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Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):Summer
Time & Date this happened:04/09/2015
Which Server did this happen on:TS
Description of what happened: 
I've Got to an TS joined my gang channel and after few seconds i have got kicked
by Summers i thought it was by mistake and He asked to change my name and didn't give it to mind and rejoined because i thought he got the wrong guy,
after a minute or two i got kicked again and he warned me to change my name ,
after that i asked him to join privet room to speak. then he told me that Dementia is Medical Disease and that he lost hes uncle to that  Disease I'm sorry for he's loss but you cannot give a ban because i am using medical term name.  also when he moved me to he's channel he talked to me in disrespectful way and didn't have temper to resolve and problem that were given before him and demanded that i will change name immediately
And Again I'm Sorry for he's loss but that's not an example nor the way a mentor should act.
it is the same if i wont like name Jack and find it offensive then i would make the man who have name jack change hes name and threaten him in any way like Summer have done to me due to the fact he does not like the name?
i find he's actions offensive and racist.
please do something about this....
thank you
What Rule Was Broken ?: Offensive / Racist
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: yes
tried to explain that this is my nick and i mnot allowed to changed it due to ingame name.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)
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TS Ban abuse really?

You came into the teamspeak with the name of a medical disease which I recently lost a member of my family to. I requested TWICE that you change this name and have even informed your friends this could have been solved with you changing your name.

Imstyle and I issued the ban since you had a persistent attitude towards us as we asked you to change your name politely. Then you have the audacity to accuse me of abusing my powers and being racist? - 

This could have all been solved with the change of a name, and I think the admin reviewing can agree using the name 'dementia' is not the best of ideas. I genuinely find this situation very silly - but @imstyle can confirm my story and also what you  ACTUALLY said in the channel

Have a nice day sir 

hello there to the admin who will read this - this gentlement had been previously kicked twice by summers and when i pulled him into a channel to speak to him gave me nothing but attuide - i aslked him kindly myself a second time to change his name and in reply said something about black people - i found that mixed with his attuide to be toxic and that is why i issued the ban. the name was only a part of it 

this is getting no where . 

i did an example at TS and said 

if a person doesn't like other person because of hes name or color and pointing out example with African race.

the summer have kicked twice due to name offensive and got me turned on because of he's unnecessary actions he could before kicking and raging send me pm and talk to me but he haven't and started straight from kicks and went to ban this all could have been avoided if not kicking and banning? am i using insulting name? no. i am using basic Name From songs,medical terminology.

now my father have passed away due to cancer at summer . should i ask summer to change hes name because my father have passed away at summer?

 and i am being toxic? you kicked me banned me and threaten me after that you demanded me to change my name .

your action where toxic also i am at altis uk for more then an year and nobody had a problem with my name.

and i don't believe you should be an mentor....you don't have an patience nor you did not give me good example of understanding or example as mentor you just straight kicked me and later turn on as a ban due to offensive name?

now my father have passed away due to cancer at summer . should i ask summer to change hes name because my father have passed away at summer?
My name is Summers actually and it is my real name - Dementia is a medical condition 

BIG difference.

I am however sorry to hear about your loss - but Summers is my literal name - not Summer

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I don't think that it's a mentors decision if someone gets banned for using a medical term as their name.  Admins will review thiscase. 


I'm sad to hear that happened within your family, but as a mentor you have to have the ability to think and judge people's actions.

I don't think he's doing it on a negative way, maybe it's just a long term name he's been using, at the most you could ask him to change like you did, but in the end of the day it's his choice as i see nothing wrong with his name.

I do feel bad that this situation is not easy for you Summers, but I think you took it personally when you shouldn't, you need to be absolutely sure what you're doing is right, and perhaps consult the actual admin team before making a decision that might disrupt the game play of someone that didn't do anything. Mentors can ban to help us control trolls and rule breakers, and i don't see either on this case.

I expect him to be unbanned once i get home.


You have been banned before, and regardless if it was a crash or not it counts towards a perma ban. @imstyle claims you had a toxic attitude and i have nothing to make me believe otherwise so i would be careful the way you talk with the staff.

The job of sorting staff problems is mine, therefor you should come to me with complains when you have them and i'll sort them out the best way i can.

@Steph ♥ i was typing when you replied, tagging you so you are aware.

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thanks - cardoso. just to make it clear. the ban messege i wrote was for a previous gentleman and i did not notice that it was the same untill affter the ban had been submitted., he was not banned for the name  but for his behavior 


I'm sad to hear that happened within your family, but as a mentor you have to have the ability to think and judge people's actions.

I don't think he's doing it on a negative way, maybe it's just a long term name he's been using, at the most you could ask him to change like you did, but in the end of the day it's his choice as i see nothing wrong with his name.

I do feel bad that this situation is not easy for you Summers, but I think you took it personally when you shouldn't, you need to be absolutely sure what you're doing is right, and perhaps consult the actual admin team before making a decision that might disrupt the game play of someone that didn't do anything.

I expect him to be unbanned once i get home.


You have been banned before, and regardless if it was a crash or not it counts towards a perma ban. @imstyle claims you had a toxic attitude and i have nothing to make me believe otherwise so i would be careful the way you talk with the staff.

The job of sorting staff problems is mine, therefor you should come to me with complains when you have them and i'll sort them out the best way i can.

@Steph ♥ i was typing when you replied, tagging you so you are aware.
Thank you so much, yes i have been banned before due to technical error and Wilco knows of this.

if i could evade that technical error i would.

i am sorry for he's loss.

and as for @imstyle  instead of contacting me at pm or at least moving me to there room to talk about this they started kicking me..

and after that demanding that i change my name and banned from ts... i didn't mean to get angry but when you play and you get constantly kicked and after that banned ....it gets u turned on....i am sorry for that .

also if you can delete this threat because it was an simple lesser misunderstanding on both sides i do not have nothing agaisnt summers.

i hope he can help me and give me a tips on some topics later on as an mentor

thank you Dementia

Dementia is an 

thanks - cardoso. just to make it clear. the ban messege i wrote was for a previous gentleman and i did not notice that it was the same untill affter the ban had been submitted., he was not banned for the name  but for his behavior 
i am sorry imstyle but offensive name and toxic attitude is quite different laters and also you cant expect a person to stay calm after kicking,demanding and threatening like at screenshot ( change your name last warning)

hello there to the admin who will read this - this gentlement had been previously kicked twice by summers and when i pulled him into a channel to speak to him gave me nothing but attuide - i aslked him kindly myself a second time to change his name and in reply said something about black people - i found that mixed with his attuide to be toxic and that is why i issued the ban.
@imstyle how do you expect people should act after kicking? and banning them because summer loss

now i made example that you couldn't understand and for example i was claimed to be toxic?

the attitude you got is the same you gave me. like you said it all could have been different if not the action we both did

anyway. i can see it is all personal and i don't mind anything that had happen i mainly posted this topic due to lost temper

i would like to forget this topic and anything that is related to it. things happen be default  and on emotional base we are all people :)

and i hope that this accident wont ruin your day nor mine 

and this is all just misunderstanding.

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i am sorry imstyle but offensive name and toxic attitude is quite different laters and also you cant expect a person to stay calm after kicking,demanding and threatening like at screenshot ( change your name last warning)

@imstyle how do you expect people should act after kicking? and banning them because summer loss

now i made example that you couldn't understand and for example i was claimed to be toxic?

the attitude you got is the same you gave me. like you said it all could have been different if not the action we both did

anyway. i can see it is all personal and i don't mind anything that had happen i mainly posted this topic due to lost temper

i would like to forget this topic and anything that is related to it. things happen be default  and on emotional base we are all people :)

and i hope that this accident wont ruin your day nor mine 

and this is all just misunderstanding.
You already made your point, no need to keep posting.

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