case then they should put the Altis server in the hands of people that actually still care about it (i.e. the council idea). I only made the post in the suggestion forum because I realised my suggestions in this thread were getting ignored and I wanted to try to force it into their field of view.I just want to make clear that I don't mean any disrespect to anyone who is posting on this topic. But what is the end goal of it are staff/management monitoring it to see what players want or is this just a place for people to repeat the same things over and over again about how the economy is broken and too hard for new players and the server is being dominated by people who want gunfights?
I don't want to be one of those people but will this post bring any change or is it just an area for people to vent about their issues on the server. Again I want to make it clear that I mean NO disrespect to anyone who has posted anything here all of it is very good constructive criticism but I don't want this just to be what Dan said where it will be forgotten in a week.
Basically, will anything come out of this (server change wise ?)
Edit: Looks like i was wrong Link
Easy to find the drug locations with thermals, Coordinate with your police force and figure it out, it's honestly not that difficult.But yes, I think police should either know where they are, or have a way to find out where they are
We had it when UNMC was removed though, I was in the police at the time and all that would happen is rebel groups of 2/3 people would just get bullied by the police, they would spawn in airport and have 3 patrol cars on them to get there guns, at that point rebels stopped coming on as they were loosing everything as no one was on to counter the police in numbers and you would spend an hour driving around to find something illegal to stop, in the end the poor hobo with a rook doing a petrol station robbery would have the whole police force turn up,The question is, if poseidon isn't removed, how can it be balanced to provide an enjoyable experience for everyone? Removing may very well be a bad idea, but I'm not sure what alternatives are left.
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