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The ALUK CS:GO Tournament!

I hear £2.5 million of in game prize money has been offered for the winning team ;)

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I won't join due the fact we having an event Saturday that needs prep, and because some teams lied about their ranks making the games uneven and not fun.

I won't join due the fact we having an event Saturday that needs prep, and because some teams lied about their ranks making the games uneven and not fun.
Im not aware of anyone lieing about their ranks, but we've suggested for the next round to include total hours played, as well as current rank, hopefuly this will help give a better view of people's skills. Maybe even include a "highest MM rank achieved", that could help as well. 

Im not aware of anyone lieing about their ranks, but we've suggested for the next round to include total hours played, as well as current rank, hopefuly this will help give a better view of people's skills. Maybe even include a "highest MM rank achieved", that could help as well. 
People could still play on a smurf if they wanted to without anyone knowing really and just lie about their stats.

So what do you suggest as a solution?
Nothing, what you are suggesting is good but you cant really detect smurfs until you see them play so there is not really anything you can do about it im just saying that smurfs will be smurfs and they just wont come clean about their real rank.

Nothing, what you are suggesting is good but you cant really detect smurfs until you see them play so there is not really anything you can do about it im just saying that smurfs will be smurfs and they just wont come clean about their real rank.
Ill try think of some more things that could help prevent it. Maybe even enfore a minimum amount of hours played, kind of like an application criteria, minmum 200 hours played, must have an active MM rank, etc.... can also check anyones csgo stats on www.csgo-stats.com   :)

Atleast i'm not trying to hide anything... LOL :D

Ill try think of some more things that could help prevent it. Maybe even enfore a minimum amount of hours played, kind of like an application criteria, minmum 200 hours played, must have an active MM rank, etc.... can also check anyones csgo stats on www.csgo-stats.com   :)

Atleast i'm not trying to hide anything... LOL :D
Yeah the minimum hours criteria and application thing seems like a good idea and i think would help prevent people playing on smurfs.

Yup it should do.

So how about...

- Minimum 350 hours played

- Must have an active MM rank, with screen shot provided. Unranked are not accepted.

I also suggest as there are 18 different ranks, that we assign each rank with a value, 1 being the lowest at Silver 1, 18 being the highest at Global Elite. With this it will be easier to group teams fairly. Yes the ranks help do this anyway, but assigning a number to each rank makes it even easier as you can see a numerical value for each player and thus each team has a numerical skill value.


How about we get this ball rolling and set a date of next friday 29th at 7pm?

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Sounds great I think they should be required to take a screen of their In-game rank and then a link to profile so we can double check.

I could, thing is people always drop out and its almost impossible to do it. 

If I was to do it, id like to make it stretch over a weekend with people streaming/casting it with quarter/semi/finals and also have prizes.

That way people have motivation to play and not drop out.

I could, thing is people always drop out and its almost impossible to do it. 

If I was to do it, id like to make it stretch over a weekend with people streaming/casting it with quarter/semi/finals and also have prizes.

That way people have motivation to play and not drop out.
That would be awesome. Maybe some people can put up some altis life currency and you can give it to the winners and such

Sounds great, I unfortunately can't stream (Camel Internet) so that could be a problem maybe get a hand count of how many people would like to join then start from there?

(Edit) About the streaming thing we can 1/2 guys watching the match via GOTV or something and streaming it via that?

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