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Stop playing to ban people


Maybe my report was kind of "poor" but did you check how many reports he have on the forum? All the reports i make is to help admins catch the rule breakers, and in my opinion if a stranger in real life respond to me with "your mom" he would be in seriious problems, this is suposse to be a adult community right? Why i have to get answers like that? For me and for many people else "your mom" or and sorry to say "f#ck you" it´s the same thing, i think he insulted in side, he deserves to be banned like everyone else.
nononono don't  bring the topic on topic,we're staying off butthurt!

Maybe my report was kind of "poor" but did you check how many reports he have on the forum? All the reports i make is to help admins catch the rule breakers, and in my opinion if a stranger in real life respond to me with "your mom" he would be in seriious problems, this is suposse to be a adult community right? Why i have to get answers like that? For me and for many people else "your mom" or and sorry to say "f#ck you" it´s the same thing, i think he insulted in side, he deserves to be banned like everyone else.
If you're insulted by a your mum joke then you maybe dont belong in an adult community or you need to get some thicker skin
