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Temporary injured walking style after receiving pillbox treatment

Leroy C

Staff Team
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Legendary Donator
doing invasions in Irithyll Dungeon
Currently we often see people check out of Pillbox and immediately sprint back into action as if they were never injured.

My suggestion: when checking into Pillbox through the desk or NPC, your walking style would automatically switch to an injured variant for a short duration—similar to how walking styles change when a character gets drunk.

This would serve as a subtle reminder that, even after treatment, your character has just been through something significant and might not be 100% back to normal. It could encourage more realistic RP and help set the tone for those around you as well.

There's the argument one can make that it takes away some of the character uniqueness as everyone will look the same waddling out of Pillbox, which is certainly true, but would only be for a short time. The effect could wear off naturally after some time, or players can just manually change their walking style back if it really bothers them.

As usual, pros and cons:
-Serves as a reminder your character is still recovering
-More fluid and realistic RP after you get injured and need hospital treatment
-Would be well funny to watch the baldies waddle out of pillbox together
-Precious dev time
-Might look a little weird seeing people waddle out of pillbox, though it would only be temporary and can be changed by the player if they want to

Happy to hear thoughts and opinions. =)
Thank you.
It is interesting, perhaps if possible for it to be implemented temporarily for like a month to see how it treats players

But if it was added then it should also be the same when NHS brings people to their feet, otherwise I can see the influx of people just saying "just bring me to a medic, I don't wanna have the fucked walk when I come out" (there's already enough people who wanna avoid the hospital beds).


Sounds like an interesting mechanic that could bring more RP, and if it effects people helped by medics aswell, it would punish people who just constantly down their friends and themselves for stupid reasons which could sway them away from doing that.
I agree a lot tbh!!

I remember before I suggested the crutch after you come out of hospital which prevents your from running or pulling a weapon.

They had similar/identical pros to yours Leroy

> Battles NLR a lot easier
> Adds more roleplay

I think in the early days that was a thing, if I remember correctly
Kind of piggybacking off your suggestion a tad, but might be worth having some form of painmed (not available from a pharmacy, or if they are very limited) that helps alleviate the stumbling/hobbling after getting help

encourages a bit more interaction between NHS/Players rather than right on your feet away you go
I think in the early days that was a thing, if I remember correctly
back in 2020 you got concussion for crashing your car and you black out every minute so bring that and that thing back as it use be thing
back in 2020 you got concussion for crashing your car and you black out every minute so bring that and that thing back as it use be thing
Please don't bring this back. When other players are driving and desync it already causes blurry vision even when they haven't crashed due to desync crashes. This would make that worse.
Please don't bring this back. When other players are driving and desync it already causes blurry vision even when they haven't crashed due to desync crashes. This would make that worse.
No that only happened when you fly out car to the crash and same for being dizzy after hospital visit