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Teleporting Goods Rule - Clarification


Well-known member
I don't do drugs anymore (how about that as a quote without context) because I'm worried I'll be caught out by the teleportation policy. As it stands the rule states this:

In General

1. Using the garage to store then re-spawn at another garage to save driving around... or at your garage next to a processor... again teleporting and exploiting so this ends today.

One of my friends was recently banned as he pulled a truck out at Kavala with drugs in it, but he actually stored it in Kavala and didn't wish to sell as he couldn't be certain it would be safe to sell them.

Is storing a truck at Kavala and pulling it out at Kavala not legitimate, does it fall foul of the rules? If it doesn't how does an admin know you have actually done the entire drive from the processor to the Kavala garage and stored it there (see, I feel sorry for the admins too!).

If storing at Kavala is legitimate, do I need to record my entire run from processor to the Kavala garage each time and get banned, then submit an unban request with the video? I ask because sometimes I just have to go and I'd just store my truck in a garage at that point and I don't want to get banned because of it.

I'm so confused :(

Can I please get a clear statement on this from an admin, as until then I'll stick to flying helicopters and doing iron and frogs legs.

Im not an admin, but IMHO, storing a vehicle because its not safe at the moment should be exploiting. Its still circumventing danger, and I think you should have to actually wait with the truck at a "safe" place until the danger is over. Again, Im not an admin and dont make any decisions but thats the most realistic course of action.

Im not an admin, but IMHO, storing a vehicle because its not safe at the moment should be exploiting. Its still circumventing danger, and I think you should have to actually wait with the truck at a "safe" place until the danger is over. Again, Im not an admin and dont make any decisions but thats the most realistic course of action.
Well no offense, but of course a police officer would say that. You understand that getting to Kavala after say a cocaine run is the culmination of 1-2hrs work and the person doing it has already been exposed to danger at all times.

The fact they might want to store their truck in a garage (are we not able to do this in the real world) because they feel they want to wait till it's safe or perhaps they've simply run out of time (real life or server restart impending) doesn't feel very exploity to me. But I'm not an admin either, which is why I'd love to hear from one!

Ive been a rebel too, I know how dangerous and exhausting it is to make a drug run. in fact, I think I've done plenty more drug runs than you ;) And no, in real life there is no magical garage where the truck completely disappears until the owner wants it again. A restart or real life issues should of course be exempt from any punishment, but storing it just because it doesn't feel safe does actually feel kind off exploity to me. Just park it far off, in a warehouse or something. Wait until the police or robbers are gone and then do it. 

Well no offense, but of course a police officer would say that. You understand that getting to Kavala after say a cocaine run is the culmination of 1-2hrs work and the person doing it has already been exposed to danger at all times.

The fact they might want to store their truck in a garage (are we not able to do this in the real world) because they feel they want to wait till it's safe or perhaps they've simply run out of time (real life or server restart impending) doesn't feel very exploity to me. But I'm not an admin either, which is why I'd love to hear from one!
I feel the problem arose from a smaller group of people, rather than the general population. But as usual there seems to be a mentality amongst some users that try to use game features meant for situations like you have described for their advantage, such as storing it in one place, driving a sports hatch to a closer garage then pulling it out. Now I am sure most people will agree with me that they wouldn't see a problem with you storing a truck full of anything then logging off for the day. The problem occurs when someone logs on, pulls out a truck profiled with drugs and sells them, then proceeds to repeat it with another 4 hemtts one after the other. Peoples garages were looked into and people were found to have many hemtts full of drugs sitting waiting for no/few police to be online. 

I think it is another case of a common sense thing, just don't try and exploit things and you will be fine. 

I believe that storing a vehicle when you feel its not safe should be okay but its not okay to store it and get it out in a different location it should be made that vehicles can only be brought out where they were stored

The problem I see is how can an admin tell if the truck was stored at the same garage it's pulled out from. For all I know my mate is telling me a bigger whopper and he teleported it from the other side of the map.

But if he isn't and he's being truthful it's a dilema for admins to tell, an admin doesn't have time to spectate someone all the way from the drug field, to processing to Kavala each time, so they have to make a call.

Maybe I'm just reading the rules wrong and storing drugs in any shape or form is actually whats not allowed. But considering the amount of time it takes to drive a truck from a major city, do all the druggy things and back to Kavala, it might not leave the person that long to sell them in the first place, hell, they might not even make it to Kavala if they started too late.

Guidance, I need it :(

I have not banned for this yet and would only warn people that I see taking a vehicle out at Kavala. If I see someone store a vehicle elsewhere and THEN take it out at Kavala then of course it would be a ban.

The only person who could answer your question would be the person who banned your friend.

Thanks for your input Vladic, if I ever grow the balls to sell drugs in Kavala myself (it always goes wrong for me lol) and I'm pulling a truck out to do so (not straight after the restart) then I'll just record myself driving to Kavala and timestamp it and then record myself getting it out and timestamp that in case questions are asked later.

I will contact that admin too, I'm probably missing some of the story from my friend and if its ok by him to post in here with any extra info/guidance I will.


I wouldn't expect a IRL criminal to be driving around with drugs till the sale, storing should be fine but the moving from one garage to the other shouldn't
