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The Roleplayers Roleplayer - @ConnorTheGreatt

Why - The ammount of RP roles he plays on FiveM providing great RP from each and every one of them.​

Commitment King / Queen - @JordanG

Why - I've never experienced someone giving so much immersion to his roleplay than him, doing his role of a firearms officer on the FiveM side really well representing the police in a good light, so well he even made it on TikTok.​

Dev of the Year - @Ciaran

Why - The most effiicient dev on RPUK at least as far as Arma is concerned I've ever witnessed (others are good too) but he legit sees a suggestion bam done within a day or two and it's implemented, I wanna copy & paste the man.​

Staff Member of the Year - Both Staff Leads​

Why - With Matt gone they both have to pick up a lot more work and honestly they are holding it together really well.​

The Funny One - @Maxim

Why - For talking shit about Lobos but forgetting to look at his own AR.​

The Nice Person Award - @Nalurah

Why - Just in general people that know her will know she is very approachable and a great role model and gives you support with pretty much anything you need.​
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The Roleplayers Roleplayer - @CMO Phoenix

Why - Medic RP is top notch, has all the soundboards to make it all immersive & such.

Commitment King / Queen - @Mick surf (or me)

Why - Not a day goes by where I don't see this scouse legend on the server, don't think he even sleeps. 

Dev of the Year - @Recon Nine

Why - Supports Liverpool, said he'll add in the Liverpool Kit if I PayPal him.

Staff Member of the Year - @Robbie

Why -  An absolute legend, down to earth fella who can have a laugh, never a bad experience with 40 year old Robert.

The Funny One - @Charles Vane

Why - Never a dull moment with this man, laughs all around since I joined the community back in June

The Nice Person Award  - @L12Mason

Why - Don't know how he does it, never heard the man angry once, not even while playing the worst COD known to man kind, cold war.

The Roleplayers Roleplayer - @CMO Phoenix

Why - Always put a 100% into his roleplay as a medic and i've never seen him cut corners.​

Commitment King / Queen - @Mick surf

Why - Don't think i've seen anyone put in as much work as Mick has into the Lost and Bean Machine​

Dev of the Year - @Stealthee

Why - This could go to any of the FiveM devs but to where the server was at the beginning to where it is now is crazy and i don't think it would be where it is without him​

Staff Member of the Year - @Robbie

Why - He is always dealing with stuff on the forums as well as ingame. Also throws little events as stupid times in the morning to keep us entertained​

The Funny One - @SALV

Why - Biggest shit stirrer i know whenever he is in the channel you know your going to have a laugh​

The Nice Person Award - @ConnorTheGreatt

Why - Just a genuine nice guy always doing stuff for other people​
The Roleplayers Roleplayer - @CMO Phoenix

Why - Gives great in depth RP as a medic does everything right and good.

Commitment King / Queen - @Mick surf

Why - The amount of times i have seen him grinding he never quits even after losing all his money he comes back and makes it back again. He puts in so much effort for bean machine and the lost.

Dev of the Year - All Devs

Why - I only play the FiveM server and i have to say its an amazing city and with out the devs we have it would not be this good they have all done a great job at making this server the best.

Staff Member of the Year - @Robbie

Why - The staff team has been great but Robbie has done so much in the RP community by hosting events and making the city so fun for us.

The Funny One - @JonJo

Why - always has something funny to say makes the city fun with his funny actions and jokes.

The Nice Person Award - @ConnorTheGreatt

Why - all round nice guy always help full.

The Roleplayers Roleplayer - @CMO Phoenix

Why - The amount of time dedication to both running the Altis and GTA RP NHS. Phoenix is a consistant roleplayer and provides high quality roleplay and leadership within his roles. Always looking to help the community and is in constant communication with the development team in regards to issues, bugs and improvements. Truly an underappreciated person within the community.

Commitment King / Queen - @Coco

Why - Despite being a bit controversial in how he words things, he truly wanted?Wants? The best for the community and that was shown in the community meeting stuff for Arma 3/Altis. I don't have time for snowflaking around issues, from the small chats we had it was clear his commitment to the community/server. Wish more people were as invested as Coco was!

Dev of the Year - The GTA RP Team

Why - Unfair for me to pick an individual developer as all the devs have worked extremely long hours learning and improving systems. A lot to be released yet and lots to come.

Staff Member of the Year - @DELETER + Staff Level 5 @Hawaii

Why - Dedication to the GTA server, whether it be advising the development team in staffing issues or physically on the server handling situations involving ambulances professionally (I only write to wind up but he is a great asset to the staffing team and the community)

The Funny One - @Teddy Winkle

Why - Teddy Wrinkle that's him. Whether it is on rust, trying to roleplay with the neighbours, on Altis acting a phone call as George's mum, in San Andreas acting as CEO of Weazel News! We don't have a better funny man, it comes naturally and he is truly an amazing asset to the community.

The Nice Person Award - @TinyBigJacko

Why - Many of you may not have seen Jacko around in recent months, but he was crucial for the GTA RP Server and still is there in the background giving guidance. Without him there would be nothing. Being there at the start of it all to provide support and guidance for a new community development lead. TBJ has been here for years and we would surely be lost without him.

The Roleplayers Roleplayer - @John Fletcher

Why - Takes all his roles on with 100%, and plays them all well 😄

Commitment King / Queen - @Mick surf

Why - Does he even sleep?!​

Dev of the Year - @Archie

Why - Helping the council with new ideas & getting plans in motion!​

Staff Member of the Year - @Drew

Why - He's fair & always full of fun!​

The Funny One - @Harii

Why - I'll never get over "Open your nose" 😂😂

The Nice Person Award - @Cristi

Why - Can you get any nicer than Cristi?! Has time for EVERYONE & is understanding! ❤️
The Roleplayers Roleplayer - @CMO Phoenix

Why - As everyone already will know phoenix puts in 110%

Commitment King / Queen - @John Fletcher

Why - Always around putting time into different things around the city just shows me alot of commitment

Dev of the Year - @Stealthee

Why - This could go to any of the FiveM devs but gonna give this one to him

Staff Member of the Year - @Robbie

Why - Always happy to help people out and sort things out, throws little events as stupid times in the morning to keep us entertained

The Funny One - @adaco

Why - Never fails to make me laugh when i see him has police screaming at people

The Nice Person Award - @ConnorTheGreatt

Why - Just a genuine nice guy

The Roleplayers Roleplayer - @CMO Phoenix

Literally every time i end up in the hospital which is quite regular i end up seeing phoenix alot and he always roleplays as a medic to the highest standard with a full thought out procedure along with a sound board with noises

Commitment King / Queen - @Mick surf

I dont think ive ever been on and not seen mick on. This guy literally plays constantly and is always on in the mine or filling up his shop. Still remember coming on at 5am and Mick was sat doing runs.

Dev of the Year - @Stealthee

Has spent alot of time within the last year building up and constantly updating the GTA server and listening to what people want.

Staff Member of the Year - @Robbie

We all know about the late night sessions with Robbie along with the fact whenever I need help or support Robbie is about to help

The Funny One - @Warwick

Ive never met a funny man. The guy constantly cracks one liners and is constantly making jokes. Big up Kev

The Nice Person Award - @L12Mason

I dont think ive ever heard this guy say a bad word to anyone or get mad at anything. Always seems to give a positive outlook on everything

                                                                                                                    The Roleplayers Roleplayer - @ConnorTheGreatt

Why - Comes up with some seriously mad and unique situatins and phrases the make every situation different
''Can you cry into the mic abit loud for my viewers in Kenya please?" @Lube

Commitment King / Queen - @Yello

Why - Felix is always on the server, RPing and building up his four characters earning loads of money. Oh wait...😝

Dev of the Year - Stealthee

Why - Lead the GTA RP team and created the server with his team from the base up, making it enjoyable for everyone

Staff Member of the Year - @Robbie

Why - Couple of reasons really
1) Hes a baggies fan
2) Get to shout "DUUUUDLAAAAAY" whenever i see him
3) Sound guy who is fair and firm and his RP is top notch

The Funny One - @Teddy Winkle

Why - Can run into him on some random street and he will create a hilarious but diverse roleplay that leaves me crying with tears each time. He even manages to justify groping or armed robbery.

The Nice Person Award - @Lube

Why - just gotta be lubeman420 himself the big boy RP head always got me back

The Roleplayers Roleplayer - @CMO Phoenix
Why - Loves a good operation.. Never once have I heard him break character.  

Commitment King / Queen - @TikTak
Why - Very committed to the 'Report a player page'. Haven't seen anyone as committed to it than him. 

Dev of the Year -  @Stealthee
Why - Has turned the GTA server into something amazing. From when I first came in to the city, too now, The glow up of the city has just been something else. 

Staff Member of the Year - @Robbie
Why -  Always there to help everyone. Had helped me a ton when I first came into the community and loves a good Royal Rumble..

The Funny One -  @Drew
Why - https://www.twitch.tv/usualdrew/clip/IgnorantCarelessFlamingoBCWarrior?filter=clips&range=all&sort=time

The Nice Person Award - @Mick surf
Why - Always see him helping out new players to the city. Genuinely one of the nicest lads I've met in the city. +Has a KetWig IRL​
The Roleplayers Roleplayer - @CMO Phoenix

As others have already stated, Phoenix provides top quality Roleplay and in the background runs the NHS in an efficient and professional manner. I have never had a rushed or poor bit of RP out of Phoenix (on both ARMA and GTA) and Roleplayers Roleplayer is a well deserving title for him.     ​

Commitment King / Queen - @Norman

I don't think there is a pie that Norman doesn't have a finger in. Rather than write loads I will share an old Meme of Norman, if you know Norman you know how accurate this is. ​


Dev of the Year - @Loyalty

I think the newest or maybe one of the newest Devs on the server but has delivered in that short time some amazing creations. On a couple of occasions Loyalty has shown me the before and after of some of her projects and they are incredible. The skins she has done on the new Gang Guns, the Weazel Van/Heli, Scrapyard, intro Gifs (and picking the music)  in such as short amount of time is why she gets my vote. She is also a good person, which helps when choosing someone to vote for.    ​

Staff Member of the Year - @Dentibus

Literally superman, he is there in a flash and his super human strength could pull even the heaviest back from below the map. Again I believe a new choice to the staff team and from my point of view you guys got really lucky with him.     ​

The Funny One - @Lawyer Eve Hunter

Everyone needs a bit of a nemesis, since joining GTA, Eve Hunter has been mine. This all started with Eve not providing me food and water after he arrested me one of my first times on GTA. What has spiralled out of that situation is a lot of laughs (hopefully mutually), mainly me calling him offensive names and continually trying to push his buttons. However, his dedication to playing the somewhat clumsy highly pompous Police officer is what keeps me coming back to him for more. Eve shouting at a few of us to MOVE!! and accidently misusing the phrase "pleasuring myself"  instead of "I don't have the pleasure" is a highlight of the year for me.​

The Nice Person Award - @Wilco

Nominating Wilco to break the stigma that some people have, from my experience he has been welcoming to the community and even taken the time to upskill me in other games i.e. Rust. I am slowly learning the art of scavenging 'Eco Raiding'. He is someone that genuinely cares about the community and invests a lot of his free time behind the scenes and whist sometimes might come off as standoffish its always from a good place. ​
Commitment King / Queen - @Yello

Why - Always about to help out with NCA, revived it from what it used to be and continues to keep it alive.

Staff Member of the Year - @ConnorTheGreatt

Why - Always around when you need help, connor's always about in the OOC chat answering questions and helping those who need it.

The Funny One - @Lube

Why - Constantly makes you laugh with his complete stupidity.

The Nice Person Award - @Joshua

Why - Has always been very welcoming since I joined the community, and continues to show that to others to this day.

The Roleplayers Roleplayer - @Gremlin

Why - Is always providing HQ roleplay to everyone he comes into contact with.

Commitment King / Queen - @Riz

Why - Had put a lot of effort into the MTO team this year and seems to always be around when needed.

The Funny One - @Jack Wiltshire

Why - Comedy routine for Los Santos Got Talent was enjoyed by a lot of people!

The Nice Person Award - @Robbie

Why - Generally a nice person and willing to help and advise where he can.

Generally I would like to thank all the Staff team and Dev teams for their hard work this year both on Altis and Los Santos, Many thanks!

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