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Taking a Break

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Well-known member
Have to work allot lately so will be re locating for a short time, will only be 2 weeks to a month.

Will miss some peeps, really enjoyed my time in NHS and Police so I hope this doesn't effect that.

Thought id let you lot know, thanks guys take care! :)

Life > RPUK

Edit: let me fix that!

Anime > Life > RPUK

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NP, best of luck with your shifts.

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If you want to become one of the richest players on Altis then...

RPUK > Life

I wish you the best of luck mate :) 

Hope to see you soon <3

I know I havent played much with you in the NHS, but I've seen your name a couple og times and I've always stopped for a second to think, ah what an awesome name haah. Take care buddy!

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