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The 2015 Treaty of Paros

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Legendary Donator
Legendary Donator
On Saturday the 28[SIZE=11.6666669845581px]th[/SIZE] of February 2015, dignitaries from both the UK Government of Altis and the Peoples Republic of North Altis signed a Treaty of Non-Aggression, putting to rest the bitter conflict between the two factions.​
The Treaty of Paros was drafted, ratified, and enacted by both parties with the intent of ending hostilities between the now neighbouring nations. The Altis Police Constabulary on behalf of the government of the United Kingdom conceded the abandoned lands of Paros and recognized the national sovereignty of the People’s Republic of North Altis (PRNA) in exchange for an international 'non-aggression and cooperation' treaty to avoid international incidents.
This new dynamic will undoubtedly cause problems for the countless rebel groups caught between the now cooperating nations. No longer will rebel forces be able to rely on the escape route to the independent lands that were once the UNMC, but instead, may be forced into finding more creative or diplomatic approaches to their business activities.
A full and complete copy of the Treaty will be published and made available to all citizens immediately upon my receipt from the International Court of Justice.
Although this announcement is bound to raise passionate responses, I would ask that all questions regarding specific details of said treaty be held until the release of the document itself.
Very good points raised so far. What year is it anyway? And how would one keep track of dates considering there's more Altis days in a day than normal days in a day.... Ignore the date for now.

With regards to this being rolled out before the announcement, I'll admit there was a rather hasty implementation of changes that evolved rather rapidly into what we have today. I was not involved as much as I would have like to have been, and can assure you that lessons have been learnt on all fronts to ensure this doesn't happen again. My apologies to those affected.


#roleplayhasbeenbroken. #thiswasactivebeforeannouncement
An RP event was intended to happen the day after to make a video to go along with the announcement,but I ended up throwing up all night and I was not leaving that toilet for the world. 

So I have been wondering this ever since the PRNA have been helping out the cops during the bank job, as it is quite obvious when a hummingbird filled to the brim with soldiers lands near the bank is the PRNA coming to help out the cops, not to mention their very Identifiable outfit. Are we allowed to shoot this Heli down on sight, once we are positive it is PRNA, or are we forced to wait for them to fire upon us first. I've been doing the latter as I am always very cautious to shoot first in situations such as this. Just would like some clarification on this. Thank you.


Shouldn't it be the prnae as technically they occupy the north east spit of land / peninsula (I'm really struggling to define that part of the island is it a peninsula or a spit), not the north of the island?

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Shouldn't it be the prnae as technically they occupy the north east spit of land / peninsula (I'm really struggling to define that part of the island is it a peninsula or a spit), not the north of the island?
PRNAE? People's Republic of North Altis East?

Hahaha sorry @Gurlanin :)

What I mean was prnea

Which actually works quite nicely phonetically :)

You could call them "purneans"

But i still have no idea if it would be considered a peninsula or a spit....

If it were a peninsula you could name them


Or if a spit


I may be going to far with this :D

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Republic of




Part of


With the



or PRTNEPAWBW for short.

Peoples republic of the bit of land east of Paros that contains the town of Sofia and a bit of the salt lake oh also don't forget Molos airfield.

Maybe i'm overdoing this.


mmmmmm, it's catchy

It's a play on North Korea otherwise it would have been East Altis.

Speaking of which North Korea has mobilized it's military yesterday and fired two ballistic missiles at a joint US and South Korean Naval excercise. It could be some usual bullshit,but if it escalates to actual war which is 5% likely until they do something else then we will be changing our name to PREA.

(PREA is a good acronym actually.)

It's a play on North Korea otherwise it would have been East Altis.

Speaking of which North Korea has mobilized it's military yesterday and fired two ballistic missiles at a joint US and South Korean Naval excercise. It could be some usual bullshit,but if it escalates to actual war which is 5% likely until they do something else then we will be changing our name to PREA.

(PREA is a good acronym actually.)
Like IKEA, but with more bullets.

"A full and complete copy of the Treaty will be published and made available to all citizens immediately upon my receipt from the International Court of Justice." -- DainMK
Free toilet paper for everyone!

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