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The Marlowe Family

Eden Nallebjorn

Well-known member
The Marlowe Motel


The Beginning

Unlike most Organisations and gangs in Los Santos The Marlowe Family has no prior connections or past dealings with the city or the people within it, The Marlowe Family being a name rarely heard of or spoken about. The organisation was formed unintentionally after Sal found himself without a penny to his name, gambling his money away at the casino and slowly spiraling into a pit of depression and alcoholism. After starting some small talk with a solicitor called [REDACTED] on a bench by the city hall, Sal was shown around the city eventually being introduced to a man he now calls his business partner. Sal believed all business whether legal or illegal should be performed professionally and as such all employees of the Marlowe's can be seen around the city in business suits and more formal clothing. The Marlowes started out scraping by, reselling various drugs they bought from a supplier utilizing the discounts they received from buying supply in bulk to turn a profit. Sal Marlowe and his unconventional style of business was quickly noticed by his supplier and after several days of talking back and forth, The Marlowes were eventually employed as distributors working for an individual using their contacts and skills to help distribute their employer's products in bulk out to all who are interested.



(Sal Marlowe and Bor the first two Marlowes)​

The Expansion

 Sal Marlowe never viewed himself as much of a leader but he understood the necessity of security and safety, by utilizing the list of contacts and customers he had built over a small amount of time he reached out to local citizens he regularly had dealings with offering them work as security guards in hopes he could sway them into assisting with his business, tempting them with money and whatever else he could. At first he was unsuccessful only hiring a single man with a questionable background in the underworld of Los Santos, but as time passed and the Marlowes continued to work, slowly networking and recruiting more likeminded members the family began to grow. While still very unknown to most, the Marlowes aren't out for Power and 'clout' but more just wish to be respected as businessmen.


Business Practice & Morals

The Marlowe Family is somewhat unique in the world of crime when compared to the stereotypically violent and chaotic gangs that can be found around Los Santos. this is because all members are taught to avoid fights unless it's absolutely necessary. They're all about making a profit and running their operations smoothly, while many gangs may simply throw insults at the Marlowes method of conflict resolution we believe they are simply blinded by the idea loosing blood and money over childish issues benefits them which from almost all views externally we can happily say is not true. Very rarely there is a good reason for all out war and those reasons where war is a necessity are far and few. What also sets The Marlowes apart from others is that they're strongly against criminals who rob or hurt innocent people, actively turning down possible members that take part in such activities. They have their own set of rules they stick to, and they want their reputation to be built on being cautious and successful, rather than causing trouble in the city and boasting about it like a street dealer on tweedle.

The family views criminals that rob innocent citizens as 'street rats' & 'beggars' who gain their profits from the efforts of others instead of working hard to build up a strong business. These people avoid all accountability, jeopardising the businesses people have worked hard to create. Because the Marlowe Family tries their best to treat all their various types of trades as Professional Businesses. The family operating  various fronts from Bakeries to restaurants that they use to hide their payments.




How do you find us?

The Marlowe Family is always looking for new members and Associates but as of now there is no set place you may find us, The Marlowes prefer to be mobile and as such haven't set up a location yet but are actively searching for a suitable place they can call their own.
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Slow and steady wins the race

While we are still very unknown to most people we are slowly but surely building up business, by taking our time slowly expanding our numbers and connections we can make sure our various lines of work can stay intact no matter the issues we may run into. We look forward to seeing all of you around the city.

Introducing The Marlowe Motel!


With the housing situation in Los Santos being quite dire for the average citizen The Marlowes are working to create an area for those in need of a place they can call their own!, Whether you're a small business looking for a place to operate from or just a guy who would like to spend a few nights off the street in a comfy bed we've got you covered!


Offering rooms for rent at an affordable price The Marlowe Motel features lovely furnished rooms and a complementary pool. Our aim in the future is to refurbish and improve the motel so that we can truly offer those in need of housing in Los Santos a place to stay night or day! It's our goal to turn this abandoned and tainted area into a business that helps benefit the community. With a group of dedicated security and employees at your service were sure you will have a wonderful time when spending a night at the Motel.


We look forward to meeting you!

-Sal Marlowe
Investments and Improvements

As time has gone on since our last post I'm happy to say we are still going strong, slowly but surely we are building a good reputation which we hold onto with much more care than assets and money, by Investing our profits from our Motel, security contract work and... Other businesses into events and parties we hope to continue to benefit the city. 


As our network continues to grow alongside our profits and business ventures its crucial we stick to the policies and morals engraved in our family's beliefs, We look forward to what the future holds for us and as always look forward to meeting you all around the city or at our lovely Motel.



A New Era


After almost a year of two sided dealings, from running the motel and legal representation to turning the motel into a hub for Firearm sales and a safe haven for gangs wishing to hide illicit goods. The Marlowe's found themselves starting to move away from their past of security contract work and low level drug distribution, Their original members moving on, some leaving the city and others finding themselves "retiring" early, going missing or being found dead due to unknown causes. Amongst this a change began to happen within the Marlowes, with the last few Original members taking on some fresh faces The Marlowe's began to shift their goals and their appearance creating what one of the Original founders 'Salvatore Marlowe' refers to as 'The New Era Marlowes'.

Blessed with some talented new minds representing the family, the group has continued to run the motel, expanding to trading a variety of materials to various groups across the city. With new organisation and planning the group has found itself wanting to expand its portfolio of businesses in the city while continuing to provide; Materials, housing, a neutral middleground for gangs to talk and utilize (the motel), Legal Representation, Events and depending on who asks the occasional bit of hardware every now and then. Befriending Business minded people, several members have found themselves bonding with groups like 'The Firm' enjoying living a more luxurious life with the wealthiest in the city.


While the future of The Marlowe's is looking bright the story is far from over with us, There is always more money to be made and more partnerships and trades to be done, As always we hope those who know us and have met us enjoy what we bring to the city and if you've yet to meet us we look forward to meeting you in the future. Thank you to everyone that interacts with us, we hope you enjoy the interactions as much as we do!


- The Marlowe Family / The Marlowe Motel <3

Very interesting to read the evolution of your family.
I encounter some of you today at the hotel and had a good experience 👍

Hope to see you more.
It's a shame to have to say but it would seem this chapter of The Marlowe Family has come to an end and for the foreseeable future The Marlowe family is now


Ive had an absolutely wonderful time making this group alongside @Silas Green @Gorton with @saldog @Barry Bones and @brett_bernstein @Bonjamon joining us a few months later adding some awesome stuff to the group, but unfortunately all good things must come to an end! Id like to think we made it pretty far and regardless of where the motel ends up The Marlowes have left their mark in the city whether it was big or small in peoples eyes, who would have thought when I first joined the server id end up meeting so many great people and forming a group like this one.

Big up all the Marlowes old and new, without everyone we would have never achieved the stuff we managed to do! While this may be the end of the family for now who knows what the future may hold. We hope everyone enjoyed interacting with us ❤️

We'll meet again one day, but for now this is sadly farewell - Salvatore 'Ingram' Marlowe
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