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The Division Beta

ya boy joe

Well-known member
Durham, Durham City
I haven't got it, but I'm gonna try and get my hands on a copy ASAP. Anyone got the chance to play it yet, if so is it any good?

i'm playing it atm, in my opinion it's a great game ! if you like destiny, you're gonna love the division

i'm playing it atm, in my opinion it's a great game ! if you like destiny, you're gonna love the division
I have Destiny on the PS4 but I don't know what it was about it, I just couldn't get into it. Still gonna try it out as it comes out right next to my birthday

I have Destiny on the PS4 but I don't know what it was about it, I just couldn't get into it. Still gonna try it out as it comes out right next to my birthday
Bought a beta key for ~ £1 cause I wasn't convinced to pre-order for the beta, what with Ubi's typical downgrading and all.

Absolutely loved it, still looks damn pretty, didn't expect the game to feel so good when I picked up my controller and started. Can only imagine you'd feel the same way with a mouse and keyboard.

Never played Destiny but I know it must feel different given that Destiny can be played as an FPS-RPG where Division keeps you in a third person perspective (much cooler way to play though in my opinion, cause you get to constantly admire yourself and your gear while playing.)

TL;DR - Played the beta, won me over, pre-ordered.

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Destiny was a shit game, hated it. Probably because I don't care well with all that dragons and space shit, prefer my games either modern or in the past with a big hint of realism.

The division beta was real good, only played for a a few hours because I got my key late. Was upset that I got a glitch that meant I couldn't shoot (that better be sorted when the real game comes out) and then I got stuck in a wheelchair and died.

Loved the beta, looks beautiful. Had it preordered since Christmas 2014 on Xbox but I'm gunna switch it to PC.

Alright, I think I'm gonna pre-order, I'm refunding a game I don't play so I'll have just enough money on steam.
