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The afternoon knows what the morning never suspected.

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I must say its sad that i didnt have to much time get to know You.

Big thank You for acceptning me in Marmite Miner's i hope i wont disappoint you.

Best luck out there , and hope to see you some day.



I didn't expect to wake up this morning and read something like this, it is a sad, sad day indeed! I really hope you get everything sorted and can find the time to come back, you're a great guy and someone I really look up to here so please don't take too long away!

All the best mate,


The best of luck to you mate, shame to see one of the good ones go. judging by the messages in response you will surely be missed by many.


This is a shocker, I wish you the best with the real life adventures and hopefully this community will see you again some time. Thanks for letting me into such a great group and I'll try me best to represent what you and cutter have created(Except the wild week we have had).

-Vixxy ;)

Goodbye bud.

I'm really going to miss blowing up your old black market for good times sake. I give you my word that I will blow up the house at least once a month to keep your memory alive.

Can i have your stuff? 

For reals though all the best good luck with the real world but dont forget us and pop in now and then 

This hurts me in the feels!!, and I am sure every else's feels too!. I'm gonna miss the mischief we caused! I wish you the best pal for the future! Hope to speak with you soon buddy. 

Adios, good luck, and come back someday. You know you want to... We all do. ;)

All the best for the future bud, you've been an absolute Saint to have in this community and we will all miss you. Have a good one 

Goodbye mate. RL > Altis every time. 

I do hope to see you back when you are sorted though. 

Hopefully you'll be back soon. Surely am going to miss you! /

Wait........What........ Who the hell is guna keep us in line now????

From the first go kart race to the hobo games to saving that truck full of salt belong to a UNMC member, i am honestly going to miss you and all the hilarious times in game and TS. Your spirit will live on in the inventory's of  every marmite buying player in the sever.

Goodbye Ash

Much love and marmite coverd hugs


p.s  Sorry bout the police holiday.........but when in Rome my friend!!  :p

Sad to see you go buddy.. I really hope we'll catch ya around every now and then for some chats, it would be a pity to see ya go completly!

All the best buddy, and life'll sort itself out eventually

Catch ya around,


You better had be pulling a Papa on us! Any chance you'd be up for staying until the weekend for one last hobo deathmatch/game of Civ 5?

Jokes aside, cheers for letting me be a part of what you and Cutter created, at the time I joined I felt the server was becoming a bit stagnant for me, but in MM I met so many like minded people that I learned a lot had a ton of fun and played part in some ridiculous encounters which revitalized RP for me. You've given me a ton of guidance on stuff too! Good luck with the IT contracting, I hope it works out well for you as you've been on about making the switch for a while. 

Best of luck buddy!


Thankyou so much for allowing me to join the Marmite Miners, i'm saddened to see you leave, i hope we continue to chat on steam and play some games together, you're a great guy. 

Till next time, 

Jammy Dodger - lots of love with marmite coated nipples. 

  • Lastly, but of course, by no means least, I want to thank: @Wilco, @TinyBigJacko, @Ciaran, The hard work you guys have put into this server is truly underrated, you guys have done a fantastic job. As well as all of the Admin team (A particular shout-out to @Vladic Ka, for joining us in the Marmite Miners and giving us endless laughs every time you've been on with us, and also @Steph ♥ for making Cutters life hell!). The list doesn't end here, thanks also to the Game Admins, Forum Mods, the Mentors and of course, all the other players on the server. You guys have really made the last 7 months pretty f'ing awesome for me. 
Bah, I see how it is.... lol

Take Care man. When you realise life sucks more than gaming, welcome back! :p

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