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Territory [MSF-T] (Action: Ban Issued 12/02/2015)

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Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Territory [MSF-T]
Time & Date this happened: around 21:05, 9.2.2015
Which Server did this happen on: Server 1, altislife
Description of what happened: I was driving my car to Athira on my side of the road. Then this guy rams into me and starts to rob me. I tried to taze him with my bounty hunter gun in order to protect myself, even though already the VDM was wrong. I wasn't able to taze him because he had no bounty, so I juked him and knocked him out. I restrained him in order for me to move him away from me - not to arrest him or anything - only for my own protection. Then he somehow manages to get away from the restrains and starts shooting everywhere - I think it was his friend who let him out. After that I said "That was VDM", and realized just after that that it is against the rules (Yes I'm sorry for breaking out of RP - I just got so frustrated with these people) but then I started typing in chat. Then I just gave him my gun and backbag so I would stay alive and not lose all my items.
What Rule Was Broken ?: VDM and using a game bug to get out of restrains.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: I talked to the guy while he was robbing me in chat and one of them said that "they didn't crash at me" and other said "dsync idiot" as you can see from the first imgur link.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after):
Unfortunately I only put my video to record right after the crash - but as you can see from my lost HP and from the placement of the cars I was driving on my line and they turned in front of me. However you can see how he escapes from the restrains. Also there is a part which I cut from the video in which I repaired my car and talked with them in chat. However if necessary I can upload it.

For some reason my screen capturer doesnt record sound and it is shit quality.
Here they blame dsync: http://imgur.com/ldGfZwk
Here they mock my English skills: http://imgur.com/RRXdjBS
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Man i did not mock your english i was saying you put the workds rong like a 2 year old lol and i desyct in to it happend to me like 20 mins after this happend with you with another guy and he is happy to let it go but you dont seem to want to let it go my mate unrestrained me so i did not glich so you have no evidence to put against me sorry buddy better look next time

My mate should not of engaged rp for a robbery and im sorry for that bud i did not vdm you for no reson im not like that i like playing on this sever and people like you no a fence but all you seem to do is not rp and try to get people in trubble so read the ruels and try to work on your rp this dose not need to be taken any furver than you trying to get me banned

I really don't care of your excuses, I told you that we could let it go if you would've let me go but apparently that was unacceptable. Thanks to you I lost some faith in RP, lost some of my gear and lost time making this report. You VDM'd me AND robbed me right after that.

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"i did not vdm you for no reson" so you had a good reason for it huh?

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Ok mate well you have no evidence so continue doing what your doing haha there was no vdm or rdm or anyrhing i did not brake the ruels you did by brakeing rp 4 times why we was talking and im not making and excuse ive told the truth thats it so stop been petty and get over it you lost like 40k is that realy a big deal man if you want to stop you crying i will comp you so you can be happy but just to let you know every time i see you your done for buddy

Are you seriously claiming that you did not VDM me? Even though you just said in your first comment "I desyct in to it", which means that you did indeed crash into me. Dsync is a lame excuse.

The thing is i said sorry and all that tryed to sort it out and then it all kick off ones my mate tryed to rob him i have offed to re comp him and i get nothing i try to be right with people and they dont cooperate so what do i do ?

Ok mr territory has asked me forever help in a pm. My suggestion is that we all have a talk in ts, because firstly I can't make any sense from the video when It got no sound, secondly it's mutch esy to talk directly to the person rather then typing. So if it's okay if like to suggest that Mr territory, oltsuwh, kris and radioactive shark and me as a third-party have a talk.

A-la-la-la-locked, la-la locked, locked, locked.

18c4b2d4871f51f616525eccc24d4d9d -1 Territory [MSF] - Forum Report 12/02/2015

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