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Suggestion: No gunfights in Hospitals

Anne McGee

Los Santos NHS
Los Santos NHS
Los Santos Firefighter
Hello everyone,

I don't know if this has been suggested before but as incidents like these seem to happen more often now i will suggest it anyways.

I would like to suggest we BAN shooting in the hospitals.
this is for the people working for the nhs, it's mentally quite tiresome to give medical RP to people but very fuffiling, BUT when we are walking around the hospital, bringing in patients, trying to provide quality RP during example a surgery or maternity/medical appointment and we suddenly get caught in shotfire or have to evacuate the hospital this fully destroys our RP chances.

We can't continue an operation when people get shot in the hospital meaning the patient dies,
we can't station safely at the hospital cause we risk getting shot,
people suddenly get their appointments cut short due to the fight,
We can't bring people to the hospital when they need to so we can't provide them with decent care as suggesting we drive them to sandy or paleto they refuse care as it takes too long and we are forced to give them poor RP quality to get them back up and running.

The hospital is not an arena, we are not a shooting range and this all makes it very unmotivating for people to work for the NHS.

this is not targeted towards any specific person/group but meant to anyone that thinks using the hospital as a battle ground is a decent thing to do. this server is not made only for gangs and cops, so be fare and give everyone in this server their respective area to RP in, move it to the street, parking lot, roof for all I care but don't start shit inside the hospital.
-1 from me.
Yes controversial, I am NHS and it'd annoying sometimes when we are trying to do our job to save people and there's a shoot out. However first point is: we have G6 for a reason if Pillbox is a green zone then G6 don't have a job end of that one.

Secondly if a weapon is pulled at pillbox G6 and police get a dispatch. It takes a photo of the person and G6/ police can identify exactly who it is straight away. However not targeting or anything bit when a minor weapon (hammer, shovel, crowbar etc) are pulled at pillbox yes sometimes it get ignored. However being police as well as NHS I can say that 9/10 times a weapon is pinged at city Hall or at pillbox officers attend. Furthermore 80% of all cops and G6 at least carry a firearm so they can go to the situation and deal with it. If there are gang wars or regular occurrences at pillbox then as NHS you can ask the police for support and more than likely they will authorise a PSU deployment. Basically the G6 of police.

My third point is green zones just feel tacky in my opinion. I have played other servers where they have green zones and it removes so many aspects of RP not just gunfights but kidnappings, hold ups, and so many other things like that. Ik fivem is a game, but greenzones for me spoil the RP setting as people will abuse it and honestly it's just pointless.

My next point is going off the fact you said it closes down RP. Well fair enough ARs going off can be loud, but for emergency surgeries etc you can take the PT to a secure ward where both of you will be safe, or better idea just divert to another hospital. As the ambulance service we have these magical things called sirens and blue lights which help us get places quicker. Or even better if you can take, take them via a helicopter. Problems like this have happened on countless occasions and there's always an easy solution. For HCU appointments you can also use Sandy or Paleto if you need to. People have cars. They can drive to these places in under 10 minutes.

Finally these gunfights etc add RP to the server. Oh my fellow gang member has been taken to ward c time to break them out. It's can be fun for both gangs, police and everyone else involved. NHS get a fast paced scenario to deal with after the fights over helping people with GSW wounds. If there's a problem with not RP gsw just report them simple.

Sorry for the little rant here and there but overall I see no real benefit making it a greenzone. Greenzones make the server tacky and unrealistic. The server is supposed to be ' a serious RP server' so shooting a hospital up is valid. Like i have expressed this point is one I am so against even as NHS. It's an RP issue and if you are concerned about your safety etc bring it up in RP to NHS command, G6 or the Police where these departments/ agencies can come up with an RP prevention strategy.