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The current state of things- Rebels, PRNA and Po-po

ok let me make this clear we are not a rebel group, we are the armed forces of the peoples republic of north altis our own country , so no we should not move out of our territory and have our own base in the red zone as we are not a normal rebel group and have our own country to run.

As for people moaning about us and the police a treaty was put in place to stop the needless slaughter of both sides that was going on, on a nightly bases and wasnt fun for anyone, The treaty doesnt mean we are in each others pockets it just means we can co-operate in certain situations such as bank jobs and large rebel attacks on either faction.

As drugs are still legal in north altis i would be disappointed if any of my men have helped the police in drug raids in the queens lands as drugs are a big part of our economy so the more that make it through the better for us, so on things such as police raiding drug fields and processors in the queens lands the the PRNA will play no part in these operations.

As for not wanting to pay our taxes then that is up to the individual to take the risk however if caught you will be dealt with accordinaly and you will lose both your cargo you vehicle and most probably your life, however pay your taxes abide by our laws and you will have our full protection inside our country, the choice is yours

i hope i have cleared up a few things as some of the bitching on this thread was making my eyes bleed, now you know the facts remember making a living illegally is not supposed to be easy so remember if you fancy taking your chances robbing the bank remember to look behind you as you might just find yourself with the barrel of  PRNA rifle sticking in your back

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As drugs are still legal in north altis i would be disappointed if any of my men have helped the police in drug raids in the queens lands as drugs are a big part of our economy so the more that make it through the better for us, so on things such as police raiding drug fields and processors in the queens lands the the PRNA will play no part in these operations.
While you might not directly assist in the drug operations, your alliance with the police has made it harder for us to get drugs into your country. Since they don't need to worry about the PRNA at all, they can focus considerably more resources into important things like camping processing facilities.

While you might not directly assist in the drug operations, your alliance with the police has made it harder for us to get drugs into your country. Since they don't need to worry about the PRNA at all, they can focus considerably more resources into important things like camping processing facilities.
Just get it out of your system man. It is not MEANT to be easy to earn your living that way. Man up, team up, or get creative.

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I just dont get one thing. Cops,admins, basically everyone who is not a rebel wanted to reduce bank jobs. And then you release a 25% more money for gold. How can you expect people to leave it alone now?

Drugs.. its ridiculous,same story as the bank. All the mentors and everyone who is not just a normal player on this server is told to tell people all about the legal stuff but nothing about the illegal.

For a cement run which takes almost the same as cocain/heroin run, you get 200k for cement and 850 for coke. (Not to mention hobo's have to pickaxe for 20 minutes in the redzone 500 meters away from the rebel outpost) Now i can understand the prices between them are way different. So why not add that skill for cement instead of drugs? 

It could be a combined skill for legit stuff,but the drug one would have to dissapear. 

ok let me make this clear we are not a rebel group, we are the armed forces of the peoples republic of north altis our own country , so no we should not move out of our territory and have our own base in the red zone as we are not a normal rebel group and have our own country to run.

As for people moaning about us and the police a treaty was put in place to stop the needless slaughter of both sides that was going on, on a nightly bases and wasnt fun for anyone, The treaty doesnt mean we are in each others pockets it just means we can co-operate in certain situations such as bank jobs and large rebel attacks on either faction.

As drugs are still legal in north altis i would be disappointed if any of my men have helped the police in drug raids in the queens lands as drugs are a big part of our economy so the more that make it through the better for us, so on things such as police raiding drug fields and processors in the queens lands the the PRNA will play no part in these operations.

As for not wanting to pay our taxes then that is up to the individual to take the risk however if caught you will be dealt with accordinaly and you will lose both your cargo you vehicle and most probably your life, however pay your taxes abide by our laws and you will have our full protection inside our country, the choice is yours

i hope i have cleared up a few things as some of the bitching on this thread was making my eyes bleed, now you know the facts remember making a living illegally is not supposed to be easy so remember if you fancy taking your chances robbing the bank remember to look behind you as you might just find yourself with the barrel of  PRNA rifle sticking in your back
As time goes on blaze, i like you a little bit more. 

Short version. 



Paros Disputes->

More Bloodbaths->

More Drama->

PRNA Locked Behind A Wall->

Only Solution To Stop Dramatic Political Struggle Is A Non-Aggression Pact->

Treaty Of Paros->

PRNA Not Locked Behind A Wall->

Whitelisted Factions Don't Have To Worry About Drama Or Politics->

Everyone Else Get's Pissed When We Follow The Treaty.

I just dont get one thing. Cops,admins, basically everyone who is not a rebel wanted to reduce bank jobs. And then you release a 25% more money for gold. How can you expect people to leave it alone now?

Drugs.. its ridiculous,same story as the bank. All the mentors and everyone who is not just a normal player on this server is told to tell people all about the legal stuff but nothing about the illegal.

For a cement run which takes almost the same as cocain/heroin run, you get 200k for cement and 850 for coke. (Not to mention hobo's have to pickaxe for 20 minutes in the redzone 500 meters away from the rebel outpost) Now i can understand the prices between them are way different. So why not add that skill for cement instead of drugs? 

It could be a combined skill for legit stuff,but the drug one would have to dissapear. 
Mentors are not told to tell everyone about legal things. I've done both oil runs and LSD runs with new players. (A little bit off topic, just needed to clarify that).

Short version. 



Paros Disputes->

More Bloodbaths->

More Drama->

PRNA Locked Behind A Wall->

Only Solution To Stop Dramatic Political Struggle Is A Non-Aggression Pact->

Treaty Of Paros->

PRNA Not Locked Behind A Wall->

Whitelisted Factions Don't Have To Worry About Drama Or Politics->

Everyone Else Get's Pissed When We Follow The Treaty.
I appreciate that you guys were having a bad time as the old UNMC, but you say you have an NAP with the police yet you guys are helping them out all the time. Seems like it's a military alliance not an NAP :p

I get that you brought documents. But as you said, they rang the NHS up and nothing about a weed shipment sprang up. I take it this is just RP again, but if they're checking in on the other end and you're unaccounted for, that's you done. I get what you're saying by letting it go by as if the documents were actually issued, although it's too easy to counteract falsified documents. More ingenuity needed my friend! Maybe get a corrupt official (I'm not sure if it's even allowed to be corrupt on the server, I'm just taking from real life) to back you up ^_^
I might be corruptible... Depends on how much you offer. But then again who saiz I wouldn't take the bribe and tell the police......

Again it's a risk, but it would be for me as well, as I could potentially end up in jail if the paperwork is found to be falsified. Or I may keep the bribe and see if the police are offering a reward for information...

If you see me try your luck, you never know.

In the case you said it was for the nhs had you actually contacted them to try and build a cover story?
