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State of RPUK (Police & Gang POV)

Hey Straw Berri

Nice post big +1 from me with your thoughts and opinions.

I recently got banned ( which was deserved )

But even in the report on me where im getting stopped for a failure to stop / driving in the wrong lane. 

at 2:25 you can hear Inspector Tadworth saying/suggesting that im gonna get 1440 for driving on the wrong side of the road. At this point they haven't seen me doing anything illegal then to drive on the wrong side of the road.


That's the current state of the police. 

Im not saying we gangs give the greatest roleplay of all time ect ect. But its come to  a point where there is almost nothing u can possibly do against cops.
from what i understand the extended sentence you mention is only used for large incidents such as displaying a firearm and using it to take a life for example in a gang war or bank robbery this is only to be used for OCG (organised Crime groups) as they are marked as highly dangerous and in some cases terrorists im just a constable and dont know much of the system but that's what i understand of it and there may be gaps in my explanation of it. so in your case you shouldn't have received the extended sentence if you hadn't carried or discharged a firearm

Or create interesting intertwining Roleplay stories that you don't need game mechanics to do?
The only people I experienced who could manage this are few in number. The GOAT is clearly Drew. Drews RP of the old man, his vietnemese taxi driver and many other characters created great interactions and stories without the use of server mechanics. Father was the first original character I met who stood out as actually having a consistent character with logical growth.

Many leads from Lost MC, and even Angels(?) provided quality RP and story driven narrative but were often inclusive when it came to the majority of their interactions.

Gangs like Ballas & Triads did well interacting with newer players. They made good use of limited server mechanics but the street gangs could benefit a lot from additional development. They've been doing the same thing for years and it's no wonder that wars are the result of stale RP.

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I got arrested in a shop while buying a repair kit, and because I was in a gang with a weapon on me i got 1440 ( with no proof of any crime other than posession of a weapon )

When I was in jail my solicitor tried to reason with police, pointing out there was no evidence to constitute such a long sentenace, but tadworth told them he dont care what they had to say ( ive put it in a nicer way then he did ) and just sent me away for 1440, after also being sat in the cells with near 0 RPfor an hour.

I'll add a few things onto this topic as well. 

Firstly I'd like to thank Strawberry for opening the conversation that needed to happen and I agree with what most people have said so far. 
I've played the server for the best part of a year now and spent all my time within F6 Gangs (Vagos, Hustlers and Triads) across my time I've had many encounters with other players, gangs and police. Where I have met some great people and good friends that I'm sure will last. 

When I first came to the server the mentality of the police was amazing, I came over to the server in March after I was recommended FiveM and RPUK by a good friend of mine we had the ambition of being in a gang and chose Vagos to be the one. We started our journey by robbing the pharmacy to get different supplies and substances that we were going to give to Vagos in order to prove ourselves as criminals and that we could handle the pressure, in the many robberies we did there was so much RP in the build up to the robbery, stealing a car from legion or from someone, getting outfits and melee weapons ready for the mini heist and then pulling it of and having a good chase with the police. We had so many good and fun chases with the police that lasted a while with good car chases and foot chases. 

However now I feel that the police's main concern is just trying to prove that they're stronger than gangs using anything they can to over power and shut down situations before gangs have a chance to get any RP out of it or before the gangs can get a chance to "Win" the situation. There have been so many times where police just run in the middle of a gun fight between two gangs that are in active war on their turfs. I've seen examples of this while a Member of Vagos, Hustlers and Triads police completely NVLing and then complaining when they get shot for being in the area, Civilians get a warning in OOC for sitting to close to the area yet police are an acceptation why? I understand they are there to "Do their job" but why would lone officers wonder into active gunfire with little to no back up with them. To be seen as a treat and then shot and complain of a lack of RP from the criminals. 

And as for the points made about Police not being professional again its a joke half the time, a good amount of police officers act like a gang. 

IMO at the moment the "Grind" isn't worth it really as all we can do is: 

Sell Coke/Weed (Boring and High Risk of Losing it all to Police)
Taxi for Hours (Horribly Boring)
Shop Deliveries (Not really affective anymore)
Buy Nice Cars/Guns
Flip Cars/Guns to the people that Sell Coke/Weed
Go to the Casino
Repeat Flipping or Selling 

When selling polices first thing is instantly tazing you and cuffing you taking for money and drugs then leaving you there or they might fine you also, there is minimal RP given to the criminals other than "Stop selling Drugs, Go near the bike and get tazed" You make a run you get tazed go for the bike you get tazed. 

As for the sentencing and people complaining about that, IF caught with a gun after being known to police that your gang is in a war and you are wearing your FULL gang colours and arrested at the scene of a shoot out the 1440 months is completely fair enough and justified due to the fact you're in a war and causing a lot of gun fire and are a threat to civilians etc. The aim of the 1440 sentences + IMO is to make the crims realise that they can't just have all out wars within the city with no punishments or with the regular punishments of the 80-200 Months for a firearm. The scrapping system is the same thing we all know why we buy armoured cars and so do police because we only drive them during times of war or gun fights so it is completely fair enough. 

At the end of the day we all come to the server to escape something and find joy and fun within this community but lately this community has become very toxic and instead of trying to fix the problems we are ignoring them and creating more the only way this will ever get fixed is if we all band together and give each other better standards of RP and try in our best possible ways to make it fun for everyone involved in situations. 🙂

i was the first cop you killed around that corner 😞 nice shot btw, also yeah the "get dropped" i feel is fairly poor, i spend most of my time as a police officer on the server (used to only do crim and G6) and i do see and hear way too much win win win win mentality, the flaming and shit talking imo should be left to the criminals as they are criminals, as police we need to stay professional and whatnot, i wont say too much on this as everything i want to say has been said multiple times already. I just wanna drive around and have interesting random rp with anyone and everyone, thats really all the server should be about, interaction with anyone you can in interesting ways

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My personal view, not that of RPUK or the staff team. I mainly play civilian. But I had a probationary PC character about a year ago, I was part of a small unsuccessful gang about a year ago. I didn't enjoy either so left within a month of each.

I don't really know what the answer is to criminals and cops. I feel we're at a point where criminals are pissed off with the police, so have 'upped' their defence/meta to try and not get bullied or wiped out unfairly so easy (from their perspective) but the cops are then trying to get the edge by trying to keep on top of crime on the server. Cops realistically want to prevent and stop all crime. But they can't actually be successful at that as, well, crime needs to remain. The win mentality on some cops I see is, well, logical to a degree because a police officer is there to help people and catch and lock up the bad guys. But, of course, there is realising there are times it's too dangerous, time's you physically cannot achieve something without twisting something to work in your favour. I think the issue is both cops and criminals have been back and forth with each other that things have now escalated that everyone (when I say everyone, I mean most people) are now at each others throats with tensions so high.

If you could knock that tension down, everyone calms down and you start again with how you feel then there just might be a glimmer of hope to sorting the situation out. But, I feel there will be certain people on both sides who won't be willing to come all the way down and that will piss off someone on the other team and then you're back and forth getting the tension up again.

One thing that really annoys me is the comments like  "it's a game, it's meant to be fun". I don't disagree with it, per say, but more what it actually means for the whole server. Criminals saying they don't want to do long prison sentences because it's not fun. Okay, but then do we say police shouldn't have to do huge amounts of paperwork, collating evidence, case files for court. Should we say the judiciary should be able to do less paperwork to make it more fun and less boring. If that was to be implemented the criminals would be going crazy about how easy it is for them to get locked up, cars scraped, houses raided because the level of evidence, proof, quality assurance has been thrown out the window in favour of policing being more 'fun'. Those processes are there to hold the police to higher account, so the criminals aren't as easily dragged into the mud with issues of lack of evidence or similar. Your cars get scraped after a detailed evidence based process, your houses are raided after a similar process. Larger jail times again are down to evidence building and a judiciary to decide if what the cops have said is sufficient. 

I know cops get very frustrated that they can put hours of work in to prove a crime and sometimes the jail time is less than the investigation time. Wouldn't it be nice if you could log off as cop and the paperwork is done as you sleep? That's how serving prison time is right now.

I would be very careful on pushing the "we're here to have fun" idea, unless you really want that to be consistently applied across the whole server. Sure, everyone's interpretation of fun is different. Some will find the prison RP fun, some will find the paperwork fun. You'll never find a middle ground everyone will agree to. But this is said to be a serious RP server. An element of seriousness will expect a higher level of effort, commitment and dedication. It's not all about getting the win.

I'm not happy with how some cops behave, but I only really see it OOC in videos. However I always watch videos of both sides and I feel criminals are also likely to provide shit roleplay. Then they'll be those hero's on all sides who do really well to keep things together.

I honestly have no idea how you knock everyone back, cool people off and start again without also finding a near perfect balance of realism and fun that most people agree with. I come from a FiveM roleplay background from about 4 or so years ago in some even more serious emergency service roleplay communities, where cops were given points for bad driving, speeding, going through red lights. You're use of force forms, statements, risk assessments, crime reports, case files. But investigations took days, weeks. Scenarios could span a number of days). Your knowledge of legislation, law had to be on point. The bar far higher than here. It's likely for most this is way too serious, but these communities had over 100 people which, considering it's closed whitelist, very strict wasn't a bad number at all (and the limitations of 32 slots on FiveM back in the day pre OneSync). Of course that's relatively chalk and cheese comparing that with here, but my point being is everything has it's area of interest with players and I don't know if we expect the goal posts to dynamically follow those who are most vocal to try and find a middle ground - I don't think you ever will find the sweet spot.

Sorry if any of this doesn't make sense. I've slept for an hour and busy day at work!

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Okay, With the state of RPUK: 

Starting off, I honestly believe the server is too far gone now from where it began and has turned into arma more and more, Something that people said they didn't want to happen. There are so many issues covering every aspect of the server it's generally concerning and I don't believe a simple fix will do it as some of those issues have formed RPUK culture such as the gun meta / shootings / Win mentality / Rp quality and so on. So i have put two suggestion below:

My first suggestion would be to start again and by that I mean literally start the server again with a massive update that completely overhauls the server and start brand new with heavy community input and appropriate changes being made to factions / gangs / servers the whole lot, However I highly doubt this would happen for a variety of reasons.

So my second suggestion would be to do another mass community input forum post (Like the change is needed one), If memory serves me right, the arma 3 server was struggling and led to a large loss of players. This suggestion was opened and it allowed the server to change and recover and introduce new policies that are still here today that have drastically benefited the server (I,e, fair ban system). All of these were voted on by the community and helped arma stay around longer. I can imagine something like this would be highly beneficial for the server and allow for necessary improvements to be made across all aspects of the server.

I know this is a bit away from the original thread but when trying to write stuff down something i kept thinking is there no fixes for it and the best way for changes to be done is by everyone input and make those appropriate changes to force a server balance and make the server something everyone can enjoy rather than currently where people just don't want to log on or on the urge of leaving (Something i have contemplated doing recently)

This is my personal opinion so feel free to agree or disagree with me.

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Okay, With the state of RPUK: 

Starting off, I honestly believe the server is too far gone now from where it began and has turned into arma more and more, Something that people said they didn't want to happen. There are so many issues covering every aspect of the server it's generally concerning and I don't believe a simple fix will do it as some of those issues have formed RPUK culture such as the gun meta / shootings / Win mentality / Rp quality and so on. So i have put two suggestion below:

My first suggestion would be to start again and by that I mean literally start the server again with a massive update that completely overhauls the server and start brand new with heavy community input and appropriate changes being made to factions / gangs / servers the whole lot, However I highly doubt this would happen for a variety of reasons.

So my second suggestion would be to do another mass community input forum post (Like the change is needed one), If memory serves me right, the arma 3 server was struggling and led to a large loss of players. This suggestion was opened and it allowed the server to change and recover and introduce new policies that are still here today that have drastically benefited the server (I,e, fair ban system). All of these were voted on by the community and helped arma stay around longer. I can imagine something like this would be highly beneficial for the server and allow for necessary improvements to be made across all aspects of the server.

I know this is a bit away from the original thread but when trying to write stuff down something i kept thinking is there no fixes for it and the best way for changes to be done is by everyone input and make those appropriate changes to force a server balance and make the server something everyone can enjoy rather than currently where people just don't want to log on or on the urge of leaving (Something i have contemplated doing recently)

This is my personal opinion so feel free to agree or disagree with me.
Realistically RPUK 2.0 may be the only solution: stop the dev work on the main server and focus on 2.0 over haul. I’d also add general whitelisting just to improve general quality. 

Gotta be honest both sides have a strong win mentality. When police win, gangs cry in ooc and if gangs win, police will cry in ooc... Until this mentality changes all 'roleplay' between the 2 sides will unfortunatley be poor. But its not just police vs gangs, its gangs vs gangs too. 

This thread is a fascinating morning read.

Controversial statement incoming, you reap what you sow.

I believe the gang mentality from the f6 whitelisted gangs has caused this (not 100% but a significant chunk) and has been the driving force behind the decline in the police mentality. I think its immature minds that are constantly trying to one up each other and when getting frustrated taking it to forums etc.

To iterate a point, I don't see many people from the smaller w/l gangs having major forum beefs or whatever as they are focussing more on building said gang from nothing, of course correct me if i am wrong here.

This falls on the gang members of the big faction gangs. All of you. Gang leads should be holding members accountable. Same as Police command should. Do more for your orgs basically.

Second thing to mention from the Opening post, to highlight the shift needed in mentality, just because you're a criminal doesn't mean you need to do crime 24/7. I feel that kinda came across as an underlying issue of boredom which perhaps helps create the shit mentality. Not saying it is or isnt, just forming and offering an opinion on what was said.

Everyone else who said the mentality needs to change. I fully agree.

We are on an upsurge again recently in terms of population as the server is getting much more popular again from what it was a few months ago so suggesting a full wipe or rebuild is not productive. Sure it'll start off great but then if its not checked properly it will "decline" much like this one has so there really is no point.

Time better spent would simply be making more of an effort with each other on the server as it is now.

My issue is, the server is too much about showing off more than it is about RP. 
This causes people to not want to part with money for RP reasons, especially because the cost of EVERYTHING is so high.
There needs to be more things to do for criminals otherwise shooting each other becomes the only option and rince and repeat the cycle of, sell drugs, buy guns, shoot people.
It's just boring af, and is a big reason of why I had left the community after SO LONG. 
I have so much hope for the server and still want to see it succeed, but I feel like as long as the decisions are being made without actually asking the community of what they want, its going to keep going in the wrong direction. 

I kinda' also hate how if you don't interact with the correct people on the server, you don't see any of the benefits of actual RP.  Most RP is just closed book RP with decisions being made seeming completely meaningless. 


I've said this before but mitigating some of the grind through lowering costs etc would go some ways towards easing some of the pressure on people. 

Time is a currency noone has in abundance. 

Or create interesting intertwining Roleplay stories that you don't need game mechanics to do?
El Hog signing in,

Just to throw my 2 cents in, I completely understand what you're saying. People should go out there and create their own interesting, fun for all roleplay scenarios that everyone gets a kick out of. 

However, in my personal experiences, it is sometimes hard to go out there and create your own quality roleplay scenarios without people just shutting it down, whether that be due to the opposing side going for the win or caring more about their assets such as cars, guns etc. Now don't get me wrong, I have created and have been part of some quality roleplay scenarios that everyone involved has enjoyed (for the most part), but recently, I feel like the quality of roleplay has dropped among the player base.

Now if you was to ask me, "How do we fix this?" I wouldn't have a definitive answer that would solve the problem. Now if there's one thing I do know, its that everyone has to play their part in helping increase those quality roleplay scenarios we all enjoy.

I have already made a more detailed comment on another post similar to this so I wont go on forever, but one thing I would like to mention is that I do feel like people in powerful positions such as faction leads and gang leads need to understand the influence they have over their inferiors and use this in the correct way to better the server as a whole. 

I posted this in another thread but it's pretty relevent so i'll post it again and add a few extra things

I think the majority of server issues come from crims not having enough to do. I've been playing since around August last year but recently haven't been on the server in a while because the content loop from criminals, once you've done everything, is pretty boring. All crims have to do is sell and make drugs (Only worth selling cocaine and weed), life invader and main city bank (which often just get breached), shoot/beef cops/other crims or make guns (tedious sitting in the mines for hours for materials).

I belive things like house robberys, hacking, jewlrey store heist, fleecas and car scrapping (robbing local cars to scrap for money with police getting a ping whenever you hit a speed camera with the stolen car) would improve the server 10 fold as cops and crims alike would have a lot more diversity to their daily interactions as the crims aren't forced to rob or shoot other players to make money or get interactions, which often leads to low quality RP. Would also make this a lot less stale as people wouldn't be getting caught doing the same 4 things every day and cops aren't responding to the same old shit either.

Some balancing to the jobs is needed aswell IMO, you can get 8K from one taxi ride but you get about 6K for robbing a store? And you easily make more in an hour of driving round in a taxi than an hour of selling coke. Either a drugs rework or a rework to the local jobs would be great.

I think the comunity here is great and there are some amazing roleplayers around, with a more divesified option of what you can actually do I think people would come up with some really cool situations and storylines and help remove some of the staleness I know a lot of crims (and probably cops too) are feeling rn.

In regards to 1440 sentances for just having a gun, thats insane. Like I said I've not been on for a while so im only going off what others have said, but getting a 24 soft ban for having a gun is crazy. Yes I get it's a UK server, yes understand guns are rampant atm but this is not the solution. Losing the 175k/hours put into mining ontop of a 300-600 month prison sentance is plenty punishment imo. You can litteraly RDM and be off the server for the same amount of time.  This "dont log off and actually roleplay in prison" mentality isn't it either. Stay in prison and do what? Providing theres other people inside you get a good "whachu in for?" talk for about 20 minutes and thats it. I've seen cops throw thing like "make a prison gang" or "start a smoothie cartel" and again, do what with it? The prison is empty. Forcing other players to dance for you or pick smoothies is a joke that gets stale quick. I belive back when Nim was getting out there was a huge thread with a bunch of suggestions for how to improve prison but if i recall correctly all that was added was the removal of some fences and some grass. I personally think creating a prison economy, with a shady prisoner who can sell phones, one time use shanks or just a bit of incentive is whats needed to make people actually serve out their sentence.

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- Get unrefined cocaine
- Spend 1h cutting cocaine
- Sell cocaine for 2h
- Buy gun
- Lose gun to Police
- Repeat

There is literally nothing else to do
You know the name of the community is ROLEPLAY.co.uk, right?

Use your imagination and create something to do.

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Crim is boring without police and police would be boring without decent standard of crims. No police wants to come on for 6 hours giving out speeding tickets or fines to baldys.

Need more decent criminal activity’s 100% everyone’s said it for ages and there’s plenty suggestions up on how to do that. 
more decent stuff for crims to do means more things for police also. 
The argument of “create your own things in rp” is rubbish, a lot of us are constantly trying and doing that but we need something with a little substance now and again. 
