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Storage box

Mine went even worse, Its sticking out of my house... and the others are blocking the doors, Devs, If you're reading this, Pls make storage boxes moveable, or at least allow them to be picked up by the person who placed them. ;-; @Cieran @Those Other Guys D;

Who says we will even have storage boxes in the new framework? This should not be a problem soon...

The new framework?

Sounds interesting.

ps, It's great to see a really active owner!

//Wow I summoned somebody of a high level of majesticness. :eek: //

#Ignore Mind Being Blown

#You Saw Nothing.


What do you mean;


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Who says we will even have storage boxes in the new framework? This should not be a problem soon...
Absolute madness, where do I store all my hobo clothes/hex backpacks now?!

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Absolute madness, where do I store all my hobo clothes/hex backpacks now?!
Nobody said there would be nowhere to store them, we only said that there would not be crates.


If it's possible that you might see these suggestion for the future,

Agios Car shop fixed or disabled. -Because cars that are bought here do not spawn and can only be collected from the garage after restart;

Aircraft use fuel slower. -The pain of using aircraft that literally eat your source of income is painful. You can probably get around ten minutes of flight time in most of the helis, I have died so many times because the only refuel point is the heli repair station at the airfield, and 20% doesn't seem to be enough fuel to make it 5-10 Km.

Greenzone kills. -I'm not really sure how obvious this is, but something needs to be done. ie: you can't fire shots in green-zone, and you're invincible.                                                                                                                                                                                                             Invincibility to stop outside attacks on you, and not being able to fire which would stop a player abusing the invincibility. Maybe add a cooldown, so players who leave the green-zone are vulnerable for say 15 seconds, but still can't fire. this would stop people hopping in and out of the safe zones.

Other people's suggestions:

Raise handgun license and costs. -The new players tend to go straight off and use the 100K starter money to buy weapons. These newbies do not typically read the server rules and begin RDMing. If handgun license was 200K, then New players would not be able to afford the license and could be arrested. 

Green-zones around key places IE: garages ( in Agios and Athira) and ATMs. to reduce the amount of misfortune and crime.

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Nobody said there would be nowhere to store them, we only said that there would not be crates.
but will the stuff we had in the boxes get deleted if this alternative storage solution is implemented 
