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Stopping Vehicles


I was just wondering if i was to be chasing a car in my SUV (for example) and was to handbrake turn in front of their car to stop it, would this count as VDM?

Also, if i am to box the car off the road and they crash, is this VDM?



Handbraking in front of them might as well be ramming them and as far as I'm aware,  is VDM. Boxing them from the road isn't using it as a weapon as such and is essentially just placing them in a  poor situation and is similar to a TPAC that is occasionally used by police.  I wouldn't see a problem with it myself as if no contact takes place you have done a pretty good job to to able to pull them over. 

To add, 

[SIZE=medium](2.1) VDM - Vehicle Death Match Definition: Using your vehicle for running people over, using it to ram into other vehicles in and outside combat, or with intent to cause an explosion are all considered VDM here (Punishment is a ban)[/SIZE]

Handbraking in front would break this rule but causing them to be required to stop, would not. 

Going purely on the definition of what VDM is, no. Handbrake turning in front of a vehicle is not VDM. You are not running people over, you are not ramming, and you have no intent to cause an explosion, your intent is to stop the vehicle. That being said, a lot of people view it as questionable. So for you to pull off such a maneuver successfully you would have to ensure a sufficient gap between you and the target vehicle, given ping, lag, all that other crap, you have to cover yourself and ensure you can justify what you've done, to do that you want to make sure you've handbraked in front of them at such a distance that they had time to realise what you were doing and take evasive action. 

If they happen to crash as a result, no, that's not VDM, because again, you're not ramming, your intention isn't to make them crash, your intent is to stop them, if they swerve to avoid and crash, that's on them.

In summary, yes you can do that maneuver, but you have to cover yourself and ensure a fair distance is left between you and the target vehicle, to give them fair chance to recognise what's happened and try to avoid.

Seems fair enough. With the lag and such on the server it could easily be seen as an attempted VDM if you don't give a pretty large gap in order for them to react. Basically if you cover yourself pretty well and they happen to be a bad driver then there isn't really an issue. Be especially aware that at high speeds of 250+ you would probably have to leave a very large gap as it essentially becomes impossible to stop with any immediacy without crashing at that sort of speed.

My recommendation would be to park in the road in front of them so they slow down to avoid you and when you have them at a lower speed try and box them from their path. More vehicles from other gang members always helps. Be aware that while you might not be breaking the rule by definition, your intention could be perceived very differently so it would be especially important to make sure you are giving adequate time for them to counter play.

OK thanks for the fast replies guys, looks like i'm gonna have to be careful in future then...  or i'll maybe just stick to the highway code instead.

OK thanks for the fast replies guys, looks like i'm gonna have to be careful in future then...  or i'll maybe just stick to the highway code instead.

That seems like a good idea. It would be a shame to see that you got reported for trying to handbrake infront of a car, they explode, and u got reported for VDM.

In another hand, you would become a legend on the Island if you managed to pull the H.brake turn infront of them, leaving them to crash every singel time. -

A tip: Practise this with a friend of yours in a private server with the vehicles avaliable on ALUK. (SUV / SPORTY)!

Hope you find a way! :)
