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The Ability to Lose Wheels


Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
South, UK
Brief Summary:
Allow wheels to come off cars following large crashes / rams, with the ability to re-attach them with a mechanical repair kit / wrench.

Detailed Suggestion:
As it stands, people will happily crash into walls, crash into other cars, drive up mountains etc with little regard paid to their vehicle besides maybe driving off and doing a quick repair and going on with what they were up to. If there were to be more impactful effects on a vehicle, such as a wheel falling off, then people might think twice when using their vehicle for some antics.

I think it would be reasonable, for gameplay / enjoyment reasons, to allow players to re-attach their wheels with the right equipment. Maybe a decently difficult minigame / wait along with needing a mechanical repair kit / wrench would be a reasonable way for people to sort their own car problems out.

I have found an example of this, however I have no doubt a more custom solution can be made that's just as good.

I am by no means suggesting every crash causes some catastrophic damage to a vehicle, but having a high speed crash or jumping down a mountain should probably require a bit more work than a quick repair and move on.

The Pros:
Gives a benefit to having an off-road vehicle for off-road driving.
Would make police performing TC more meaningful, hopefully leading to it being used less frequently or not as early in a pursuit.
Would stop the "rocket league" meta of people ramming into each other at gun fights.
Another thing mechanics can be called out for.
It's quite funny.

The Cons:
As with anything, development time.
Depending on its implementation, it could occur too frequently and become just another annoyance.
Depending on its implementation, the desync between passenger and driver could cause a wheel to fly off when the driver never really hit anything.

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?
I believe no side benefits more than another from this change.
+1 Tire changing is already RP'd at mechanic shops even with their limitations.

I'd love to see this, where a mechanic is required with additional physical items added like physical spare tires and a Car Jack. Would add a nice aesthetic.

- Use Car Jack
- Change Tire
- Use Car Jack again to Release

I imagine it could allow for some funny roleplay moments in having vehicles have their tires stolen.
I like the idea of cars being harder to repair and such. Maybe make the armoured cars/trucks (the stuff that's meant to be really strong and take a beating) more resilient against stuff.
I don't think there is enough risk when driving in this server so people including myself just full pelt it through the city because you don't really have a reason not too. If there were things like this I imagine people would drive slower especially in the city that would be a good thing and you would see the continued decline in car fights and more stuff on foot which IMO is better for gun play.
-1 i feel this would just make police ram more than they do and make them more op than they are.

I think it would be reasonable, for gameplay / enjoyment reasons, to allow players to re-attach their wheels with the right equipment. Maybe a decently difficult minigame / wait along with needing a mechanical repair kit / wrench would be a reasonable way for people to sort their own car problems out.
you say enjoyment reasons but as it is now police constantly use their cars as weapons, its only police that would enjoy this and people that aren't crim mains.
+1 good change, some serious dev work no doubt, be good for both Crims and police and just the legal Joe that drives like a cunt
I think it would be funny af +1
Only way I could get behind this is if cars general health is upped, I feel as they already break down/start smoking over the littlest things I'd be headbutting my monitor if my wheels started falling off also.


Cars already start smoking when they have been barely touched, and sometimes not touched anything at all. I feel as if we should make the cars more durable or leave it as it is at the moment, so that chases can last longer and have more fun driving overall. If you are in pursuit of a vehicle you have the ability to ram/corner them anyways, so why not just prolong the rp my continuing the chase until the person being chased is caught or has managed to drive away?

It's all up to the driver, from the mechanics in the server at the moment you have to drive carefully no matter what while being chased. If not your car will just start smoking, have a lower speed and end up braking down at some point.

I believe this system will also make the server a lot more buggy than it already is at the moment.

So what happens when a random local appears as they do and then you lose a wheel because of it?

You say people might think twice about doing things if this was to go ahead but that wouldn't be the case. Its a possibility that you're rammed into a wall without it being your fault and now you have a wheel missing in a chase etc..

Feel like the cons to this were not analysed enough.
+1 could make some better RP scenarios with mechanics etc, although cars general health would need to be upped for balance as cars currently break quite easily due to a variety of reasons
-1 While I don't dislike the core idea of a more advanced damage model, It's gonna turn the server into even more of a ram fest. Imagine being able to knock out a car fully with 1 hit and then hoping your wheels stay on.

Just no, Ignoring the bugs this would bring and headaches involved in daily life (Despite the good RP that can come from this.) All this will do is be an advantage for whoever is initiating a chase with more people, Be it Police or a gang chasing a solo guy.