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The current state of things- Rebels, PRNA and Po-po


Well-known member
So I've been speaking to my team recently as well as a couple of other groups, and with the PRNA being in the pants of the police now, and constant camping of illegal resources, it seems to be more and more difficult to pull off anything illegal.

Not only this, but I had an operative telling me of how the police were refusing to listen to RP or any reasoning, something I have witnessed myself recently. I have been becoming more and more disappointed with the roleplay displayed by the police force as of late, and with them working with the PRNA now, something should be done to balance the situation.

'Well stop complaining and do legal resources' you say? Legal resources are well known to be a fair amount less valuable, and for salt, we need to fork out money to cross into the PRNA territory.

Personally I think if the PRNA are going to just be a standard paramilitary they should relinquish their 'territory' and just have a dedicated base somewhere on the island.

It's like the admins want to make life impossible for the rebels/ gangs...

Just my two cents.

Yes the admins are doing everything they can daily to make illegal things harder.....

Bloody hell.... just get smart, driving upto a dealer or processor in a truck or landing in a chopper is just dumb.... think outside the box

Yes the admins are doing everything they can daily to make illegal things harder.....

Bloody hell.... just get smart, driving upto a dealer or processor in a truck or landing in a chopper is just dumb.... think outside the box
Agreed, RP everything. Think of more creative ways, such as plotting smuggling routes and as Wilco said "Think outside the box"

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One would be safe to assume that the whole 'difficulty' aspect is part of the 'risk' within the 'risk/reward' sector of criminal RP.

Don't want to pay PRNA tolls?


Why has no one done / thought of this before?!

Agreed, RP everything. Think of more creative ways, such as plotting smuggling routes and as Wilco said "Think outside the box"
RE: a situation I had with the police and PRNA just an hour ago - I RP'd it just fine, it may not be very creative in your eyes but I told them how I was an independent contractor hired by the NHS to deliver 200 kilos of weed, because there was an influx in people needing medical marijuana, I told them all the legal documents they needed were in the front of the truck.. Gave them my name, told them who I was (I wasn't wanted for anything).

They clearly weren't having any of it, they didn't want to RP with me and just wanted to scrap the truck and move on, so at this point I escalated the story and told them they could remove all the weed, but I needed to get the truck back to my employer in one piece as he would be very upset if it was crushed.

Nope, didn't even listen to me, one of the police was even chanting "SCRAP IT, SCRAP IT, SCRAP IT", and guess what, it got scrapped.

This is what we are trying to highlight, we aren't dumb, we don't drive right up on the field beeping our horns and trying to get ourselves pulled over, but the police and the PRNA (Now a force too large to even contest) are going out of their way to make our lives living hell. 

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No need to get defensive I'm just putting across my point of view on what's going on. I'm good enough at thinking of new ways to do things, but with police sat on sources of illegals and patrolling everywhere supported by PRNA it seems like rebels and gangs are getting more of a hard time than they deserve.

What do you think of the PRNA moving out of their territory since they're moving into more of a police support role Wilco?

Don't want to pay PRNA tolls?


Why has no one done / thought of this before?!
All about jumping the wall in a car, almost got banned for that once back in the day though aha


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If its to hard , get better to try to rp more.  The PRNA are working with the police because its been shown in the past that nether team can handle going toe to toe with with each other. This way its makes combat and obsessive bank jobs and gans who just kill and rob people(happens a lot) ALL OF A SUDDEN LOOK! YOU CANT JUST USE GUNS TO GET WHAT YOU WANT. Its now not a option to always go toe to toe in combat with police or PRNA you have to think and rp more. Its not impossible to do what you used to you just have to overcome and adapt . Like i saw (PLF,TKC and co) last night. They did a bank job and all teamed up. It was a really close fight could have gone ether way. So at the end of the day its just a change from the old. 

​Not being defensive just getting my point across haha

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If its to hard , get better to try to rp more.  The PRNA are working with the police because its been shown in the past that nether team can handle going toe to toe with with each other. This way its makes combat and obsessive bank jobs and gans who just kill and rob people(happens a lot) ALL OF A SUDDEN LOOK! YOU CANT JUST USE GUNS TO GET WHAT YOU WANT. Its now not a option to always go toe to toe in combat with police or PRNA you have to think and rp more. Its not impossible to do what you used to you just have to overcome and adapt . Like i saw (PLF,TKC and co) last night. They did a bank job and all teamed up. It was a really close fight could have gone ether way. So at the end of the day its just a change from the old. 

​Not being defensive just getting my point across haha

Please read my post, I did RP.. But the police didn't want to listen to me, the PRNA were just there to point guns in my direction and make me feel defenseless. I wasn't even dressed as a rebel, I was just going about my business.

I feel that if you are able to come up with a story that makes sense, and you are able to think on your toes as I did, then you should be given some lenience. Hell, you can take my weed, just maybe let me keep the truck for my efforts, instead of chanting and dancing around all excited to fuck me over and scrap my truck.. because that's how it felt to me. All I got out of the cops was "Nah, I called NHS and they don't know anything about it". Well fuck, anytime I give an RP story you can just pull that card.

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No need to get defensive I'm just putting across my point of view on what's going on. I'm good enough at thinking of new ways to do things, but with police sat on sources of illegals and patrolling everywhere supported by PRNA it seems like rebels and gangs are getting more of a hard time than they deserve.

What do you think of the PRNA moving out of their territory since they're moving into more of a police support role Wilco?
Not getting defensive

Just saying most people do the same boring things! 

Rather than coming up with a solution you go for "blame the admins" .... Just saying try a different approach to your gameplay.

So I've been speaking to my team recently as well as a couple of other groups, and with the PRNA being in the pants of the police now, and constant camping of illegal resources, it seems to be more and more difficult to pull off anything illegal.

Not only this, but I had an operative telling me of how the police were refusing to listen to RP or any reasoning, something I have witnessed myself recently. I have been becoming more and more disappointed with the roleplay displayed by the police force as of late, and with them working with the PRNA now, something should be done to balance the situation.

'Well stop complaining and do legal resources' you say? Legal resources are well known to be a fair amount less valuable, and for salt, we need to fork out money to cross into the PRNA territory.

Personally I think if the PRNA are going to just be a standard paramilitary they should relinquish their 'territory' and just have a dedicated base somewhere on the island.

It's like the admins want to make life impossible for the rebels/ gangs...

Just my two cents.

We do have a base by the way in our territory. And a pit. So be careful ;) . Regarding salt, sometimes we charge half tax for salt goers

Not getting defensive

Just saying most people do the same boring things! 

Rather than coming up with a solution you go for "blame the admins" .... Just saying try a different approach to your gameplay.
To be fair Wilco, he did post a solution in his argument, giving the PRNA some sort of base instead of their own territory now things have changed. I would somewhat agree with this solution, what do you think?

Don't want to pay PRNA tolls?


Why has no one done / thought of this before?!
Because the boats can't really hold so many so you can't smuggle prisoners out of PRNA prisons.

Gang up against them, drug smuggling isn't meant to be easy.

Buy Bigger weapons? Touch up on tactics? Pay them off? 

Get creative..

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Gang up against them, drug smuggling isn't meant to be easy.

Buy Bigger weapons? Touch up on tactics? Pay them off? 

Get creative.

Good luck going up against three cars full with cops and PRNA that are armed to the teeth. They wont accept bribes, this is against police rules they will be kicked out. Touch up on Tactics? We do Zeus operations twice a week and are perfectly familiar with military tactics.

All we have left is RP, and we do that, it just gets ignored half the time.

You won't see me ranting often, I don't like to do it.. So I'm going to keep my rants restricted to this forum post, and use this as a place to vent, but not be abusive.

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As soon as it gets hard and you don't succeed all the time , its all of a sudden a problem. Do drug dealers get caught in real life ? Yes all the time! There are huge drug busts every day . The odds are meant to be in the law and co favor! Huge iligal money should be  a huge risk and challenge to get. And it never has been until now. Would this happen if you did apples ? No ? You want a lot more money? Do drugs and times the risk by 100. 

Wilco I'm not going for 'blame the admins' -.- I can think of solutions and I like to do different things. In fact, with resources all blocked out by PRNA and cops, it's pushing people more towards robbing or doing the treasury, which so far as I'm told the cops despise and get sick of people doing (not to mention now the PRNA come and buttfuck anybody doing it).

*Sigh* I'm all for RP you're getting me wrong.

I came to a server like this because I like the roleplay and at every opportunity, I prefer roleplay over combat.

However, like I said, police are becoming less and less impressive with their displays of RP. So all that's happening is it's getting harder for us to do anything and roleplay isn't really improving (which I would like it to).

Vacatio I'm a pretty decent RPer (that's gotta be the correct term right xD) myself I just want to get some better quality of life for the gangs. We've been working toward taking contracts as opposed to doing drugs etc. 

I'm not just complaining because 'As soon as it gets hard and you don't succeed all the time , its all of a sudden a problem.', I just think there's a balance that needs to be hit

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To answer that 'RP failure' you had regarding the weed, it is standard practice for vehicles seized involving illegal activities are either sold off at a police auction or crushed. Since there isn't an auction feature on the server, guess what happens.

Obviously, other officers chanting 'Scrap it!' is out of order but the outcome is solid: the weed was not not medicinal, therefore illegal. You lost your weed and your truck because you got caught out. Happens all the time.
