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The Kavala Curry House

So, after being asked multiple times if I was going to update it, but not having much chance!

I finally have.

With the constant nagging from @Elakin . Introducing:

Dandelakin 'n Burdock
(Credit for the names goes to Elakin himself)
More to come! 
nagging my arse you're just kissing up so I stop hating you

I'm flattered you used my sign :)  

I've got a lot of spare time on my hands and I enjoy playing around in paint.net making signs, textures (basic ones) so I'm willing to be a help and a hindrance!  :p

I've got the template saved, so if you have any suggestions or observations I can make quick changes.

Still waiting for Daanish's Doner :p
I had this concept in mind


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I just remembered about it now!

Don't know why, but it just sorta popped into my head and I was wondering how it was coming along...
Well I suppose this would be fun to have around
