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Stretchers/props for NHS


Well-known member
The Netherlands
Brief Summary:

Give NHS more props and/or a stretcher to enhance RP quality.

Detailed Suggestion:

In the light of recent staff announcements regarding medical RP before respawning, I think that medical props can add some spice to said medical RP. Although I've seen creative RP solutions it is a bit odd to see a medic pulling up with a surfboard under their arm to transport a patient who just fell from a crane.

Similar things can be said for /e mechanic to fix nearly all medical problems whilst only having a medbag behind you if you're lucky. These props would only be accessible to NHS personnel, creating a clearer contrast to the difference in medical RP they can provide when compared to medically trained police. Someone RP'ing in a valid 'no pulse' scenario will receive a more realistic level of care from NHS than police which would also be visible through the props.

Example: Someone is injured in a police shooting and will realistically lose a lot of blood, resulting in cardiac arrest. (Medically trained) officers can provide standard BLS care such as chest compression and shocks with an AED (already existing prop). When NHS arrives they take over this care, placing down their equipment. Things like the LUCAS for chest compressions and a LifePak for defibbing, monitoring etc. After the roadside care the patient can then be loaded onto a stretcher to be transported to hospital.



The Pros:

- More realistic medical RP

- Creates a clearer distinction between levels of care provided by NHS vs other care

The Cons:

- Dev work

- Too many props could clutter a scene

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?


Wouldn't have to speed to the hospital to "Give birth" and slip out of another speeding ticket.

+1 to this, it would be nice to put people on stretchers rather than dragging them on the floor and also have more props to help us with any medical needs that we may give to people on a daily basis as NHS

+1 it would definitely help us with roleplaying situations and transportation from scenes to ambulance

+1 sounds like a good idea. 

+1 Really like the idea of being able to place certain items i mean looking above youve got LUCAS which would have limited use but when used would be awesome, the Lifepak would be an awesome addition to have on calls. The stryker stretcher (although being the varient mainly used in america) would also be an awesome addition save us just playing imagination. One nice addition as well would be having a more realistic primary bag animation as well as even a placable open primary bag to put next to the patient. 

i think i heard @Miketalk about NHS having had stretchers back in the day but they got removed because people threw them over chilliad or some shit like that

i think i heard @Miketalk about NHS having had stretchers back in the day but they got removed because people threw them over chilliad or some shit like that
If that's the case wouldn't it be an idea to bring them back and make blatant trolling with them some kind of rule? Or restrict usage to NHS personnel.

The stretchers were a meme back then I heard. Nevertheless I really looking forward to have medical equipment usable in RPUK 

If that's the case wouldn't it be an idea to bring them back and make blatant trolling with them some kind of rule? Or restrict usage to NHS personnel.
for sure, i simply found that fact funny, would love more faction related props to be added
