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Taking the police hostage..


So yeah, one of the things I enjoyed the most on this server was taking police hostage, but that's not possible at the moment since it's bannable and its been that way for 9 days now, which is a really long time.

It's been a bit boring on the server lately since there isn't super much to as rebels, and that's why I decided to ask here on the forums for an update on the whole "take police hostage" thing.

The thing that made taking the police hostage situation so entertaining was the fact that you had to set up a plan and get a team to capture the police first which is something I loved myself. After all that you have a nice chat with your hostage and start negotiating with police. The people I used to do it with always went for an exchange with the police where we met up and gave them their guy back. Sometimes the police had a hit squad waiting 1 km away in a chopper other times they didn't. But we always did our best to have most possible RP going with the police (meeting up with them etc.)

That's the thing about this taking police hostage, you never knew how it was going to end since we were negotiating with different police guys every time. Which makes it entertaining to do it more than once, since it can end in so many different ways.

The group I used to roll with and do it, we clearly did it for RP reason and not just the money - And I know that's the same for many other rebel groups. That's why I think it's a shame that we haven't been able to do it lately.

And I'm pretty sure that I'm far from the only one that's looking forward to take police hostage again. (Pretty sure the police were enjoying it as well)

And a little picture from one of our many adventures with the police:


- Lakotiz

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I miss that..

It's sad to see everything that was enjoyable getting removed/restricted.

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I think we can agree on perhaps taking hostages is allowed, but perhaps not CSO's and PCSO's? They're still learning, are mostly unarmed and can't really defend their selves.

I think we can agree on perhaps taking hostages is allowed, but perhaps not CSO's and PCSO's? They're still learning, are mostly unarmed and can't really defend their selves.
I would like to agree,but when I'm not trying to take them hostage and RP with them passively they are still naturally afraid and hostile. Perhaps Cop on Rebel RP should go into the training module?

Yeah I think it should be allowed, maybe with time limits on negotiations so it doesn't take forever. Loads of useful info and opinions on thread on the same topic.

Im all for hostage taking. Im ok with it, but maybe once a night for every gang. Because when the police can't do anything else but wait all night for hostage negotiations it gets boring.

I say once a night for official gangs. 

Have you considered kidnapping other gang members? Doesn't have to be police.

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Have you considered kidnapping other gang members? Doesn't have to be police.
The times we took other members they logged out or killed themselves. It's also harder to take them because most of the gangs prefer killing over roleplaying, this sadly means that we have to kill them or they'll kill us.

Maybe a rule of which the police has a ooc weather to get hostaged or not, not everyone wants to be hostaged and this will avoid it happening 10 times per day.

What about:
Once the officer has been taken hostage - 15 mins to set up negotiations and lay terms then another 10/15 mins to follow up on negotiations(time for officers to meet demands or set up a rescue). If too much time has passed(maybe the cops didn't want to negotiate with terrorists and didn't show up), rebels are obligated to let the detainee go or execute them. 

I think that sounds pretty fair, its more than enough time to negotiate really and it wouldn't be too much of a time sink for the cops. 

What about:

Once the officer has been taken hostage - 15 mins to set up negotiations and lay terms then another 10/15 mins to follow up on negotiations(time for officers to meet demands or set up a rescue). If too much time has passed(maybe the cops didn't want to negotiate with terrorists and didn't show up), rebels are obligated to let the detainee go or execute them. 

I think that sounds pretty fair, its more than enough time to negotiate really and it wouldn't be too much of a time sink for the cops. 
When things get rushed, they do not go well for either parties.

When things get rushed, they do not go well for either parties.
I'm not sure 15 mins is rushing it, as long as there is good communication. It takes less than 1 to text the cops with information/demands. I also don't think the cops should be obligated to actually engage in negotiations too tbh, its still rp to say 'we don't negotiate with terrorists', Its just more fun if they do. :) In that regard there should be no rush at all.

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I'm not sure 15 mins is rushing it, as long as there is good communication. It takes less than 1 to text the cops with information/demands. I also don't think the cops should be obligated to actually engaged in negotiations too tbh, its still rp to say 'we don't negotiate with terrorists', Its just more fun if they do. :) In that regard there should be no rush at all.
I understand that, but its all in theory, when we used to take cops hostage it would sometimes take up to 10 mins just for a response from the first text, and even then it was only a: calm down we are sorting out a negotiator etc. The best hostage takings I have had have lasted well over 45-60 mins.

I understand that, but its all in theory, when we used to take cops hostage it would sometimes take up to 10 mins just for a response from the first text, and even then it was only a: calm down we are sorting out a negotiator etc. The best hostage takings I have had have lasted well over 45-60 mins.
Yeah I know what you mean! and I feel the same I wouldn't mind them going on for longer to be honest, but I can see the frustration on the cop side. That's why I said they shouldn't be obligated to negotiate because if they're too busy and don't have the facility to be good communicators/can't role-play sufficiently at that time, I'd rather it not go ahead at all instead of being sloppy and rushed for everyone involved. The time limits just help organise the whole thing so that no one is wasting time. 

Can we get an update on this whole thing from an admin please? I'm really looking forward to take police hostage again..

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post this or not, so if I'm not please let me know and I'll remove it :)

A few days ago myself and Maratek arranged, with full permission, for the BRC to take him hostage as a test to see how the force reacted to it. After a 90 minute or so hostage situation, we came to the conclusion that the force needed some work, mainly in communicating with each other during such things. They were going to have (may already have had it, it's been a few days now) a meeting about it and from what I understood, to work on it. Whether this meant training or guidelines, I don't know.

The whole situation was very clumsy in parts from the cop side, giving up to our first demand, not really negotiating and giving us waaaayyyy too much money for the safeish return of Maratek, at one point we could have had 2 cop hostages but strayed away from doing it in the interest of time (and honouring our word.)

Based purely on that excercise, I'd like the rule to stay in force for a while and maybe with the downtime get some trained negotiators within the force again for people that do take police hostages and actually roleplay it out correctly. I have no idea if this is already happening, but it would be benficial if some form of negotiating training at least was given as standard to new recruits.

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Despite there being a 'hostage-taking' ban in place (temporarily, at least) on Wilco's orders, I gave the authority a couple of nights ago, for the Maratek incident to happen.

The principle reason that the hostage situations were banned was because they were happening far too many times a night, leaving the cops unable to manage 'normal' policing in the towns. Also, the sums of money being demanded were getting stupid, and the general cry from the rebels when the cops said 'no more cash', was that the cops were somehow 'not roleplaying', which is BS. There are limits to how much any officer is worth, sadly, and cops will sometimes back off in RL and let nature take its course. They may attempt a rescue if they have the manpower, or they may just call the bluff of the hostage-takers. It all depends on the situation.

Given that the last event showed up the fact that the cops are still a bit green in places when it comes to hostage situations, I think we should try again once they've had some training. Remember we lost a fair few cops recently, and there is a sizeable tranche of 'new blood' in the force, who still have to learn this particular 'sub-game'. They'll get there, I'm sure. They just need some practice. Hopefully, we'll have a repeat run in a few days time, providing admin-approval is sought again, and the cops are up for it, etc.
