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Tasers and bountyhunters


Well-known member
Hello everybody!

I have been pondering today,

Ill put my thoughts in an hypothetical situation, I am wanted for 150,000 pounds and I am talking to a friend or a person I happen to run into in a random city and we are discussing daily matters in the life of Altis, the on going war ect..

A bounty hunter walks around trying to localise his bounty. I know my friend is not wanted but I am the only one there with him. Would it be ok to shoot at him from a distance or should we wait   until he  comes close and then let him utter the words "your face is on the wanted list"  and then knock him out since by the time you pulled out a gun you got a tazer mag spammed into your body.

I know if I would try to run away even before he comes close  the bounty hunter  immediately would say 'stop or I tase' and then proceed to spam the tazer but with what right how can he know that the person is   wanted without saying anything or even asking the name. I mean you can't tase people just because you think they are guilty or unless by metagaming ofcourse.

which brings me to the next thing:

Police get a taser pistol which they get training sessions (module 1-5) for and strict orders when to use it and when not. Taser abuse is known to be frowned upon by superiors in the Police Departement.

PCSO's get taught how to not spam the tazer and yell "stop or i'll..." and stuff like that before going over into action.

Now my question is

Why do bounty hunters with no training get a PDW to taze?

A tazer IMO is stronger than a Zafir because it can neutralise you with one shot as a Zafir usually takes 2-3 bullets. 

Maybe there should be a training or atleast some supervision for bounty hunters since any person with enough money can be it.

The reason I made this little rant is because I have been getting alot of messages and complaints on how to deal with bounty hunters. Some of them are very good at RP'ing others only have dollar signs in their eyes. Its hard to get a correct way of dealing with them since they are a fairly new phenomenon. With the police you can always RP when they ask for your name and is alot of fun most of the time.

I wanted to know how you guys in the community feel about this.

Kind regards,


My personal thought about bounty hunters is that they are wannabe cops that steal allot of the police work and sometimes makes it harder for us as well by adding more conflict in some matters.

Should be a rule that you can only go bounty hunting if there is below 10 cops online or something like that.

And yes bounty hunters metagame the shit out of their brains...

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My personal thought about bounty hunters is that they are wannabe cops that steal allot of the police work and sometimes makes it harder for us as well by adding more conflict in some matters.

Should be a rule that you can only go bounty hunting if there is below 10 cops online or something like that.

And yes bounty hunters metagame the shit out of their brains...
Slightly agree but I believe some of them are very useful, especially yesterday when they helped me and PCSO Sparky catch two armed assailants. Shame that the two murderers combat logged though.

I have seen SGT Zippey trainning a Bounty Hunter !
Let's add Bounty Hunter Trainning Officers(BHTO), or simply a video explaining them what to do ?

BH still RP. I know I do. I avoid tasing on sight at all costs, instead talking to the said person about how he resembles a person I have a warrant of arrest for. But not all BH do this. Just like not all rebels RP. 

I had a HVT in custody, and he admitted to 1 charge, but said the other was a bug. I could of sent him straight to jail. And another officer appeared to trying to do just that. But I went out of my way to find the officer who apparently could explain the situation. And they did. Turns out, he was caught, but they were unable to send him to jail so RP'ed with him for 15min instead. And I was happy letting him go after I was told. He had a nice bounty of £150k, and I had spent 30min tracking him already. But it's not all about the money. And I hope you all understand while a some are solely driving by this, not everyone is. 

And whilst the 30rd tazer is strong, it's got terrible accuracy, and takes 0.5sec to actually taze. Enough time for anyone to kill you before they are tased. It's quite annoying. 

Police get a taser pistol which they get training sessions (module 1-5) for and strict orders when to use it and when not. Taser abuse is known to be frowned upon by superiors in the Police Departement.

PCSO's get taught how to not spam the tazer and yell "stop or i'll..." and stuff like that before going over into action.
Police should already recieve training on firearms and taser covered under Module 5. 

Would it be ok to shoot at him from a distance or should we wait   until he  comes close and then let him utter the words "your face is on the wanted list"  and then knock him out since by the time you pulled out a gun you got a tazer mag spammed into your body.
And in response to your question, you can't KoS a BH. it's RDM. By all means threaten them and tell them leave. If they don't defend yourself. But shooting on sight isn't acceptable. Lt Fox-[something] disconnected twice after fleeing only to reconnect somewhere else. Once, less than 30 seconds after being spotted (drove past, he ran into buildings only for me to turn around and see him DC in chat). 

Atm, BH have no choice but to meta-game. And Wilco has posted to confirm this. We can't check licenses. If we ask for names, we'd only get fake ones. And the taser only works vs wanted targets. If you are with a non-wanted person, it's nearly impossible to then arrest you. 

"BH have no choice but to meta-game."

Well you won't be seeing me for a while in any city then.

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I dont think everyone who is a bounty hunter does metagame and the system means it is impossible to not see the nametags because the only clue you get is where they are so you need to identify them but i think many people should chat to them and not just say "John you are arrested" or something. Also bounty hunters sort of need pdw because we are always hunting down people with weapons and always agressive and police do get lethals and they get some huge guns so i think they should be able to keep their gun. There are ways around bounty hunters like wear a bandana or a hat or something because then they cant confirm so you can roleplay around it if you are clever

My personal thought about bounty hunters is that they are wannabe cops that steal allot of the police work and sometimes makes it harder for us as well by adding more conflict in some matters.

Should be a rule that you can only go bounty hunting if there is below 10 cops online or something like that.

And yes bounty hunters metagame the shit out of their brains...
Not all of them metagame. Me and Dutchy (another bountyhunter) are most of the time catching other bountyhunters on metagaming. So if we see that other BH's doing that (metagaming) we say it to them and we 'force' them to let the suspect go and do it a RP way next time. Most of  the time we also inform a cop about these guys so they can also have a eye out for them. 

Maybe it's a good idea that you need to buy a BH license at a high ranked Police Officer. And that they first interview you and explain the rules etc. And if you metagame, even if you doing it 1 time, you lose your license.

Maybe this can help. And can a admin make a post about bountyhunters with all rules in it? Because I heard a BH saying; "I can MetaGame because I can't find any rules about it on the forum.".   

Hope to see you guys InGame with your RP skills turned on!

BH/Dr. EagleEye

8A) When playing as a bounty hunter you must be wearing the bounty hunter uniform at all times

8B) Bounty hunters may not game the system by teaming up with a friend, this is exploiting and you and the person/s will be banned as a result.

8C) Bounty hunters can only taze the person they are shooting at to combat trolling.

8D) You must follow any instructions from a police officer if they are already on the scene.

8E) You may contact the police if you need assistance transporting someone worth a lot back to the HQ however please share a cut with the officer (a great role-play chance here)

8F) When you successfully capture someone and you have them in your car please send a text to the police as they might be out searching for this person at the time.

As posted in the rule section,

But eagle eye raises a valuable point I'll suggest it.

its far to cheap. 500k for that much power and respectability is a recipe for chaos. This quote from the joker explains it to the T! 


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BHs remind me so much of all the gangs who wanted to "help" the police and not actually apply or failed to apply. They have very few rules and alot of responsibility. I used to be on the fence with the idea of the BHs,but the sheer number of terrible BHs looking for money and shit RP or no RP has made me disgusted with the idea,even with the few whom I have seen good RP with. There is too much bad in comparison with the good. The fact they get all of the bounty money also adds to the greed level. Like I've said before do two cocaine runs with the risk of police,robbers and other BHs or go find a guy with a spammable tip system and just taze him to drag him away. The higher the bounty the less they care. Actually that's partially true Noz had a 150K bounty and of the 4 of them 3 broke 3 rules and 1 broke 2. Greenzone violation,no RP on their end(metagaming), and only one actually wore a BH uniform. They even said no more talking at the end and sent him immediately to jail. No interest in RP just the money. The good BHs are outnumbered at least tenfold by the number of complaints on the forums and in side chat in game by how many bad ones there are.


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I think we should have a head bounty hunter leader to control all the bounty hunters and be very strict with them so their licence is removed if they metagame and maybe two deputy bounty hunters who are whitelisted and trusted to be in charge

I fucking try to RP as a BH, but people always shout METAGAME METAGAME. It's so shit. I give in and just end up wanting to leave this server.

I fucking try to RP as a BH, but people always shout METAGAME METAGAME. It's so shit. I give in and just end up wanting to leave this server.
Now you know how cops feel. The difference is BHs have that stereotype significantly more pronounced,because of the ones that actually do metagame.

I must say most of my run ins are negative and normally end with me getting meta gamed. And 10 min later im digging the bounty hunters shallow grave.

?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent> people needs to be enforced for roleplay to actually be had between players if the community is indeed serious about roleplay in my opinion, obviously it's quite hard to really ignore the fact that the persons name is hovering right in your face, but if they do get removed then how things are done in DayZRP when it comes to ?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent> people needs to be put in use, my reasons behind this are in the links for ?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent> people :p
