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TEAMSPEAK SUGGESTION: Hidden Faction Channels

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SGT Dean Hastings

Legendary Donator
Legendary Donator
Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Trainer
Los Santos Rangers
I have tried to make this in the relavant section but the tab to make suggestion there isn't there. If a staff member could remove this sentence and move this suggestion to the correct place I would be very appreciative. 

The suggestion is simply: Make Faction Channels hidden so only the people in the channel can see who is online. 

Why do we need this? I feel through my time on the server that there are many people who metagame the different factions. The reason I come to this conclusion is because I play late a lot stuff that doesn't happen when there are many cops online starts happening IE taking cops hostage, baiting cops, trolling cops. I feel very strongly that Teamspeak is the tool people are using to choose when to start doing these things. 

If this is such a problem why don't we have this already? We came from Altis, Altis relied on whispers for different units to patrol with each other, and to be effective their channels had to be able to be seen by the different patrols. 

But staff need to see who is in what channel? I am not such if there ability to see people in channels could be added to the staff tag but if not if they really need to see then they can join to see who is on or use an alias. 

If this was implemented I think metagaming would be reduced massively when the whitelisted agencies are targeted. This suggestion applies to all whitelisted roles and not just Police. 

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One way people decide whether to log on is by seeing if their mates are on by looking in the channels

The metagaming that happens via TS is minimal anyway, cons outway the pro's on this one.

I have discussed this myself with Police Command before to try an combat potential metagaming from a stand point of Firearms Officers. It did feel in the past that people looked at the Police channels to see how many Firearms was online so then they can decide to rob a bank or not. As less Firearms officers online the easier the bank robbery. (This was before Frontline and Traffic cops where armed with a pistol.)

However this has been combated via the devs. For example there now has to be a certain amount of Firearms Officers online for banks/shops to be robbed. 
In my opinion this has helped a lot and I have seen a difference on the server because of it.

taking cops hostage, baiting cops, trolling cops.
Now from your stand point of the above quote I do feel this may be an issue but there is no way to prove it unfortunately. 

But like I said before from being a cop on the GTA server since it started I don't feel that people metagame the channels as much even if they do at all as I don't think there is as much benefit from doing it compared to how the server was set up at first.

It will be a -1 from me. Im out.

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My main issue with this is that many people go on patrol because friends / other faction members are on patrol.

By not being able to see who is on, this could lead to less people jumping on... however if you then gave faction members the ability to see in these rooms that also would have the same situation we have now as most people have multiple characters anyway.

This can also present faction management problems if senior members of the faction / unit leads / staff can't easily see who is on as you mentioned

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