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The most hated gang on Altis

[SIZE=14.6666669845581px]Whatever gangs are wrecking havoc on the server they're nothing compared to Parafix and 1st[/SIZE]

"Can anyone be taken hostage as we want a gun fight with the cops", heard at the Athira Garage.

Doohicky I thought you used to be a cop, Just saying.

So I would know, right? =D

As a cop I used to rob rebels of their precious drugs and guns all the time, and we did it "lawfully".

Safe to say that all of the gangs in Altis have been affected by this state-sanctioned gang of thugs. =P

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UGN are terrible to be honest. Kinda remind me of another group who shall remain unnamed.

I respect TI and PLF even though technically they are our enemies. Great roleplay once when I got made hostage by PLF. :D

PLF are good, The Gas Station King (olaf) has robbed PLF Vlads gas stations multiple times, I think it is 35 times now XD
