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The Blast

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SGT Big Dog

Well-known member
When i first came to this server this is the first thing i saw of the cops 



Before march this year i had less then 100 hours on Arma III i now have over 1500 Hours on Arma III and i can safely say that is because of altis life now the times i have had on this server have been great i've played with most of the gangs here or at least had fire-fights with them i've made millions i have lost millions, i've spent my days in the police force for months and the rebel life, although i never got the chanced to become a medic. Shout out to the people That are medics on this server you guys are great. 

but now i have now giving away my millions. i have had some of the most amazing times here and some of the weirdest https://gyazo.com/229c54c5d510da1bd2519ccac41fd8f1  but Alas it has to come to an end maybe one day next year ill be back but for now its goodbye. 




I would start to tag everyone i want to be thankful for on this server but i won't because you guys/girls know who you are

but last and not least Thank You Admins/Developers/Mentors/ for making this community so great and welcoming  





Enjoyed my time in the police with you :)  Hope to see you around soon  ;)

Oh god. I should've seized that accursed camera of yours when I had the chance.

Take care man hope to see you soon :)  

Bye, I miss the most recent moment we met, and you tricked @Mr Eagle   into thinking you were a girl. "hello lads" was the highlight of my day xD 

I'll miss you my friend, didn't really speak much to the end but I do remember persuading a little newbie to join the cops!

I will miss al the memories like I said I'll be back sometime next year and Sir wank it's been a pleasure lol @mr eagle was trolled good by my missus indeed and tamp ax you did indeed and I won't forget it 

I still remember the recording of your girlfriend going mental at you. One of the funniest things I've witnessed on this server. See ya later bud, hope to see you again! 

Always sad to see someone go :(

<3<3<3 Didnt actually realize there was a second video man! God bless hope i see you again mate <3<3<3 ;)
Missing you already even though i am late to say it <3​
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